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Apr 23, 2008 10:03 pm

Just looking for some general advice here…

My situation: Mid twenties, finished my BA last year, and soon after moved a few states away and got hired on with the back office of a midsized independent BD. Basically, I’ve spent the past year here doing various operations tasks, transfers, compliance, marketing, etc. That being said, I’m probably going to be moving back home soon for a variety of reasons (few states away), and want to continue working in this industry, but have no idea what to do!

I love the industry, but definitely want to move away from operations and compliance, and more toward the product/relationship/sales side, as that’s not only what I enjoy most, but it’s what think I would excel at. From my limited experience in the industry, it seems some possible fits would be either external or internal wholesaling, life ins case design etc, or most prominently, going the way of an FA. Also, I’ve gotten my life license, and have my 7 window open (studying).

So, I’m sitting here wondering what to do next? I would LOVE to move home and be an independent rep for the firm I work for. I mean, could I just pass my 7, 66, etc, setup a home office somewhere and off I go? I have absolutely no “extra” cash set aside, but don’t want to get back into the paper mill of a back office after I move, or worse yet, start in a completely new industry. Should I look toward starting up as an FA with one of the wirehouses even though in my heart I believe in the independent route? Any advice is very, very appreciated…

Apr 23, 2008 10:36 pm

I don’t see that you have a choice if you want to stay in the industry as an FA because you have no savings. You will need the base that wirehouses offer.

Apr 24, 2008 5:41 pm

First things first.  Start learning how to live on a very low income.  This will set you up so that you have a few more options.  Beyond that, you have to decide what you WANT to do.