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Jul 23, 2005 9:51 pm

Man, did you get busted big time. This is the best entertainent value available on the internet. Good Luck on your job search !!!

Jul 24, 2005 4:20 am

[quote=Coag]Man, did you get busted big time. This is the best
entertainent value available on the internet. Good Luck on your job
search !!![/quote]

Dude-what are you talking about?

Was there another post above this that was edited out?

Jul 24, 2005 5:11 pm


Quoting "HW", "It wouldn't be prudent to say at the juncture". Suffice to say that there were quiet a few post that were deleted before and after mine. I will say that I got a feeling that there is at least one person who posts extremely regular on this forum that is sweating the idea of going to work on Monday.

Jul 24, 2005 6:17 pm


I will say that I got a feeling that there is at least one person who posts extremely regular on this forum that is sweating the idea of going to work on Monday.


What a simpleton you are, Coag.

Jul 25, 2005 5:26 am



Quoting "HW", "It wouldn't be prudent to say at the juncture". Suffice to say that there were quiet a few post that were deleted before and after mine. I will say that I got a feeling that there is at least one person who posts extremely regular on this forum that is sweating the idea of going to work on Monday.


I wish I'd seen them.  You've certainly piqued my curiousity!

Censorship reigns supreme here!

Jul 25, 2005 11:35 am


Censorship reigns supreme here!



It is apparent that there is a very active monitor on this site, and that they were busy over the weekend spraying water on a truly bothersome food fight going on on this forum.

Everybody who enjoys this type of interaction should be concerned about the weak link that was exploited over the weekend.

In a nutshell this is what happened.

There was a post made on this site--keep track, this site.  It included a photograph.

An hour or so later that photograph was changed.  You may not know this but if  you right click a photograph on the internet it is possible to save it to your local computer.  It is also possible to see where the photograph is being stored on the Internet.

Well, the changed photo was not on the Regsitered Rep website, it was on the TGP website.

Next the text began to change.  In other words somebody from the TGP website was accessing the control panel on the Registered Rep website and was making changes to things that had been said by members of this forum.

We all have a moral compass that guides us.  If yours is not calibrated correctly you'll conclude that changing websites is nothing but a prank.  However, if you're mature and have your moral compass pointing due north you'll understand the core dishonesty that infests those who do things like that.

No doubt the Registered Rep people are meeting this morning to discuss what they did not do to protect their site.  Hopefully it will be something simple like forgetting to change the default passwords that came with the software to run the forum.

Jul 25, 2005 4:58 pm

Home Officer, are you Put Trader just trying to be nicer?

Jul 26, 2005 12:19 am

What would he have to be afraid of?

Jul 26, 2005 12:49 am

I repeat, afraid of what?