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Rich kids are a little bit smarter about money than you might think, a recent survey from PNC Wealth Management suggests. But they still have a long way to go in developing healthy earning, saving and investing habits, the survey showed. Often...
Phoenix: "I think it's time that we focus on growing the practice" stated Mark. "We do a great job for our clients, we have good policies and procedures, and last year we focused on upgrading and transitioning our clients to where we were truly...
The NASD announced today it fined three mutual fund distributors a total of $700,000 for violations of its non-cash compensation rules. One firm’s activity list for a Saturday training session—when no education and training events were...
An SEC commissioner today said that asking broker/dealers and investment advisory firms to waive their legal right to attorney-client privilege in order to speed up the pace of enforcement investigations is shortsighted.
Advisors who hold certain obscure professional designations may want to think twice about touting their alleged specialties on their business cards, mailings or other advertisements—at least in the state of Massachusetts.
"Parking" a Series 7 license at a broker/dealer when you're not performing any brokerage functions for the firm has been a longstanding -- though illegal -- practice on Wall Street. Firms have used under-the-table agreements as a way of retaining...
Carolyn DeVore of Pullman & Comley, LLC, in Westport, Conn., reports: The United States and France ratified significant protocols to their income tax and estate tax treaties on Dec. 21, 2006. The income tax protocol allows a U.S. citizen working...
Sometimes you are guilty as charged caught with your arm in the cookie jar and that's it. Sure, you have excuses and rationalizations, but no NASD or NYSE hearing panel is likely to believe them.
A colleague of mine recently left our firm and the business, asking me to take care of a few of his clients. One client about whom he was concerned happens to be his cousin. My colleague was new to the business, and his manager handled setting up...