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If a client is considering using a corporate trustee as a sole trustee, co-trustee or successor trustee, he'll probably want to interview several institutions and his estate-planning lawyer should be intimately involved in this process. While...
The Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA)1 imposes new penalties on appraisers that are deemed to have made substantial or gross valuation misstatements. These stiff penalties are articulated in new Internal Revenue Code Section 6695A (see Go to...
Though more than a dozen years have passed since the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws approved and recommended that states adopt the Uniform Prudent Investor Act (UPIA), there still is relatively little case law...
As the change in the mobility of clients and their assets over the past 30, even 20 years is truly astounding. While it once was unusual for the average estate planner to have clients with different citizenships and foreign assets, it is now...
If you are like most working people, you go to the office every day. And, if you like your job, it can even be hard to stay away. But if you get a suspension from the NASD, don't give in to temptation. Stay away. Go on vacation. NASD Procedural...
Last November, Michael Domingo and his partner, John Hetzel, launched their own advisory firm in Dallas with their eyes on an unusual prize: 20-somethings without a lot of assets. Domingo, 36, and Hetzel, 30, had both spent about five years with...
Phoenix: "I think it's time that we focus on growing the practice" stated Mark. "We do a great job for our clients, we have good policies and procedures, and last year we focused on upgrading and transitioning our clients to where we were truly...
As the first quarter of 2007 draws to a close, it's a good time to revisit your business plan: those goals you established at the end of last year, the commitment you made to turn 2007 into Your Year of Greatness (as I urged you to do in my...