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Wealth Management Wire
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No, The Market Is Not About To Crash

January's slowdown is just a pause, not a significant market correction.

After the strong run higher in global equities following the U.S. Presidential Election, it looks as if things have taken a slight pause, but this shouldn't be confused with a potential significant market correction. This is not January 2016, when markets looked to be on the precipice of another financial crisis, but instead, it is 2017, where opportunities are plentiful. Both U.S. and international equities look to be setting up for further legs higher. Moreover, tangible assets, such as oil and copper producers, are set to race higher in coming years after a long stagnation. By investing in the equity sectors that are set to benefit from the new economic environment, one can continue to see capital appreciation among their portfolio.

The theory behind my investing approach is both top-down, and relative value. The portfolio that I help run at my firm is global in nature, with a focus on…

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