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Disney: Trump Train Dumps Star Wars

The culture war continues.

The Trump Force Awakens

A month after the election, the culture war continues between Donald Trump supporters and certain businesses they perceive as their opposition. First came calls for a GrubHub (NYSE:GRUB) boycott. Then, the Trump Train targeted PepsiCo (NYSE:PEP). In both of those cases, the boycott calls were prompted by comments made by the companies' respective CEOs about the election of Donald Trump. Next was a call for a boycott against Kellogg (NYSE:K) after the company announced it would no longer advertise on Breitbart, the news site formerly run by president-elect Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon (Trump Train Targets Kellogg). On Thursday, Trump supporters targeted Disney's (DIS) Star Wars franchise, making #DumpStarWars the top hashtag on Twitter (TWTR).

The timing of this boycott seems a bit odd, as it appears to have been prompted by a…

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