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Wealth Management Wire
Trump supporter Times Square Copyright Michael Reaves, Getty Images

Trump, Trade Wars, And The Traumatic Example Of The 1930s

There is the potential for great change.

The unexpected presidency of Donald Trump has plenty of people worried about plenty of things. Much of this is overdone in my opinion, but there are also legitimate issues that need to be thought about more deeply, now that Mr. Trump will be initiating his various economic plans for transforming the status quo. One of the main issues people are now thinking about is the potential for a global trade war, as the incoming Trump Administration prepares to apply an "America First" nationalist flavor to both international trade policy and the post-war security alliance of the West. There is the potential for great change, and with it the possibility of great dislocation, as the world is forced to jockey for position in a completely new international order. At least, that is what is feared if the ideas discussed in the election

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