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Wealth Management Wire
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Reducing Exposure To U.S. Market Volatility

U.S. equity markets have taken a love-hate relationship with President-elect Trump.

With a new President comes new policies. With new policies comes uncertainty. U.S. equity markets have taken a love-hate relationship to American's 45 th president, Donald Trump. At first, the idea of a Trump presidency rattled the Dow Jones Industrial Average ((DJI)) in the two weeks prior to the election posting the longest losing streak for U.S. stocks since 1980. Within 48 hours of the election, the Dow posted all-time highs and closed the week at $18,847.66, up 3.22% in just a week. While the gains posted for the week are good news for investors, the volatility we've witnessed prior to the election and right after isn't. Investors seem upbeat about Trump's proposed policy changes, but we truly don't know their impact yet. Volatility could return at any time and that's bad news for some investors particularly retirees and those living off fixed incomes. News of tariffs on Chinese

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