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Impact Investing: The Impacts, Measurement And Profit

Impact investing more than just SRI and ESG investing.

One candidate for the title "next new thing" is "impact investing." As the term suggests, this refers to investing with an eye to the ways in which the investor's decisions make an impact upon society beyond his own portfolio.

This sounds a lot like socially responsible investing, or like its close cousin, environmental, social, and governance focused investing. But SRI and ESG are both far too well established to be the next new thing. "Impact investing" is distinct in that it adds to the usual SRI ideas the notions of intentionality and impact metrics. This goes beyond the more negative use of screens characteristic of the cousins.

By standard definition the new thing, II, is the intentional allocation of capital to generate a positive social or environmental impact that is then subject to measurement.

A new Deloitte Center for Financial Services report, drawing on Preqin data, makes the following points… Read More …

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