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President Trump: The First 100 Days' Investment Winners

Apple, Microsfot and 10 other companies can expect to be beneficiaries of Trump's first 100 days.

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DOW futures are swooning at a Trump Presidency. Let's look at reality to see if we can expect a good or bad economic outlook.

Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT), and 10 other companies can expect to be among the largest beneficiaries of the First 100 Days. Why and how are discussed below.

Reality Review: The Job

Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States. He has not been crowned king and has very few dictatorial powers. His, is an executive job, leading and managing what the Congress enacts as law and funds spending for. The courts also add significant further legal restraint on the ability to rule by fiat.

Election rhetoric that can't be done without the (nonexistent) support of the Congress and the Courts includes:

  • Ban immigration or new visas based

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