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Wealth Management Wire
Donald Trump

The Market Will Fall...and Then Rise Again

The markets are going to like the result of the election either way.

By Gary Alexander

"You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing … after they have tried everything else."

--Winston Churchill

I don't think the market will like the outcome of this election - either way. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are massively unloved, even hated, but this sense of violent partisanship has been escalating over the last generation. There was also great vitriol greeting the Presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama. New Presidents tend to be scary, especially when their ethics and overt actions fall far short of nobility.

If the results of today's election seem clear and beyond dispute, we might see some year-end relief rallies and the normally positive holiday-fueled year-end market surge, but leading market indexes may decline in the first half of 2017 as we weigh the new President's rhetoric and action. Still, the lesson of history is that the…

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