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Wealth Management Wire
Buy The Best Interest Rate Sensitive Banks Right Now

Buy The Best Interest Rate Sensitive Banks Right Now

What stocks should you buy? Banks.

Whenever anyone finds out what I do for a living, their first question is always: "So what stock should I buy?". I don't mean I get asked this question a lot. I mean I get asked it every single time. It is the equivalent of that one - and only one - question that novelists get asked: "Where do you get your ideas?" That would be a better question to ask an investor. "Where do you get your ideas?" is a pretty good conversation started. "Which stock should I buy?" is usually a conversation killer. But I discovered something odd recently. I was somewhere where I was getting asked that question over and over again - not at all unusual - and realized I was answering it. "So what should I buy?" They would say. And I'd hear myself saying: "Banks." I can't remember this happening much. I mean, back

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