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Jones Pays

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Apr 7, 2005 9:44 am

Latest 10K and all there reports that EJ has filed with the SEC.  Check out what the second highest paid person got.  Then ask yourself what sort of results (read profits) most B/D require of the second highest paid hmmmmmm .......... ,Page__1,Sort__D--/free-co-sec.xhtml

illuminati, uwec where are you guys?????  Please provide your insight into the financials.

Apr 7, 2005 8:56 pm

[quote=The Truth]

MR. FAKE-  Reading some of your comments regarding wrap fees indicate 1 of a couple of scenarios:  1)  you have listened to Bachman way too long  2)  you don't have a clue about how wrap fees work  3)  you are just not bright.  The truth probably lies somwhere in the middle. 

Fees on managed accounts are dropping fast.  Less than 75 bps to be exact.  Pick up a magazine or do some homework on the internet before you start running your trap.


Nothing hurts more than The Truth!


I spent years at Jones thinking wrap fees were evil. Now I know better after only 6 months Indy. Life is wonderful!! 

Apr 8, 2005 12:32 am

newindy...please change your signature.

instead of blinded by the should be "kept in the dark"

Apr 8, 2005 12:59 am

Gee let’s talk about pay. Merrill, Wachovia, Goldman, RJFS. Chump change, right? Newindy, those fees are great for you. Where are your customers yachts?

Apr 8, 2005 2:30 am

My customers don’t want to own yachts. They just want to know that I can give them more than 7 choices in mutual funds and actually pick from a “full” inventory of bonds (not 30 years).

Apr 8, 2005 12:48 pm

[quote=The Real Truth]Gee let's talk about pay. Merrill, Wachovia, Goldman, RJFS. Chump change, right? Newindy, those fees are great for you. Where are your customers yachts? [/quote]

Where are their yachts?  Sadly, my friend that is an industry wide problem, and I think it it more prevelant at the wires than the indys.  Regardless, it is far too easy to get your license in this industry and a couple months later go out and start destroying people's wealth.  If you want to be a union electrician or a plumber you have to go through a year or more as an 'apprentice' learning from an experienced pro.  Why don't we have  model like this?  When will we finally learn?

Real are a bitter little man.  Have you considered seeing a professional for help with that?

Apr 9, 2005 2:10 am

Joe, I totally agree with you on the first paragraph. Half the folks I see in this business could screw up a two car funeral. As far as bitter, no. I just get my kicks throwing firecrackers at paranoid neurotics. As far as little? Your sister isn’t bowlegged because she was born that way.

Apr 9, 2005 2:27 am

[quote=The Real Truth]Joe, I totally agree with you on the first paragraph. Half the folks I see in this business could screw up a two car funeral. As far as bitter, no. I just get my kicks throwing firecrackers at paranoid neurotics. As far as little? Your sister isn't bowlegged because she was born that way. [/quote]

I'm glad to see we're in agreement and love your colorful description.

If not bitter, than definitely biting sarcasm and a bit of a pot-stirrer.

You're bright enough that I'm rather surprised at your willingness to defend the shameless hypocrisy at Jones-land.

As far as my sister don't think so!

Apr 9, 2005 2:50 am

Additionally, in connection with the settlements, the Partnership's Managing Partner has agreed to voluntarily retire as the Partnership's Managing Partner effective December 31, 2005. The Partnership is in the process of implementing the required undertakings, including evaluating a succession plan for the Managing Partner.

In addition to the regulatory matters, the Partnership has been named as a defendant in nine civil class action matters arising out of the Partnership's revenue sharing arrangements and sales practices associated with Preferred Family mutual funds.

On a full time equivalent basis, the Partnership had 4,030 headquarters associates and 9,858 branch staff associates as of December 31, 2004, compared to 3,887 headquarters associates and 9,567 branch staff associates as of December 31, 2003.

The Partnership's growth in recent years has been financed through sales of limited partnership interests to its employees, retention of earnings, private placements of subordinated debt, long-term secured debt

All current and future partnership capital is subordinate to all current and future liabilities of the Partnership, including the liabilities subordinated to claims of general creditors.

Ruh Ro. p;doc=0&attach=on

Apr 9, 2005 3:06 am

Jonestown, you have excellent typing skills. Wanna be my on-call BOA?

Apr 9, 2005 3:19 am

The dogfaces rested easy in the knowledge that Corporal Teddy Duchamp was protecting all that was dear to them... Stand by Me.

Apr 10, 2005 1:14 pm

Mr. Fake bright enough?  Come on, this guy is pretty sad.  He is somewhat funny to read.  Talking to a recruiter friend of mine at one of the large Indy firms.  He said the Jones guys that he has recruited have had a hard time converting to fee based because they are so used to flipping funds and getting the instant gratification.  Their behavior has been altered so much that it will be hard for the masses to change.  So the result will be they will be left behind in the storm of fee bases business.  Does this sound like you Mr. Fake?

Apr 12, 2005 2:21 am

The Un-truth, Your recruiter friend lost his biggest client when the folks at First Jersey went to the pokey. Flipping funds? Yeah, right. Fee based? I bet I gross more in trails at .25 than you gross in your whole wrap business. The reason your “butty” at a “large indy firm” said Jones guys have a hard time converting to fees is probably two fold. The first being that it’s hard to convince somebody that has owned Growth Fund of America for 15 years to add another 1.5% to the expenses. (It’s probably even embarrasing) The second and, I believe the REAL TRUTH of the matter is that Jones folks have a concscience.

I bet I just put all you Jones haters in a big lather!! Let’s all just admit I’m right, you’re wrong and we’ll have a group hug. After that, I’ll tell you a neat story about the Boone’s and the Clausen’s.

Apr 12, 2005 2:43 am

Please Mr. Jones, tell us the heartwarming story of Louie the Loser again...... it always make me want to pay you 5% of my investment up front.

Apr 12, 2005 3:23 am

[quote=The Real Truth]The Un-truth, Your recruiter friend lost his biggest client when the folks at First Jersey went to the pokey. Flipping funds? Yeah, right. Fee based? I bet I gross more in trails at .25 than you gross in your whole wrap business. The reason your "butty" at a "large indy firm" said Jones guys have a hard time converting to fees is probably two fold. The first being that it's hard to convince somebody that has owned Growth Fund of America for 15 years to add another 1.5% to the expenses. (It's probably even embarrasing) The second and, I believe the REAL TRUTH of the matter is that Jones folks have a concscience.
I bet I just put all you Jones haters in a big lather!! Let's all just admit I'm right, you're wrong and we'll have a group hug. After that, I'll tell you a neat story about the Boone's and the Clausen's.


Kid, the flaw with your argument is that EDJ is the only place a client can get American Funds.  Most indy firms handle them (plus quite a few more if it matters), and most can also sell A share annuities.

The fact is that Jones is just a second rate firm.  Nothing more, nothing less.

Apr 12, 2005 3:34 am

We lost a top producer in our region on Friday. Took a huge check at ssb. Heard CA also lost a top producer to them also. At what point do they start offering cash?

Apr 12, 2005 4:02 am

"It was a pleasure to work with Wall Street Gifts during our last sales contest. Thanks to the help of an attentive staff we were able to get the perfect gift picked out. The fine gift resulted in having over 3,000 winners and is proudly displayed in our Investment Representative's offices around the world. Gloria and her staff did a great job!!!" Don Aven, General Partner, Edward Jones Investments

Apr 12, 2005 1:50 pm

Jonestown,  You make fun of Jones pushing ‘A’ shares (the 5% line) yet Jones is named by NASD for pushing B shares when A were more appropriate.  Careful of what you wish for…The Feds could look at you next.

Apr 12, 2005 2:11 pm

".....I believe the REAL TRUTH of the matter is that Jones folks have a concscience. "

Apr 12, 2005 2:16 pm

[quote= Newindy, those fees are great for you. Where are your customers yachts? [/quote]

How many of your clients have yatchs after getting banged for 5% upfront and being stuck in the same fund family forever? Or is it your theory that one family of funds covers best every area of a client's proper asset allocation model?

Lemme guess, buy'em the The Growth Fund Of America and The Bond Fund of America and go find some other sucker willing to part with 5% up front?

Say, do you find your best prospects next door to your office at the Subway? Now, tell the truth, are they customers there, or employees?