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Apr 3, 2005 3:45 pm

MR. FAKE-  Reading some of your comments regarding wrap fees indicate 1 of a couple of scenarios:  1)  you have listened to Bachman way too long  2)  you don't have a clue about how wrap fees work  3)  you are just not bright.  The truth probably lies somwhere in the middle. 

Fees on managed accounts are dropping fast.  Less than 75 bps to be exact.  Pick up a magazine or do some homework on the internet before you start running your trap.


Nothing hurts more than The Truth!

Apr 4, 2005 3:37 am

CHAD HORTON, Edward Jones representative, 3702 West Truman Boulevard, helped train investment representatives at the firm's headquarters in St. Louis.

He has been an investment representative for two years.

Each Edward Jones investment representative must attend a designated number of advanced training classes each year in addition to continuing education courses required by the Securities and Exchange Commission. 29.txt

"Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." (Matthew 15:14)

Apr 4, 2005 4:10 am


CHAD HORTON, Edward Jones representative, 3702 West Truman Boulevard, helped train investment representatives at the firm's headquarters in St. Louis.

He has been an investment representative for two years.

Each Edward Jones investment representative must attend a designated number of advanced training classes each year in addition to continuing education courses required by the Securities and Exchange Commission. 29.txt

"Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." (Matthew 15:14)


wft is that supposed to be about?

Apr 4, 2005 3:56 pm

Lack of Truth,

You have no idea what you are talking about.  So, you resort to namecalling?  A new low I must admit for this forum.  Even Edward Jones can do better than you.  I doubt that they could be that desperate for a new hire.  Clearly, since they hired you--I was wrong.

Apr 4, 2005 6:13 pm

EJ Rep goes to Putnam due diligence..... is this an example of an oxymoron or what?


Massingill attends conference

The Herald Staff, From The Plainview Daily Herald 04/03/2005

BOSTON -- Gary Massingill, an Investment Representative in the Plainview office of Edward Jones, attended a due diligence conference at the world headquarters of Putnam Investments here Thursday.

While in Boston, he had the opportunity to listen to a market commentary from Dr. David Kelly, Putnam´s economic adviser, as well as meet with portfolio managers who shared their views on their sectors and explained Putnam´s broad range of funds and objectives.

Founded in 1937, Putnam Investments is one of the nation´s oldest and largest money management firms. As of Dec. 31, 2004, Putnam manages over $205 billion in assets under management for over 11 million individual shareholder accounts and nearly 2,000 institutional and 401(k) clients. Putnam has offices in Boston, London and Tokyo.

Massingill has been with Edward Jones for six years in the Plainview office.

Edward Jones is a St. Louis-based brokerage firm that has been providing investment services to individuals and families since 1871 and has more offices than any other financial services firm in the United States, with more than 9,000 branches. Posted to MyPlainview:   APRIL 03, 2005 01:15 CST

Apr 5, 2005 12:25 am

Truth: You’re avoiding the question. I am asking you to name names. You are the one that is so wrapped up in your hate for Jones that you recklessly throw out accusations without backing it up. You made the statement, YOU back it up. Simple.

Apr 5, 2005 12:34 am

Will you compensate me for my time calling my resources to dig up the names?  I know of a guaranteed 4 cases involving theft over the past few years.  The most recent example came from an office around Atlanta, GA.  Do me a favor and start with this one only to confirm the truth that I preach.

Apr 5, 2005 12:54 am

Hey Truth, you’re foaming!!! Four cases? Raymond James? Many millions?

“Will you compensate me for my time?” Get a freakin’ clue you pompous ass. Get off your high horse. Like I said, you are so wrapped up in your misguided hatred that your Depends are starting to leak.

All I am asking is that when you start spewing your hatred in your various diatribes, name names instead of saying “I heard” or "people I know"

Again, very simple and you might gain a shred of credibility. Have you noticed that I am having a blast!!!

Apr 5, 2005 2:44 am

Hey Lack of Truth,

The only one who lacks any credibilty on this thread is you.  Your limited knowledge of this business becomes more evident each time you post.

Don't you have a Jones recruiting meeting to organize or something?

Apr 5, 2005 12:28 pm

the real truth works for EJ ...... talk about an oxymoron

anyways the simplest way for you to search for your "ex"-colleagues charged with theft is fairly easy (but then you'd probably need lessons) so to help the disadvantaged click on the following link ;scoring=d&q=%22edward+jones%22+-dome+-ncaa+-rams+-footb all+-basketball+%2Btheft&sa=N&start=10

There are 3 recent thefts. But there have been numerous ones through the years.  To claim otherwise is either ignorance or lack of oxygenated blood to the area above the neck.

Apr 6, 2005 12:09 am

Hey Edd, oxygenate blood above which neck?

There are a bunch of IR’s at Jones and you’re only talking a few incidents. Kind of like pointing out the down quarters of ICA and saying that its been a disappointemt since '34.

Hey Zack, I learn more and more looking at your posts and seeing you get all flustered. You can’t carry on an intelligent dialogue when someone points out the deficiencies of your pompous orations from your ivory soapbox. But hey, to me it’s a sport. No hard feelings.

Apr 6, 2005 2:53 am

Ok... L.O.T (Lack of Truth),

Pompous orations?  LOL

I speak with facts--not opinions.  Kindly let me know where I have posted an incorrect or misleading statement and we can argue the points in a dialouge.  If you feel you can shed some NEW light on the merits of your firm Jones...please do so. 

Finally clone, you don't know me at all--so before you rush to judgement, spend a little more time and read a bit more about your firm and what I and others post about Primerica on this forum.  The only thing that truly reeks of deficiency is the lack of substance that radiates from your posts.

And, my soapbox aint ivory--it's made of low grade plastic and immitation wood.  I made it from all the Jones awards I collected over the years. 

Apr 6, 2005 4:27 am

[quote=The Real Truth]Hey Truth, back it up with specific examples. I mean date, time, names. Name names of brokers that have "stolen" money. Come on big guy. Back it up!![/quote]

HEY Truth,

Ever Heard of Bill 3 Mill Hill Edward Jones Investments Managing General Partner Personally paid 3 Million to stay out of JAIL...FACT



Apr 6, 2005 5:28 am

Apr 6, 2005 1:43 pm

When you have done the RIGHT THING, you should always stand-up and defend it............However, if your hands (GP's @Edward Jones) are caught in the cookie jar......admit you screwed-up and go on, don't PAY a FINE, and then say WE DID NOTHING WRONG......BS.....(Kool Aid Drinkers still believe that crap?)

Why hasn't Jones told their client base the TRUTH.......?

Look for the SEC TO COME BACK TO THEM FOR ANOTHER FINE, for not doing what they agreed to do....Edward Jones has still not told their client base about the FINES, and explained what happen, hey that haven't even explained to their Ir's........Bill 3 Mill Hill acts as if nothing ever happen......Let's see the Kool Aid Drinkers defend not being honest with their clients?

Justify not telling them the TRUTH?

Edward & Ted Jones....were good honest men who believed in telling the TRUTH, the FIRM was founded on HONESTY & TRUST, truly HELPING PEOPLE INVEST, WHAT HAPPEN...................If, Edward Jones Investment Ir's don't demand their FIRM to bring back the TRUST, by being open and honest with their client base, oh excuse me, the client base BELONGS TO THE FIRM, not the IR'S, maybe that is the BIGGEST problem of all.............  

Now Bill FU and your Kool Aid Drinkers, I have not misrepresented any FACTS....So let's have you give an HONEST ANSWER, instead of slamming (Deceptive practice of Jones to avoid telling the TRUTH) the messenger? 

Apr 6, 2005 2:14 pm


good, bad, or whatever, Jones sure does get a lot of sh*t stirred up.

Apr 6, 2005 3:05 pm


I agree with you on the  "witch hunt".

It would have been nice to see other firms defending themselves instead of writing checks also.  A SRO like NASD or SEC has too much power in some circumstances.

On audits now, RJFS looks through my personal PC in the office which I own (and run my business through).  They search emails etc...and various file ext's.  But, that's not going to help much if I am saving things on a CD..will it?

Point being is that no matter tight compliance is--it is still easy to do what Herula did at any firm.  My personal opinion on RJFS compliance is that they are fairly good.  I have confidence in that if I am audited by the State or SEC, that I will do ok.  Compliance is there to protect me and the firm (notice I left out clients{that's the "political" answer--but not the correct one}) but they can't prevent criminal activity.

Apr 6, 2005 8:20 pm

"Hill!, I told you to spread the donations around you big dummy, and don't call Ashcroft, he's not even in office anymore"

"It's gonna be a long four years JB...." 73007B2DCF7286256FDB000995B1?OpenDocument

Apr 7, 2005 2:00 am

Apr 7, 2005 4:08 am

We carry E&O.   5k deductible and 80/20 after 5k.  Better than nothing.

I might upgarde the policy next year just in case.