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Aug 10, 2009 2:45 am

Premier advisor - I do. Grow some balls and get some answers. I havent heard one person say forefront #'s went to manager on friday, the so called day they were promised to receive them.

You must have a small form of retardation or a reading comprehension problem. I have asked the appropriate people and have received answers. I've mentioned that several times in my past posts. You are very uninformed and for an outsider you sure do have an unnatural interest in the topic.
Aug 10, 2009 3:35 am

I havent heard one person say forefront #'s went to manager on friday, the so called day they were promised to receive them.
I spoke to manager. He said “your fine”. Was no need to discuss any further. Get paid Sept 1st.

Aug 10, 2009 2:49 pm

So, do you have the #'s in hand? I didnt think so !!

Aug 10, 2009 6:11 pm

Met with manager today.  Signed the paperwork and faxed it in.

  Now wait for the loan papers then get the money.    
Aug 10, 2009 10:55 pm

[quote=BE PATIENT]So, do you have the #'s in hand? I didnt think so !![/quote]

Wrong DUNG BREATH. Time to move on now!! All have been looked at, discussed and acted on.

Aug 10, 2009 11:26 pm

Yes, but have they been paid on? Talked with a good friend today still w/ WFA and he said if envision is highlighted and you and branch manager sign off on it you still may not get paid on it. Lets talk when the money is in the bank.

Aug 10, 2009 11:26 pm

The list for 4front review was in the hands of our regional manager today. He proceeded to walk around the office like a cowboy and tough guy the FA’s about each plan, even the plans that were not flagged on the report!

He made it a point to say that he needed sufficient documentation to “feel comfortable” that these plans were done correctly. He was looking for SOLD notes, something from ACT or even a note in a daytimer   – something to prove the plan was presented.

I understand they need to weed out the cheaters but his was over the top. Did anyone else have their regional try and trip them up on EVERY single client.   I hope that our guy maybe has just gone rogue.

Anyone else have that experience today? Our office is pretty fired up about it. People are quickly turning on the firm. Did I miss something in the program that said you had to document each plan for later review?

Aug 10, 2009 11:52 pm

^^^WOW^^^ Looks lik WFA now has a plan of record for every client…making it easier for the next FA to work the Wells Financial Plan when you get fed up and leave after not getting paid in full for the retention you actually had to work for…that pretty much sucks!

Aug 11, 2009 12:59 am

jed07 and nestegg, you are making my points for me. Unbelievable how you are being treated. Gotta love the trust they are placing in their advisors

Aug 11, 2009 1:06 am

The list for 4front review was in the hands of our regional manager today. He proceeded to walk around the office like a cowboy and tough guy the FA’s about each plan, even the plans that were not flagged on the report!

He made it a point to say that he needed sufficient documentation to “feel comfortable” that these plans were done correctly. He was looking for SOLD notes, something from ACT or even a note in a daytimer   – something to prove the plan was presented.

I understand they need to weed out the cheaters but his was over the top. Did anyone else have their regional try and trip them up on EVERY single client.   I hope that our guy maybe has just gone rogue.

Anyone else have that experience today? Our office is pretty fired up about it. People are quickly turning on the firm. Did I miss something in the program that said you had to document each plan for later review?

    are you PCG or ISG
Aug 11, 2009 2:17 am

Anyone else have that experience today?
No. Ours was handled respectfully and expeditiously. No third degree. I didnt have any flagged so I dont know how he handled those. Will be paid by Sept 1 in all likelihood.

Aug 11, 2009 2:20 am

All I can say is what I know,  unlike BP who likes to fix fact with fiction to come up with his own special and negative pt of view!

If plans were done as they should be, they were actually mailed to the client, and they represent a legitimate plan, then you have no worries. When you and the BOM sign off on them, they should speed thru the Envision team.  Might there be some that get hung up? Maybe, but if you can justify them, you won't have any problem. Money pd in early Sept 09.  Sorry BP, you will not get the end you hope for.
Aug 11, 2009 2:50 am

I am ISG. Seems the PCG guys are getting through this a little easier. Have to see what tomorrow brings.

Aug 11, 2009 3:49 am

I am ISG. Seems the PCG guys are getting through this a little easier. Have to see what tomorrow brings.

  I thought so.  Most ISG managers are corporate boys/girls that have never dropped a ticket in their life.
Aug 11, 2009 7:41 pm

Went over my 4-front list today w/ manager.  One account was flagged.  Probably because it was submitted on Monday of the last week.  That account was fine otherwise.  Faxing over paperwork to 4front today.  Hopefully there will be a quick turnaround.  Not a painstaking process.  However, the BS we went through in the Winter surely had me worried that we were in for another debacle. 

  I still think this was a very bogus manner to give us retention.  Envision is a 3rd rate planning tool and really doesn't treat clients like individuals.      I do not expect to be w/ the firm in a year.  I will use this extra cash to buy some time to rebuild and get my assets up and my  gross should then be comfortably over a million.    I am thinking of going independent or perhaps back to a regional firm.  No huge rush, but I hope to be gone before Summer 2010.    
Aug 12, 2009 4:08 am

[quote=20yrVet]Went over my 4-front list today w/ manager.  One account was flagged.  Probably because it was submitted on Monday of the last week.  That account was fine otherwise.  Faxing over paperwork to 4front today.  Hopefully there will be a quick turnaround.  Not a painstaking process.  However, the BS we went through in the Winter surely had me worried that we were in for another debacle. 

  I still think this was a very bogus manner to give us retention.  Envision is a 3rd rate planning tool and really doesn't treat clients like individuals.      I do not expect to be w/ the firm in a year.  I will use this extra cash to buy some time to rebuild and get my assets up and my  gross should then be comfortably over a million.    I am thinking of going independent or perhaps back to a regional firm.  No huge rush, but I hope to be gone before Summer 2010.    [/quote]

If you leave in a year don't you have to pay the money back since there is a non compete? Don't go spending it yet..
Aug 12, 2009 4:24 am

If you leave in a year don’t you have to pay the money back since there is a non compete? 11:08pm By nestegg

    Sure,  I'll have to pay it back, but I doubt that the funds I receive will be all that much in comparison to the deals offered currently by  regional firms.   Because I have a lot of HH's with greater than $3 million, I won't come close to hitting 50% of my trailing 12.  I should be able to get 100% of my trailing 12 up-front, perhaps a little more, from a quality regional.   I'll gladly pay back the pro-rated amount that I owe to rid myself of this firm I loathe.   If I decide to go independent, then I'll have a more difficult time. I may have to wait a couple of years before I exit.     
Aug 12, 2009 4:39 am

^^^wouldnt plan on 100% froma  regional^^^

Aug 13, 2009 1:41 am

Met with my MGR, signed the docs. So much for BEP ATIENT’s fear mongering.

Aug 13, 2009 5:06 am

Years ago regionals paid 50%-75% tops-- up-front.  However, many of them, at least in the North East are promising 100% plus up-front.  My production from 2006-2008 was about $2.7 million, total.  I'll be happy to do $750,000 in 2009.   My expectation is that I should be at or near $1 million in production again in 2010.  I don't think it'll be hard to attract find a quality regional firm that is willing to pay solid up-front dollars and offer some reasonable bogies to shoot for that'll enable me to make some decent $$'s on over the next few years.   I've been a broker since a few weeks after graduating college.  There aren't many 20 yr vets that are relatively young.

I refuse to sell my soul to get 150-200% up-front to work for Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, Merrill, or UBS.   I am not convinced that I will work for a regional.  I am seriously considering going independent.