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Aug 6, 2009 1:57 am

So now the plans are going to be revewed and decision to pay left in the hands of the Envision department? Unbelievable!! They will highlight questionable plans, have manager sign off and then determine if they will pay you for that plan? The rules are changing people.

Aug 6, 2009 3:14 am

Here’s my point: Oscar envelope #11 approved by Compliance-- it’s a  business envelope and is too big for size of stationery paper.  Had to order envelope #10 which Oscar could not approve because it hasn’t been approved by Compliance-- I’m waiting to see the timeline they post on Infomax to tell me when these will be approved… No need for me to lie about this.  And I’m not talking about envelopes, cards, etc. printed outside of the system. It’s just like the fax sheet that was the ONLY fax sheet to be approved by Compliance.  If you wanted to change the look of the sheet (add a group name, direct contact info, etc.) it had to be approved by CAR-- even if you were not changing compliance disclosure info. It’s ridiculous. You don’t happen to have one of your buddies at CAR-- or are you higher on the food chain-- that can get me some envelopes, do you?  

Aug 6, 2009 11:16 pm

I feel bad for you guys that are still there…sounds like the movie Office Space!

Aug 6, 2009 11:26 pm

The idea of using a third rate finanicial planning tool as a way to grant retension is ridiculous. 

Not everyone wants to be a cookie cutter financial planner and have big brother watching their every move.   The fact that the rules have been modified and timelines adjusted for creates an atmosphere not unlike the BS we went through in the Winter.    I was foolish enough to believe management that we'd see funds in early September.  I am quite concerned that the we may see further delays.  I do not trust management and I cannot stand working for this pathetic company.  I'll feel much better after we have an opportunity to address any "concerns" over specific Envision plans and the POR's review is complete.  The fact that I do not trust my manager doesn't help.  If I did not qualify for the enhanced payout 75 bps, I doubt I would have participated in this process.   
Aug 6, 2009 11:27 pm

Has anyone spoken to a lawyer regarding the language of the retension contract?

Aug 6, 2009 11:54 pm

[quote=Wachbroke]Here’s my point: Oscar envelope #11 approved by Compliance-- it’s a  business envelope and is too big for size of stationery paper.  Had to order envelope #10 which Oscar could not approve because it hasn’t been approved by Compliance-- I’m waiting to see the timeline they post on Infomax to tell me when these will be approved… No need for me to lie about this.  And I’m not talking about envelopes, cards, etc. printed outside of the system. It’s just like the fax sheet that was the ONLY fax sheet to be approved by Compliance.  If you wanted to change the look of the sheet (add a group name, direct contact info, etc.) it had to be approved by CAR-- even if you were not changing compliance disclosure info. It’s ridiculous. You don’t happen to have one of your buddies at CAR-- or are you higher on the food chain-- that can get me some envelopes, do you?  

Wells rolled out in the following order. Cards, large envelopes, #10, monarch and there is no #11 envelope.

Car must approve group stationary since it is printed outside of the OSCAR system and they must be sure people are approved for a group name. One day approval for our office, not a big deal.

Aug 7, 2009 12:00 am

[quote=AGEMAN]Another example of overbearing compliance is if a client simply wants to change the amount of their systematic w/d they have to sign a new form.  Back in the AGE days, we simply had to update the amount and as long as the bank info or the tax info wasn’t changing there was no signature required.[/quote]

If it is an IRA then the IRS requires a new distribution form the client. Not a compliance rule. Firms get audited by the IRS and could be fined. Just because AGE did or didn’t do something
doesn’t mean it was right. There are several things done that were illegal and needed to be corrected.

Aug 7, 2009 1:37 am

I spent 25 yrs in the same office until last March…Forefront was the last straw. I am now more pissed than I was before because of all the BS that I put up with at WS/WFA , for too long I might add. I really think that Danny and Jim and Kowach are very sincere and mean well but, they are not in charge anymore. I went to ML and couldn’t be happier. No matter what you think or hear, ML doesn’t have all of the stupid rules and crap that you guys and gals continue to experience. I know ML isn’t for everybody but, if you are not happy at WS/WFA there are plenty of other firms that are so much easier to wrk for. Do yourselves a favor. I never thought that I wld and did and haven’t looked back. Goodluck…

Aug 7, 2009 2:16 am

I spent 25 yrs in the same office until last March…Forefront was the last straw. I am now more pissed than I was before because of all the BS that I put up with at WS/WFA , for too long I might add. I really think that Danny and Jim and Kowach are very sincere and mean well but, they are not in charge anymore. I went to ML and couldn’t be happier. No matter what you think or hear, ML doesn’t have all of the stupid rules and crap that you guys and gals continue to experience. I know ML isn’t for everybody but, if you are not happy at WS/WFA there are plenty of other firms that are so much easier to wrk for. Do yourselves a favor. I never thought that I wld and did and haven’t looked back. Goodluck…

@ ML eh?? Have fun! Just wait til they impliment client connections on you to get paid....
Aug 7, 2009 3:11 am

Lot more will be leaving Wach/WF if they screw up this 4front payment. Tomorrow supposed to be the day they release the info. 

Aug 7, 2009 6:08 am

Wow, no forefront report yet. I am honestly feeling for you guys now but very much appreciting that I left for MS/SB. You all HAVE to be wondering how many of your forefront plans will be highlighted for rejection or correction. What a sh*tty feeling.

Aug 7, 2009 6:59 pm

People like the market do not like uncertainty. The delay in the snapshot report is unfotunate.  Sounds like getting paid within 60 days of snapshot date isn’t going to happen now.   That said if the FA’s get the official word on their plans soon and paid by mid September I think that would go a long way with them.

  Hopefully the firm honors what they said they would do for the FA's who actually did the work.  I am sure the firm knows what is at stake if they don't come through as promised.   And, If a few people fabricated the work and don't get paid, I don't think anyone will have a problem with that?!    Good luck to you guys.
Aug 7, 2009 10:36 pm

I am sure the firm knows what is at stake if they don’t come through as promised.
Most of the guys I know say that would be the final nail in the coffin. They will leave if the firm does not honor their end of this. Some may be just talking but I bet many will do it. I think the firm will honor their end of this and I do believe that we will be paid between Sept 1 and Sept 15 at the latest. Management getting the “tool” tonight or tomorrow and will be in touch with FAs whose plans may be lacking. The rest will pass go,  as I understand it.

Aug 7, 2009 11:57 pm

[quote=BE PATIENT]Wow, no forefront report yet. I am honestly feeling for you guys now but very much appreciting that I left for MS/SB. You all HAVE to be wondering how many of your forefront plans will be highlighted for rejection or correction. What a sh*tty feeling.[/quote]

Manager got it today. Already going over with FA’s.

Seems you are wrong AGAIN!

Aug 8, 2009 4:28 am

Wow, no forefront report yet. I am honestly feeling for you guys now but very much appreciting that I left for MS/SB. You all HAVE to be wondering how many of your forefront plans will be highlighted for rejection or correction. What a sh*tty feeling.

You are a f*cking tool.
Aug 9, 2009 5:32 am

Maybe, but I have a check in the bank and a CEO who doesnt give alternative time lines after promises are made. And it amazes me how much I can know about my FORMER companies “Forefront” than those still working there. If it makes you feel better to throw shots at me go ahead but at some point you need to grow some balls, call the head of the envision department and ask “What the f**K”? Then again you are probably just a Premier Advisor in posting name only and are afraid they will can your ass for actually making a stink.

Aug 9, 2009 2:16 pm

Maybe, but I have a check in the bank and a CEO who doesnt give alternative time lines after promises are made. And it amazes me how much I can know about my FORMER companies “Forefront” than those still working there. If it makes you feel better to throw shots at me go ahead but at some point you need to grow some balls, call the head of the envision department and ask “What the f**K”? Then again you are probably just a Premier Advisor in posting name only and are afraid they will can your ass for actually making a stink.

  BP, Was in St. Louie in the recent past.  Met with Lude., Kowatch, Staples, Hays, head of envision, head of this and head of that.  Everything is a go.  Everything is fine.  They were overwhelmed with the #'s done in June and are trying to dot the i's and cross the t's.  If it blows up, we move.  Until then, everything is OK.  Can't figure out why you're posting here.  If it blows up, then come on here and have at it, otherwise, sit back and count your own money to keep yourself occupied. 
Aug 9, 2009 3:30 pm

[quote=BE PATIENT]Maybe, but I have a check in the bank and a CEO who doesnt give alternative time lines after promises are made. And it amazes me how much I can know about my FORMER companies “Forefront” than those still working there. If it makes you feel better to throw shots at me go ahead but at some point you need to grow some balls, call the head of the envision department and ask “What the f**K”? Then again you are probably just a Premier Advisor in posting name only and are afraid they will can your ass for actually making a stink.

  BP, Was in St. Louie in the recent past.  Met with Lude., Kowatch, Staples, Hays, head of envision, head of this and head of that.  Everything is a go.  Everything is fine.  They were overwhelmed with the #'s done in June and are trying to dot the i's and cross the t's.  If it blows up, we move.  Until then, everything is OK.  Can't figure out why you're posting here.  If it blows up, then come on here and have at it, otherwise, sit back and count your own money to keep yourself occupied.  [/quote] Heard all the same things as Fawn did.  Almost 70k plans were done in June alone.  We'll get our money and then BP can go slink back into his cave @ MSSB.  If it turns into a total fabrication, then lots of folks will leave.   BP - just wait until you have to go thru your own personal hell when MSSB goes thru their platform/backoffice conversion.  Come back then and tell us how smoothly everything went. 
Aug 9, 2009 5:05 pm

And it amazes me how much I can know about my FORMER companies “Forefront” than those still working there.

It amazes me that you still *think* you know more than us, despite being proven wrong numerous times.
Aug 10, 2009 2:39 am

Premier advisor - I do. Grow some balls and get some answers. I havent heard one person say forefront #'s went to manager on friday, the so called day they were promised to receive them.