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Aug 14, 2009 1:29 am

I am considering this to capture the good market gains since June.
I’d take what you got. What if the market starts its usual tank job going into Sept and the Dow is back to 8k? You will be regretting that choice. I checked where my 4front assets were at the snapshot vs where they are now and its about 4% higher. Bird in the hand…

Aug 14, 2009 1:53 am

I am almost to the point of not trusting the company at all so that is another reason to defer to the next quarter
I think you meant to say “not defer to next quarter”.  I think this is another important factor to consider. Also what if financial conditions changed or more intense govt regulations and the company could not follow through down the road. I elected to take up front and as of Jun 31 snapshot. Have new households on board since then and also retro households that will pay me down the road should all go according to plan and I’m still with the firm. Deferring is like speculating in the market.

Aug 14, 2009 2:04 pm

I’d take the money.  If you don’t take the money your manager may suspect that you are out the door. You don’t want to clue anyone in.  Your body language and attitude will already raise enough suspicion. 

 If you are afraid of spending it put in a CD or something.  Then pay it back when you leave.  I recommend putting at least some of the funds in a non-Wells Fargo bank account.  The company could freeze your assets if you leave.    Good Luck!      
Aug 14, 2009 2:34 pm

Premier advisor - After your manager approved the envisions did the forefront team do their review yet? I didnt think so. Did you get a check yet? I didnt think so. My advice, be patient but be cautious. Envision team may reject the plans that were highlighted.

Aug 14, 2009 3:05 pm

[quote=20yrVet]I’d take the money.  If you don’t take the money your manager may suspect that you are out the door. You don’t want to clue anyone in.  Your body language and attitude will already raise enough suspicion. 

 If you are afraid of spending it put in a CD or something.  Then pay it back when you leave.  I recommend putting at least some of the funds in a non-Wells Fargo bank account.  The company could freeze your assets if you leave.    Good Luck!      [/quote]   Edit...the company WILL freeze your assets when you leave!
Aug 14, 2009 5:21 pm

Why are you here?

  Aren't you busy enough at Dean Witter Morgan Stanley Salomon Smith Barney Shearson EF Hutton et al?   From what I understand....If we had any flagged plans the manager has to sign off on them.  If there were several, the manager would strongly advise the rep not submit.  If you didn't have any or only one you'll coast through the remainder of the process.  The 4front team will be looking at the brokers that had several flagged.  Others will pass through rather quickly.  
Aug 14, 2009 9:37 pm

I amhere because I am the only realistic voice. Everything after from what I understand is what you are hoping for, not a bit of truth. The problem is not one of you picks up the phone and calls corporate to get the answers, instead you say ,y firnd, my manager, my regional, hell they dont know. My point is until you have a check in your account be VERY careful and expect the worst.

Aug 14, 2009 9:44 pm

Premier advisor - After your manager approved the envisions did the forefront team do their review yet? I didnt think so. Did you get a check yet? I didnt think so. My advice, be patient but be cautious. Envision team may reject the plans that were highlighted.

Dude, I will give you credit: You are consistant. Wrong and annoying, but consistant. Let's see, under your ASSumption, you submit the plans (141 in my case) AND expect "INSTANT!!!" reviews????  Under your ASSumption, you submit the plans AND expect  a check to show up the next day??? ' I didn't think so.'?????? Really??? You got your ck from Morgan the minute you walked in the door, right??? We all understand that there is a lot riding on this.  Since I submitted all our paperwork relatively early, I should get things back pretty quick, we'll see. Remember, the $$$$'s were ALWAYS payable in early Sept.
Aug 14, 2009 9:46 pm

I amhere because I am the only realistic voice. Everything after from what I understand is what you are hoping for, not a bit of truth. The problem is not one of you picks up the phone and calls corporate to get the answers, instead you say ,y firnd, my manager, my regional, hell they dont know. My point is until you have a check in your account be VERY careful and expect the worst.

Did you start the weekend a little early BP??? Looks like you are up to your 4th or 5th highball already.
Aug 14, 2009 10:35 pm

Our manager has said nothing about the forefront process other than he will be squeezing everyone in next week for their reveiw

  For those that have been through the process what is it like and what would make a plan get flagged?
Aug 15, 2009 2:28 am

The problem is not one of you picks up the phone and calls corporate to get the answers, instead you say ,y firnd, my manager, my regional, hell they dont know. My point is until you have a check in your account be VERY careful and expect the worst.

  Yo! BP.  I'll post it here again for you.  Read it slow and careful.  Take your time.  Reread if necessary.  Soak it all in...slowly.  Then come back in September.   By the way, with every post you seem like you're really a disgruntled home office employee (maybe ex-employee).    BP, Was in St. Louie in the recent past.  Met with Lude., Kowatch, Staples, Hays, head of envision, head of this and head of that.  Everything is a go.  Everything is fine.  They were overwhelmed with the #'s done in June and are trying to dot the i's and cross the t's.  If it blows up, we move.  Until then, everything is OK.  Can't figure out why you're posting here.  If it blows up, then come on here and have at it, otherwise, sit back and count your own money to keep yourself occupied.
Aug 15, 2009 2:51 am

I amhere because I am the only realistic voice. Everything after from what I understand is what you are hoping for, not a bit of truth. The problem is not one of you picks up the phone and calls corporate to get the answers, instead you say ,y firnd, my manager, my regional, hell they dont know. My point is until you have a check in your account be VERY careful and expect the worst.

/IGNORE the retard.
Aug 15, 2009 2:54 am

Fawn, you met with each of them? All in just one trip? Wow, you got pull. You must either be a billion dollar producer or full of sh**. Just so I understand your scenario goes like this - “Danny, Hays etc., I am here to ask pointed questions re: forefront and gather information you arent revealing to the other advisors”. "You bet Fawn, let me carve out each of their schedules so they can share that we are overwhelmed with envisions done in June and are trying to dot the i’s and cross the t’s. Wow, I believe that story. How you got meetings with CEO and every department head on the way down in all one trip amazes me.

Aug 15, 2009 2:55 am

Premier advisor, you cant ignore me because I am the only one that is speaking the truth in this forum.

Aug 15, 2009 2:59 am

I bet some guys who fight in here know each other in other lives at trips etc.  I wonder if any are in the same office.    funny

Aug 15, 2009 3:10 am

Premier advisor, you cant ignore me because I am the only one that is speaking the truth in this forum.

The truth will be revealed shortly. None of us know it and the more you claim to know it the more foolish you look. We will know in 1 short month. Until then, crawl back under your rock.
Aug 15, 2009 4:45 pm

Premier advisor - who uses that screen name? You are probably a 200k producer who wants to sound more important. Kinda like someone using the name Big Di** probably doesnt have one. In fact at this point I am assuming you probably are so small you dont even get to participate in the forefront program.

Aug 15, 2009 5:24 pm

Premier advisor - who uses that screen name? You are probably a 200k producer who wants to sound more important. Kinda like someone using the name Big Di** probably doesnt have one. In fact at this point I am assuming you probably are so small you dont even get to participate in the forefront program.

I guess when facts and truth fail, attack is the only game plan left.  Do yourself and everyone else a favor: Wait the 30 days.  I'm sure you'll have plenty to say either way. You'll either be a "Hero" or a jerk.  From all your past posts and comments, I'm leaning toward the latter.
Aug 15, 2009 7:13 pm

How many here will leave if they dont pay?

Aug 15, 2009 7:33 pm

How many here will leave if they dont pay?

    I will be gone if they don't pay   Foul me once shame on you  foul me twice shame on me.   Deal is already on the table.  I dare them.  If they don't pay D Liarman will wish the UBS job wasn't a rumor