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Aug 1, 2009 7:21 pm

Numerous reports of Danny L. in talks to talk over reins at UBS.......sadly,  it seems as though his Wachovia Securities run is close to being over.   I know AGE loathe the guy (and probaly rightly so).  I think the guy has always had his heart in the right place.   I think that he is sincere in his goal/wish to create a broker driven firm.   Hindsight is always so easy.   AGE was the beginning of the end.    I think he was the victim of the bear of 08.   WB going to zero.   The roll of the dice and nazi WFC "having" to swallow WS along with their prized deposits.   The retention nightmare, the back office conflicts with AGE and now what looks like a forefront nuke ready to blow might spell the end of DL's rein.   The handwriting was on the wall.  WFC are shooting real bullets.  These guys are no-nonsense conservative bankers that dont like to lose.  These guys dont fold under pressure from anyone  (retention?  these guys should be lucky they have a job).   They dont like DL and the cowboy world of teh brokerage business.   They dont want independent employees making high 6 figures.  They want ISG broker/bank "employees" that are "allowed" to work with WFC's clients.    AGE brokers included:   WFC is NOT our friend and it might be hard to see but Danny L is our friend.    Ill bet you DL is gone one way or another within 60 days.   The paine webber thing makes sense.   He coudl help the Swiss and then spin off paine Webber in the 3 years  to a...........ready? AGE model????? OMG  how ironic would that be.  I also bet WFC and WS wont be dancing together much longer.  

Aug 1, 2009 10:42 pm

"I also bet WFC and WS wont be dancing together much longer."

Then why would WFC pay PRU Billions of the rest of WFA and decide they now want IB? You would think they would  have sold both by now!

Aug 1, 2009 10:57 pm

good point

Aug 2, 2009 12:28 pm

[quote=A b]

Numerous reports of Danny L. in talks to talk over reins at UBS.......sadly,  it seems as though his Wachovia Securities run is close to being over.   I know AGE loathe the guy (and probaly rightly so).  I think the guy has always had his heart in the right place.   I think that he is sincere in his goal/wish to create a broker driven firm.   Hindsight is always so easy.   AGE was the beginning of the end.    I think he was the victim of the bear of 08.   WB going to zero.   The roll of the dice and nazi WFC "having" to swallow WS along with their prized deposits.   The retention nightmare, the back office conflicts with AGE and now what looks like a forefront nuke ready to blow might spell the end of DL's rein.   The handwriting was on the wall.  WFC are shooting real bullets.  These guys are no-nonsense conservative bankers that dont like to lose.  These guys dont fold under pressure from anyone  (retention?  these guys should be lucky they have a job).   They dont like DL and the cowboy world of teh brokerage business.   They dont want independent employees making high 6 figures.  They want ISG broker/bank "employees" that are "allowed" to work with WFC's clients.    AGE brokers included:   WFC is NOT our friend and it might be hard to see but Danny L is our friend.    Ill bet you DL is gone one way or another within 60 days.   The paine webber thing makes sense.   He coudl help the Swiss and then spin off paine Webber in the 3 years  to a...........ready? AGE model????? OMG  how ironic would that be.  I also bet WFC and WS wont be dancing together much longer.  

[/quote]   About the same time you posted this, DL sent out an email addressing the UBS rumors.  Maybe everything you posted is right.  Or maybe it's not.
Aug 2, 2009 2:21 pm

what did Danny ummmm say ummmm about it

Aug 2, 2009 3:34 pm

DL will be gone-- egg all over his face after the for months promised retention that morphed into bastardized financial planning. Size and scale means homogenization! Watch for Kowach and other lemmings to follow him.  DL was a huge Wach shareholder and won’t be improving his NW riding the stagecoach.

Aug 2, 2009 7:22 pm

[quote=FawnLiebowitz][quote=A b]

Numerous reports of Danny L. in talks to talk over reins at UBS.......sadly,  it seems as though his Wachovia Securities run is close to being over.   I know AGE loathe the guy (and probaly rightly so).  I think the guy has always had his heart in the right place.   I think that he is sincere in his goal/wish to create a broker driven firm.   Hindsight is always so easy.   AGE was the beginning of the end.    I think he was the victim of the bear of 08.   WB going to zero.   The roll of the dice and nazi WFC "having" to swallow WS along with their prized deposits.   The retention nightmare, the back office conflicts with AGE and now what looks like a forefront nuke ready to blow might spell the end of DL's rein.   The handwriting was on the wall.  WFC are shooting real bullets.  These guys are no-nonsense conservative bankers that dont like to lose.  These guys dont fold under pressure from anyone  (retention?  these guys should be lucky they have a job).   They dont like DL and the cowboy world of teh brokerage business.   They dont want independent employees making high 6 figures.  They want ISG broker/bank "employees" that are "allowed" to work with WFC's clients.    AGE brokers included:   WFC is NOT our friend and it might be hard to see but Danny L is our friend.    Ill bet you DL is gone one way or another within 60 days.   The paine webber thing makes sense.   He coudl help the Swiss and then spin off paine Webber in the 3 years  to a...........ready? AGE model????? OMG  how ironic would that be.  I also bet WFC and WS wont be dancing together much longer.  

[/quote]   About the same time you posted this, DL sent out an email addressing the UBS rumors.  Maybe everything you posted is right.  Or maybe it's not.[/quote]   Wasnt holding myself out as an advisor. just spewing worthless, specualtive crap   Did Danny deny deny deny?
Aug 3, 2009 12:06 am

danny denied…course credibility has always been an issue…have heard wfc will unload b/d-wfa in 2 yrs if mrkt conditions improve.

Aug 3, 2009 2:55 am

i got to tell something

  is this for real?   might be end of world soon
Aug 3, 2009 6:55 pm

If you all could predict the markets as well as you’re predicting 4Front, Danny and the fate of WFA, we’d have avoided ARS. 

Aug 3, 2009 7:39 pm

danny denied…course credibility has always been an issue…have heard wfc will unload b/d-wfa in 2 yrs if mrkt conditions improve.

Golly Gee!  What member of the deal team is spilling this secret info to you? ? ?
Aug 4, 2009 11:18 pm

Anyone get anything regarding their 4Front #'s from their manager yet?

Aug 5, 2009 3:23 am

There were more new 4Front rules posted today on infomax. If
you and your manager approves the plans, the plans will then be
reviewed by Envision team. If they find any discrepancy, you could have
a delay in your payment, you could also be DQ’d from further
participation in 4Front and termination is another possibility. I cant recall it
verbatim, but it sure seemed like a deviation from what we were
originally told would be required of us. There was also a requirement
that the plan be implemented, which means what? That the client invests their money just as the plan dictates they should?. I’m not sure if this is all status quo
or not.  Havent heard a thing from mgt and I cant figure out how they are gonna do all this and pay out by Sept 15. 

Aug 5, 2009 3:26 am

My regional business dev. consultant says no word yet on the “Excel spreadsheet” the managers are supposed to get for review with FAs. They need to stop posting timelines on Infomax.  I sent a rant on Excellence Last.  Side note: did you know that Compliance has to approve the size of envelopes used in the branches?? True story.

Aug 5, 2009 11:32 pm

If this stuff wasn’t actually true no one would ever believe it! Wow, just wow!

Aug 6, 2009 12:34 am

[quote=Wachbroke]My regional business dev. consultant says no word yet on the “Excel spreadsheet” the managers are supposed to get for review with FAs. They need to stop posting timelines on Infomax.  I sent a rant on Excellence Last.  Side note: did you know that Compliance has to approve the size of envelopes used in the branches?? True story.

You can only order certain size envelopes from OSCAR system . Has always been that way. You can not have envelopes, letterhead or business cards printed outside of the system. All firms are like that. What is your point.

Aug 6, 2009 12:55 am

There were more new 4Front rules posted today on infomax. If you and your manager approves the plans, the plans will then be reviewed by Envision team. If they find any discrepancy, you could have a delay in your payment, you could also be DQ’d from further participation in 4Front and termination is another possibility. I cant recall it verbatim, but it sure seemed like a deviation from what we were originally told would be required of us. There was also a requirement that the plan be implemented, which means what? That the client invests their money just as the plan dictates they should?. I’m not sure if this is all status quo or not.  Havent heard a thing from mgt and I cant figure out how they are gonna do all this and pay out by Sept 15. 

  anyone know what the review process will be.  How is a excel spreadsheet going to confirm the info in the plan.  I think this is way to delay till they can find a way to not pay.
Aug 6, 2009 1:00 am

[quote=showmethemoney]There were more new 4Front rules posted today on infomax. If you and your manager approves the plans, the plans will then be reviewed by Envision team. If they find any discrepancy, you could have a delay in your payment, you could also be DQ’d from further participation in 4Front and termination is another possibility. I cant recall it verbatim, but it sure seemed like a deviation from what we were originally told would be required of us. There was also a requirement that the plan be implemented, which means what? That the client invests their money just as the plan dictates they should?. I’m not sure if this is all status quo or not.  Havent heard a thing from mgt and I cant figure out how they are gonna do all this and pay out by Sept 15. 

  anyone know what the review process will be.  How is a excel spreadsheet going to confirm the info in the plan.  I think this is way to delay till they can find a way to not pay.[/quote]     According to the info, this process for review has been in place since 2006.  Any WS brokers care to confirm?
Aug 6, 2009 1:06 am

[quote=scotsman][quote=showmethemoney]There were more new 4Front rules posted today on infomax. If you and your manager approves the plans, the plans will then be reviewed by Envision team. If they find any discrepancy, you could have a delay in your payment, you could also be DQ’d from further participation in 4Front and termination is another possibility. I cant recall it verbatim, but it sure seemed like a deviation from what we were originally told would be required of us. There was also a requirement that the plan be implemented, which means what? That the client invests their money just as the plan dictates they should?. I’m not sure if this is all status quo or not.  Havent heard a thing from mgt and I cant figure out how they are gonna do all this and pay out by Sept 15. 

  anyone know what the review process will be.  How is a excel spreadsheet going to confirm the info in the plan.  I think this is way to delay till they can find a way to not pay.[/quote]     According to the info, this process for review has been in place since 2006.  Any WS brokers care to confirm?[/quote] There is nothing in the "new rules" that has not been expected or addressed prior.  Do your plans, just don't 'make them up' and go from there.  If you have done what is right and in the clients best interest, neither the envisions team nor you manager should have a problem.  If they do, maybe the problem is with you??
Aug 6, 2009 1:08 am

[quote=Jebediah][quote=scotsman][quote=showmethemoney]There were more new 4Front rules posted today on infomax. If you and your manager approves the plans, the plans will then be reviewed by Envision team. If they find any discrepancy, you could have a delay in your payment, you could also be DQ’d from further participation in 4Front and termination is another possibility. I cant recall it verbatim, but it sure seemed like a deviation from what we were originally told would be required of us. There was also a requirement that the plan be implemented, which means what? That the client invests their money just as the plan dictates they should?. I’m not sure if this is all status quo or not.  Havent heard a thing from mgt and I cant figure out how they are gonna do all this and pay out by Sept 15. 

  anyone know what the review process will be.  How is a excel spreadsheet going to confirm the info in the plan.  I think this is way to delay till they can find a way to not pay.[/quote]     According to the info, this process for review has been in place since 2006.  Any WS brokers care to confirm?[/quote] There is nothing in the "new rules" that has not been expected or addressed prior.  Do your plans, just don't 'make them up' and go from there.  If you have done what is right and in the clients best interest, neither the envisions team nor you manager should have a problem.  If they do, maybe the problem is with you??[/quote]     Nothing is wrong with my plans, I simply asked if the stated rules recently revealed were a deviation from the past rules.  Care to confirm?