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Aug 18, 2009 1:39 am


[quote=scotsman][quote=DigDug]I got called into my manager’s office today. Regional had called to say that they are scrutinizing the plans that were flagged, the ones we signed off on last week. Didn’t say what that meant, just that they were not rubber stamping my stuff. I have a breakfast meeting tomorrow with a local ML manager.[/quote]

This is sad. I don’t know why any of us put up with it.[/quote]Because they realize if you have put up with it this long you probably will continue to do so[/quote]

Not me. Meeting tomorrow to see what package they will offer me. This was the last straw and I expect many others will also follow suit.
Aug 18, 2009 1:41 am

biggest producer in our office had tons of plans flagged last week. our office was just notified of a ‘second review’ that is now being conducted on the flagged plans. basically, he has one foot out the door.

Aug 18, 2009 2:50 am

Wells Fargo are bankers.  Conservative smart bankers.  They hate our business.  The retention.  Now this.  They running show.   They want FA’s in banks handling THEIR clients.  Danny interview with UBS.   He is a puppet.   He is gone.  he would be gone now except he was all in with wachovia bank.   Needs a job. 

Aug 18, 2009 6:07 pm

"5 business days to process payment from time you fax back your agreement. "

Aug 18, 2009 6:25 pm

"5 business days to process payment from time you fax back your agreement. "
Are the docs sent to us inter-office, mail or email?

Aug 18, 2009 8:35 pm


  I was told not to expect an email until next week.  From there we are to sign and fax documents and its 5 days from that point. 
Aug 18, 2009 11:27 pm


  I was told not to expect an email until next week.  From there we are to sign and fax documents and its 5 days from that point.  [/quote] Ditto.  Heard same thing.....and yes BP, that means we STILL don't have the contract.
Aug 18, 2009 11:48 pm

[quote=Mr. Sunshine]biggest producer in our office had tons of plans flagged last week. our office was just notified of a ‘second review’ that is now being conducted on the flagged plans. basically, he has one foot out the door.[/quote]

Is it possible he did half assed plans? They question that? DUH!!!
You people believe anything someone posts on this board and get your
Bowels in an uproar. They don’t pay in Sept. then an whole bunch of FA’s will be leaving. Not what would they gain by that. WFC has already given them the money.

Aug 19, 2009 12:21 am

^^okay fella, i’m just participating in the dialogue. there’s no need to be a prick.

Aug 19, 2009 2:25 am

This is starting to sound a little bit like retention. No one has the real facts, however if I had to guess I doubt the firm will live up to what the original promises were. This firm never does!!!

Aug 19, 2009 10:33 am

you mean, 'ummmmm… fuhnancial advazzirz’


Aug 19, 2009 10:53 pm

[quote=Mr. Sunshine]^^okay fella, i’m just participating in the dialogue. there’s no need to be a prick.[/quote]

Wasn’t trying to be a prick, just saying…
Don’t believe all the stuff you see of an Internet message boars…you wouldn’t use Yahoo finance message board to buy/ sell stocks…

Aug 20, 2009 12:13 am


[quote=Mr. Sunshine]^^okay fella, i’m just participating in the dialogue. there’s no need to be a prick.[/quote]Wasn’t trying to be a prick, just saying…Don’t believe all the stuff you see of an Internet message boars…you wouldn’t use Yahoo finance message board to buy/ sell stocks…[/quote]

if you wouldn’t mind, go back and please read my initial post. i was sharing some information regarding a broker in our office, and furthermore, the fact that he had several plans flagged. i don’t understand what you’re ‘saying’ at all.

Aug 20, 2009 2:06 am

27 days until so called pay date on forefront and not one contract in anyones hands. My prognosis is coming alive right before your eyes.

Aug 20, 2009 2:11 am

envision guy I spoke with told me 2 weeks more. It seems that no one knows what the hell is going on.

Aug 20, 2009 11:32 am

Couple of casual observations. BP is just an idiot. Truly a person who left a company for some kind of check, and finds pleasure in seeing everybody else left behind struggle. Sad. I ENVISION this fat slob hunched over his computer typing away like a mad man, drooling and laughing at the demise of WFA while Cheetos and doughnuts are lying all around him. He curses all advisors for the fact that he was fired as a sales assistant 5 years ago.

For those of you still at WFA/AGE/WS you have picked your own future, and if you have not left by now, you are not going anywhere. Perhaps Indy is alway an option, but nobody i leaving for another firm if you have not already, that is fact. From a former WS advisor, my opinion is that they will pay, and that they will not miss the target date by more than 2 weeks.

Aug 20, 2009 11:43 am

[quote=keepthefaith] Couple of casual observations. BP is just an idiot. Truly a person who left a company for some kind of check, and finds pleasure in seeing everybody else left behind struggle. Sad. I ENVISION this fat slob hunched over his computer typing away like a mad man, drooling and laughing at the demise of WFA while Cheetos and doughnuts are lying all around him. He curses all advisors for the fact that he was fired as a sales assistant 5 years ago.

For those of you still at WFA/AGE/WS you have picked your own future, and if you have not left by now, you are not going anywhere. Perhaps Indy is alway an option, but nobody i leaving for another firm if you have not already, that is fact. From a former WS advisor, my opinion is that they will pay, and that they will not miss the target date by more than 2 weeks.[/quote]

here’s a casual observation. you’re a tool.

Aug 20, 2009 4:05 pm

Anyone received all ok from envision team in regards to forefront?

Aug 20, 2009 10:10 pm

Anyone received all ok from envision team in regards to forefront?

It's like the movie w/ Tom Hanks The Money Pit: How much longer? and the entire movie the Contractor responds, "two more weeks." Guess what? 2 weeks is still the beginning of Sept......
Aug 20, 2009 10:16 pm

Not a word. Not on the plans nor on the paperwork for the note.