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Aug 21, 2009 3:22 am

2 questions.

  Whats the difference between envision and forefront? Are people in ISG eligable?   Thank you.
Aug 21, 2009 8:18 pm
Whats the difference between envision and forefront? Are people in ISG eligable?
How long have you been with the firm?
Aug 22, 2009 6:52 am

Two points.

1) Be Patient is Cindy from The Brady Bunch. Any FA (particularly from WFA) who allows BP to poke them in the nuts to get them all stirred up should leave WFA...seriously.  I'm home office, so I rely on your abilities to manage your business and make money.  I support you every day.  It's my job and I take it seriously, and I work my ass off for you.  If you're on here listening to the know-not and getting all stirred up about not getting paid from 4Front, you're waisting your time.  You will be paid.  If you seriously don't believe it, then leave the firm.  If you have that much contempt for management, it's obviously an impediment to your business, and you will do better elsewhere.  2) For those of you who are worried about the 4Front Envision plans being reviewed.  Get over it.  IT'S TWO BILLION DOLLARS!!!  Do you really think money should be paid with no controls?  If you're doing right by your clients, no issue.  You'll get paid.  If you gamed the system, be worried.  End of story.  I've seen the reports.  Some of you SHOULD be worried, but it's a very small percentage.  Those that really wanted to participate did very well...and will get paid very well.   Grow up and stop questioning whether you'll get paid.  Focus on you're clients.
Aug 22, 2009 4:23 pm

Ok Mr. RicRelo, since you know so much, when will contracts be in hand? When will checks actually be in pockets?

Aug 22, 2009 8:09 pm

I meat a guy would works for a data communication firm.  His main cleint was WB/WS.  He said WFC is tougher and cheaper the WMT.  They are brutal with suppilers.  They do not like paying out money.   They scutinize everything.  Everyone at a senio level is paid on the bottom line.  He said their tech was so far behind WB. He said it was a joke  (1980’s.)  He said dealing with them was ruthless. 

Aug 22, 2009 9:15 pm

Ok Mr. RicRelo, since you know so much, when will contracts be in hand? When will checks actually be in pockets?

If you and your manager have approved the plans you are in the que and they are being reviewed by the Envision team now.  If that is the case, contracts will be in hands by early Sept....$$ shortly thereafter.  I know PB was the only broker in the whole MSSB system that signed his contract and didn't have to wait for the check,  they gave it to him right there.  Right PB??????  PB, when they get this thing is settled, signed and paid, you have to promise to crawl back into your cave at MSSB and never come here again. 
Aug 22, 2009 11:40 pm

Ab - spell check please. Shredder - who is PB? Pottery Barn? My check at MSSB didnt take 53 days and counting thats for sure!

Aug 22, 2009 11:44 pm

I registered on this site for one reason …to let everyone on this forum know that you all are a bunch of losers who have no life outside of your jobs which you all complain about. Is the B.S that you put up and the fact that you spend all hours of the day posting and bitching about your employers really worth it. Quit and find another career. Free yourselves from your miserable lives !

Aug 22, 2009 11:56 pm

I registered on this site for one reason …to let everyone on this
forum know that you all are a bunch of losers who have no life outside
of your jobs which you all complain about.
Gee, thanks for stopping by.

Aug 23, 2009 1:43 am

Thanks for taking the time to come by, fellatio.

Aug 23, 2009 5:26 am

[quote=meletio]I registered on this site for one reason …to let everyone on this forum know that you all are a bunch of losers who have no life outside of your jobs which you all complain about. Is the B.S that you put up and the fact that you spend all hours of the day posting and bitching about your employers really worth it. Quit and find another career. Free yourselves from your miserable lives !

Hey Meletio:
Wow, I don’t know what to say, your post really got through to me. I am going to rethink everything else in my life.
Can I have your address? I’d like to mail you a spoon, so you can use it to eat my ass.

Aug 23, 2009 1:07 pm

I registered on this site for one reason …to let everyone on this forum know that you all are a bunch of losers who have no life outside of your jobs which you all complain about. Is the B.S that you put up and the fact that you spend all hours of the day posting and bitching about your employers really worth it. Quit and find another career. Free yourselves from your miserable lives !

  You make some valid points.   We do complain.   We do get wrapped up in our jobs.   Made 470 in a bear market last year.  We come and go as we please and chicks dig us....   I drive an M5 and house worth a couple mil  (well, it used to be)   You sound a bit angry?      Let me guess......Freezer manager at BJ's Wholesale?  Picture taker at DMV?   PS:  what type of freak show trolls broker message boards?   
Aug 23, 2009 4:40 pm

Ab - spell check please. Shredder - who is PB? Pottery Barn? My check at MSSB didnt take 53 days and counting thats for sure!

BP, PB, what's the difference.  Still ='s know nothing a-hole.
Aug 23, 2009 5:42 pm

Lets see. 470m after 38 % payout and taxes you take home about 7.5-8.5m per month …pay your mortgage ( which is probably interest only ) pay your real estate taxes and upkeep on you BMW M5 lifestyle…know I know why you spend your time on this forum ( judging from the number of post you have ),…because you have no $ left to do anything else !.. But hey, you probably look damn good driving into your 3 car garage in your   overpriced Beemer

Aug 23, 2009 6:05 pm

470 net

 taxes high yes   mortgage is 3251 a month  (400ish left)   30 yr fixed    BMW M5 lifestyle?   Got alot of toys   spend time here?   becasue i can   (is pretty stupid though)   I have a decent net worth   do look good   2 car garage   Beemer is a beast  (500 HP and so much fun)   Your bitter dude.    Sorry for whatever happened to you.    peace  
Aug 23, 2009 8:03 pm

spend time here?   because i can   (is pretty stupid though)
Not stupid at all. Free therapy!!!

Aug 23, 2009 11:19 pm

Shredder - I know I got a check in the bank, a paid for home, and my head on the pillow at night without dreams/nightmares of “what is the current status of my forefront”? A b - you emberass me. If you are going to start a pissing contest please do so with better #'s than 470k and an M5. I wont start to list my income because it would make you look like you are living on social security.

Aug 24, 2009 1:11 am

Shredder - I know I got a check in the bank, a paid for home, and my head on the pillow at night without dreams/nightmares of “what is the current status of my forefront”? A b - you emberass me. If you are going to start a pissing contest please do so with better #'s than 470k and an M5. I wont start to list my income because it would make you look like you are living on social security.

of course there's no way to know for sure, but i'd bet all my lifesavers that you are a total phony. it's all too funny to read your replies. in no way, do you resemble that of a successful person. you are a wannabe high falutin' sham. keep going though, it's total comedy.   

you top producer, you
Aug 24, 2009 1:16 am

My income is higher than your income…my dad can beat up your dad…my d*** is…

I dont know about everyone else but I come here for the laughs!

Aug 24, 2009 1:16 am

BP …I got to say, a real hitter with class wouldn’t be rubbing everyones nose in his success. Kinda low brow. I thought you were above that kind of thing.