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Aug 15, 2009 8:27 pm

Premier advisor - who uses that screen name? You are probably a 200k producer who wants to sound more important. Kinda like someone using the name Big Di** probably doesnt have one. In fact at this point I am assuming you probably are so small you dont even get to participate in the forefront program.

Isn't the internet great. You can be anything you want to be and you can assume anything you want about someone. Your actions here, however, spell out who you are loud and clear.
Aug 15, 2009 9:59 pm

Premier advisor - Your a fu**ing 200k producing dusche bag.

Aug 15, 2009 10:55 pm

I amhere because I am the only realistic voice. Everything after from what I understand is what you are hoping for, not a bit of truth. The problem is not one of you picks up the phone and calls corporate to get the answers, instead you say ,y firnd, my manager, my regional, hell they dont know. My point is until you have a check in your account be VERY careful and expect the worst.

  BP - isn't all of your information coming from a 'friend'?  How can you be so confident in his info?  Hasn't he failed you in the past?
Aug 15, 2009 10:59 pm

Premier advisor - Your a fu**ing 200k producing dusche bag.

    Insults are far more effective when spelled correctly.  I think all your ramblings are the result of some regret you have over your move.  It's ok, we will all be just fine without your "inside knowledge". 
Aug 16, 2009 12:42 am

I have never witness an advisor so interested in issues of another firm. Can you please shut the f*** up

Aug 16, 2009 1:52 am

Man, you can cut the tension with a knife. I hope each of you get allthe forefront money you deserve. My only point is BEWARE !! They change the rules like I change my posts and I think some of you are way too positive. They have shown where if given the chance they will screw you. In addition to that, I truly believe that Premier Advisor is a low level producer and needs to change his posting name.

Aug 16, 2009 2:31 am

Beware of what? If they pay we stay and they don’t we leave. Simple as that. Why are u so concerned about me and my financial affairs? Do I know you? Why don’t quit spending time in this board and go play w your kids

Aug 16, 2009 3:08 am

Wow, I am realizing there are some bitter, jealous advisors out there. Dont be mad at me because my check is cashed and you are losing sleep over your. MY CEO is a standup guy, yours cant formulate a sentence. Dont hate me because none of you had the nads to move your business.

Aug 16, 2009 2:58 pm

AGEMAN - I am happy, very happy. check in bank, clients are over, market moving up and not stressing about some stupid forefront. And you statement “I am probably not even taking the money upfront” tells me you probably are planning to leave. So which is it, are you happy at WFA or ready to leave? My goodness, did all of the smart advisors leave and the purely confused and dumb ones were left?

Aug 16, 2009 4:57 pm

[quote=showmethemoney]How many here will leave if they dont pay?

Get real people!!


Aug 16, 2009 9:38 pm

Wow Ferris, I cant believe you threw out the “Faggot” word. How degrading. I know a lot of good advisors who are homosexual some probably on this form. You seem very upset and harsh, probably because you dont have enough accounts to even qualify on the lowest level. Listen, I got my $2,860,000 and I am quite happy not putting my head on the pillow each noght knowing my short term $'s are in the hands of an envision department analyst. I think you owe an apology, not to me, but to homeosexuals that may be part of this form.

Aug 16, 2009 11:33 pm

BP - you seem so insecure.  After bragging about what a big producer you are and how happy you were to leave WS/WFA you feel it is necessary to state your $2.86MM signing bonus…reminds me of a story:

A certain gentleman (Winston Churchill) inquired of a lady whether she would be willing to sleep with him for 50,000 pounds. After some hesitation, the lady replied that she supposed she would, in consideration of the magnitude of the offer. Then he asked whether she would sleep with him for twopence.

"Certainly not," she responded with indignation. "Just what kind of lady do you think I am?"

"Madam, I believe we have already established that," he remarked calmly. "Now we are just haggling over the price."

  Now we know what the price is. You are just pathetic man.  Give it a rest for the next 30 days and then crow all you want!
Aug 17, 2009 12:04 am

Wow Ferris, I cant believe you threw out the “Faggot” word. How degrading. I know a lot of good advisors who are homosexual some probably on this form. You seem very upset and harsh, probably because you dont have enough accounts to even qualify on the lowest level. Listen, I got my $2,860,000 and I am quite happy not putting my head on the pillow each noght knowing my short term $'s are in the hands of an envision department analyst. I think you owe an apology, not to me, but to homeosexuals that may be part of this form.

  Your like that chick in that commercial who asks people if they realize what they are saying when they say "That's so gay".  I'm surprised you didn't tell Ferris to "knock it off".
Aug 17, 2009 3:01 am

We all put our heads on the pillow every night. The biggest difference is that some of us can sleep soundly knowing that we did not SELL OR SOULS for a check just to make up for all the monies you personally lost in your deferred comp. plans. You pad your production just prior to leaving your previous firm with annuities and churning accounts that you have no intention of contacting after your departure. The only persons who are owed an apology are your clients if you did not inform them that you were paid upfront monies to move their assets. Also, make sure that your clients are aware that you are expected to produce specific levels of commish. even if it is at their expense. By the way before you respond, you need to realize that I have been in the business for many years and have been INDY for 5 years and loving it. After reading several of your posts I’m sure that you will deny my points while at the same time trying to figure out if you can make money writing a book “If I Did It”

Aug 17, 2009 3:07 pm

Anyone, just one person have a contract in hand yet? I didnt think so.

Aug 18, 2009 12:08 am

I do expect docs this week. If not, I will question how they will pay out in time frame they promised. 

Aug 18, 2009 12:20 am

I got called into my manager’s office today. Regional had called to say that they are scrutinizing the plans that were flagged, the ones we signed off on last week. Didn’t say what that meant, just that they were not rubber stamping my stuff. I have a breakfast meeting tomorrow with a local ML manager.

Aug 18, 2009 12:39 am

Anyone, just one person have a contract in hand yet? I didnt think so.

BP- You are consistant.  Never answer a direct question and just keep sayingthe same thing...kinda like Rainman.   No one expected to have a contract in hand by this pt.  My plans were approved and signed off on early last week.  Now at Envision.  I expect to hear something by next week.  Will be In St. Louis last week of August to guage the mood and see what's really happening.
Aug 18, 2009 12:42 am

I got called into my manager’s office today. Regional had called to say that they are scrutinizing the plans that were flagged, the ones we signed off on last week. Didn’t say what that meant, just that they were not rubber stamping my stuff. I have a breakfast meeting tomorrow with a local ML manager.

      This is sad.  This company has turned its back on the Advisor.  They made a promise and again it is starting to sound like they are going to break it.  When they first came out with this I had posted that they would not pay.  They have tried this Envision crap before  and then came back and questioned every plan.  Same old story but this time I believed, because all they put on Infomax. But I am starting to see that they are making  this into a bigger disaster than retention.   They gave three simple instructions: Meet with the Client, Do the plan, and present it to the client.  Now it seems like there are countless hoops to jump through and then we still don't know anymore than we knew before the manager review.   I don't know why any of us put up with it.
Aug 18, 2009 12:53 am

[quote=DigDug]I got called into my manager’s office today. Regional had called to say that they are scrutinizing the plans that were flagged, the ones we signed off on last week. Didn’t say what that meant, just that they were not rubber stamping my stuff. I have a breakfast meeting tomorrow with a local ML manager.

      This is sad. 
I don't know why any of us put up with it.[/quote]

Because they realize if you have put up with it this long you probably will continue to do so