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Feb 10, 2009 3:25 am

Several regionals flew to St Louis tonight for meeting tomorrow…not sure what it is about

Feb 10, 2009 3:57 am

I love DL.

He is our ally-big time   dont dis him i think the reality is when WB came crashing down over that weekend. danny just a pawn now.   like us  i guess    im starting to really really MF hate wfc f wfc.   i hope they spin it off with UBS or whoever   f wfc
Feb 10, 2009 3:58 am

Check this out… This deal is certainly not off the table… Here’s an excerpt from a 2/8/09 article…

  Peace, of Nomura, said: "Right now it is difficult for anybody to finance a huge transaction. The best solution is the Citi solution: You sell a stake into a joint venture and realize the full deal later."

Analysts also said most investors would not want UBS to sell its activities in the United States now, after investing heavily to build up the businesses over the past few years. It is a reasonably large player in the United States, even though it has not yet managed to reach its goal of having $1 trillion in client assets under management.

But UBS also faces the necessity of downsizing the huge balance sheet it has built up as the collapse in credit markets has contributed to a widespread economic downturn. It invested billions of dollars in assets that now it cannot sell, and had to be rescued by the Swiss government in October.

The bank is struggling to control costs and capital, and would benefit from additional cash, even if the price it could get from selling assets would be lower than it hoped.

"UBS cannot expand this business. They haven't got the capital to develop it," said Alain Tchibozo, an ING analyst.... (end of article)

So, you combine in a JV, slash back office costs, slash real estate costs, take care of two - two - two retentions (WF / WB and WBS to UBS) in one - pay the UBS guys nothing because they are all on deals -- fire the guys that quit Wells / WBC to go to UBS (as Wells has done with the Wells defectors) and then cut everyone under 250 at LOS 5 or more.    Bang - huge firm with the most of everything on the street - biggest bank - biggest brokerage - highest assets and production per FA - most profitable per FA and maybe even highest wirehouse payout - what's not to like for them?  Do you think either firm cares about taking profits from a 50% ownership of a JV if the profits are that much higher?   That being said, they can't kick the can down the road anymore - can they?  An announcement good or bad is now 4 months late!    Its more than a distraction - I don't know what the word for it is -- the elephant in the living room - the second largest brokerage force left in limbo with no word whatsoever - do we stay or do we go now --  it certainly is a momentum killer to say the least.
Feb 10, 2009 4:07 am

UBS/WS joint venture was hours for being a done deal.    
It was to be structured like PRU/WS with WFC a non-active owner (49%).   
DL was in Frisco at least 3 times and JFK (Wehawken, NJ ubs) twice.
The retention was going to be big. the idea being (DL pushed it) that FA’s have had basically 2 moves and AGE have been shafted.    The deal to UBS peaked at about 270%. the 1mm and above guys were to get 150-175 in ubs/ws combo. some was to be back end. This was cash.    these was some additional talk of restricted shares also. these was talk of making the AGE deal larger (legal issues). everyone would get paid down to 275 t12 (2008). 1mm-500m 80-100%.
WS would be the lead.   DL and St Louis would be home base.
NJ/Zurich would go away. UBS would give up on USA.   The Swiss govt was pressuring ubs to get back to basics.
A single reporter connected the dots and blew the deal open last week. UBS freaked out and backed off.   later saying “we have changed our minds and are committed to USA”. DL would be kind again.   no banks would be invovled and it would look more like an AG Edwards or the like.
WFC DOES NOT want the away from the bank brokerage. They want the in house bank FA’s (ISG, WFC advisors). This is where they beleive “cross selling” really happens. (read their info-they say it.)
They did not and do not understand or want to pay any up front to brokers. DL has been relentless in pushing for a retention.   The UBS/WS combo would have been a home run.
WS now is unwanted by the parent company.    It will be interesting to see how this develops.   all WFC wanted was out.
What happens now with a retention is anyones guess. I cant believe (and I do not know anything after deal blew up. my source was not there) WFC will be handing out big bucks. who knows.
All of this is legit

  Hell,  maybe this is still in play.
Feb 10, 2009 4:12 am

DL is to brokerage what Kenny Thompson was to banking.  The JV would be a disaster that would lead to lower payouts to brokers, higher fees to customers and even lower support levels in the branches and home office.  I truly believe that DL is looking for a big payday for himself to make up for his WB stock.  I don't think Wells has paid him his retention bonus either. 

Diseconomies Of Scale What Does Diseconomies Of Scale Mean?
An economic concept referring to a situation in which economies of scale no longer function for a firm. Rather than experiencing continued decreasing costs per increase in output, firms see an increase in marginal cost when output is increased.

Feb 10, 2009 4:25 am


DL is to brokerage what Kenny Thompson was to banking.  The JV would be a disaster that would lead to lower payouts to brokers, higher fees to customers and even lower support levels in the branches and home office.  I truly believe that DL is looking for a big payday for himself to make up for his WB stock.  I don’t think Wells has paid him his retention bonus either. 

Diseconomies Of Scale What Does Diseconomies Of Scale Mean?
An economic concept referring to a situation in which economies of scale no longer function for a firm. Rather than experiencing continued decreasing costs per increase in output, firms see an increase in marginal cost when output is increased.


Looks like you spent at least an hour in college.
Feb 10, 2009 4:38 am

Better yet, stop dropping tickets until there is an announcement.  Only
accept unsolicited orders.  It will pinch you a bit, but I bet a day or
two of no phones ringing on the trading desks and no trades coming in
over the wire will get their attention big time.
Damn good idea. I say we all just sandbag any production for as long as possible and let them see who pays the freaking bills. Good old fashioned work stopage.

Feb 10, 2009 4:40 am

i still hold faith that DL is what he claims to be.
You need to wake up. Helloooooooooooooooooooo!

Feb 10, 2009 4:42 am

So Ryedog is the only one that is going to call tommorow?
No, Ill be calling as well. Its shit or get off the pot time.

Feb 10, 2009 4:44 am

I still think that if the UBS deal was really that close last week that some reporter connecting the dots would blow it up. If it was that close then, it is now. If its not, it never was.

  I find this whole thing just amazing. Amazing and painful.
Feb 10, 2009 4:45 am

eerrrrr…that the reporter finding out would not blow it up…or…something

Feb 10, 2009 4:57 am

[quote=3rd ID]Better yet, stop dropping tickets until there is an announcement.  Only
accept unsolicited orders.  It will pinch you a bit, but I bet a day or
two of no phones ringing on the trading desks and no trades coming in
over the wire will get their attention big time.
Damn good idea. I say we all just sandbag any production for as long as possible and let them see who pays the freaking bills. Good old fashioned work stopage.


That’s what I’m saying.  Screw the flood of phone calls to the boss who simply will not take them.  Let the silence be deafening instead.  After all, that will also get the attention of every employee on a trading desk, all the NYSE floor guys, the product and department managers, etc.  I doubt it will last more than 2 days if you guys and gals really stick together.  Call me crazy.

Feb 10, 2009 5:06 am

Guys cmon with the boycotting trade talk. I like the idea in principle but will anyone even notice. What percentage of our brokerage force are on these boards??? maybe 5 percent at most. Love the idea but no chance anyone will notice. If you had a way to communicate with the entire force it would work.

Feb 10, 2009 5:11 am

I like the concept too but almost 100% fee-based, oh well.

Feb 10, 2009 5:43 am

[quote=jimmymac24]Guys cmon with the boycotting trade talk. I like the idea in principle but will anyone even notice. What percentage of our brokerage force are on these boards??? maybe 5 percent at most. Love the idea but no chance anyone will notice. If you had a way to communicate with the entire force it would work.[/quote]

Don’t y’all chat around the coffee pot in the morning?

Feb 10, 2009 5:57 am

um, now that you’ve posted the home office number - how will they know if its an AGE/WS FC calling. You’re certainly not going to leave your name. With nearly 2000 replies and over 200000 views  . . . well, you do the math.

Feb 10, 2009 7:16 am
Check out page 10 of the just released UBS Q408 Slide Presentation ( Note the new reporting structures, especially UBS WM Americas.  Does it appear that UBS AG may be preparing to spin it off ???.
Feb 10, 2009 11:51 am

Couldn’t see the slide but if you read the FT article it is more clear that they are setting up more defined silos, for lack of a better word, to get each group standing on its own and so it can be seen how each group - to include investment banking versus wealth management versus asset management versus trading, etc. does.  It is a move for transparency while the public lines up at the castle doors with torches and pitchforks.

Feb 10, 2009 2:03 pm

Be Patient doesn’t sound very patient anymore. Wht would we need to call JHif the announcement is going to be on Friday?

Feb 10, 2009 2:04 pm

I guess I should start checking my grammer.