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Feb 10, 2009 1:52 am

[quote=Go_Long] Be Patient.

You have gone from asking your colleagues to patient and confident of a retention package to imploring everyone to get on the phone to Jim Hayes?


Hey Go_Long - how soo very true! Be Patient must be off his medication.
Feb 10, 2009 1:54 am

I said a few weeks ago that retention was going to be paid by the aquiring firm and that was going to be UBS until the deal fell though. Today’s meeting was to figure out what to do now since DL and the boys were expecting to make an announcement this week about UBS and retention. That has all changed and they have no back up plan.

    Sadly, I think the Frickster is 100% correct.
Feb 10, 2009 1:57 am

what happened to the 13th....?  why was that date thrown around with such conviction?

BE did you come up w the date.  i did communicate w senior management and was told again to hold on.  For what?  to hear zero?  why?  is wfc that evil///keep them in the dark so they have no alternatives.  if so, that would be harsh even by standards in this crazy business.  i just wonder how dates are predicited with such conviction.  please help.  in code if needed.        
Feb 10, 2009 2:01 am

I said a few weeks ago that retention was going to be paid by the aquiring firm and that was going to be UBS until the deal fell though. Today’s meeting was to figure out what to do now since DL and the boys were expecting to make an announcement this week about UBS and retention. That has all changed and they have no back up plan.

  I'm skeptical about the UBS deal actually falling through.  All UBS said that week is that its American operations are important to the long term success of the company.  A joint venture would still provide profits to UBS.  Will be interested to see what UBS has to say tomorrow when it reports earnings.      Regarding BP's idea of swamping Hayes with calls, I like it.  Don't see any downside to doing that. 
Feb 10, 2009 2:03 am

[quote=BE PATIENT] I didnt say there was no retention Bernie, but thank you for your second post. Every one of you, if you arent willing to step up and call Hays and ask why call isnt on the calendar then you are either a 200K broker and afraid he will can your ass or just plain someone that would rather bitch than take action.

Listen, Hays and Ludeman arent stupid people. They understand 100% that theor income and the future of our company dpends on US, so if you bombard them enough they will act.[/quote]

And what on earth makes you think that they are the ones in control? All of this means that they aren’t and being strung along by WFC just like us.

Feb 10, 2009 2:06 am

I agree that UBS was the retention plan and that they started looking for a partner since the deal with WFC was announced. Now that UBS has blown up in their face, they are caught red handed with no plan B. This is truly disappointing and rude.

Feb 10, 2009 2:09 am

[quote=BE PATIENT]I didnt say there was no retention Bernie, but thank you for your second post. Every one of you, if you arent willing to step up and call Hays and ask why call isnt on the calendar then you are either a 200K broker and afraid he will can your ass or just plain someone that would rather bitch than take action.

Listen, Hays and Ludeman arent stupid people. They understand 100% that theor income and the future of our company dpends on US, so if you bombard them enough they will act.[/quote]

Why call?  I think you should all hop a plane to STL and picket at Jefferson and Market.

Better yet, stop dropping tickets until there is an announcement.  Only accept unsolicited orders.  It will pinch you a bit, but I bet a day or two of no phones ringing on the trading desks and no trades coming in over the wire will get their attention big time.  If you think the client would be willing, sit on the ACATS a day or two as well.  If your BOM asks what is going on, just tell him you’ve been distracted and spending a lot of time contemplating your future, and just smile slightly and knowingly.  All of you should answer that question the same way.  If y’all start tomorrow I bet you’ll have a conference call by Friday…they’ll be shitting bricks.

Feb 10, 2009 2:11 am

What exactly blew up the UBS deal? Someone found out about it “hours” before it was a done deal?  So what?  Does not make sense to me. I do not want to be associated with those folks anyways.

Feb 10, 2009 2:12 am

does anyone really think that it could possibly be zero.  even if pcg is sold. or wfc buys a controlling interest in the ubs americas…oh by the way.  no retention under any circumstance?  if so.  let it be zero.  a big fat zero.  i doubt it.  but if so, your clients are your clients.  decide if the future in a firm w/zero investment in you is in your best interest and make a decision after careful thought. 

  i still hold faith that DL is what he claims to be.  his words although have been scrutinized and even made fun of, i hope he is and does what he has eluded to all along.  give him some time.  to a man, i think he cannot wait to make that call.  wfc wants to sell...why?  until 2008, this firm in all channels was a money tree.  wfc are grown ups and can see past 2009.  Again.  if zero and wfc and their board is philsophically against owning brokerage then sell the friggin thing. 
Feb 10, 2009 2:20 am

[quote=fritz] This is starting to look like “The Titanic” when it was down to one lifeboat left. 

LOL [/quote]

Titanic had better odds . . .

Feb 10, 2009 2:24 am

Listen, here is what we are looking for. Retention or no retention? I was told and stand by my Friday the 13th, I dont know if they are going to e-mail us, announce a conference call tommorow, Wed, Thurs who knows, but I do know that as Ryedog said why wait for call to be announced, force their hand.

Feb 10, 2009 2:40 am

So Ryedog is the only one that is going to call tommorow, step up people. I want but dont need the retention, but I know there are a lot of people that do need it commenting on this forum. Do you want to potentially wait for Thursday for conference call announcement or do you want the announcement now?

Feb 10, 2009 2:45 am

BE PATIENT…if you are so certain on your Friday Call…what will waiting a couple more days matter? Live up to your name man…

Feb 10, 2009 2:54 am

I think its time for Be Patient to change his name to Fuc* patience.

Feb 10, 2009 2:56 am

So Ryedog is the only one that is going to call tommorow, step up people. I want but dont need the retention, but I know there are a lot of people that do need it commenting on this forum. Do you want to potentially wait for Thursday for conference call announcement or do you want the announcement now?

I don't care about the conference call announcement. As long as there is a retention announcement on Friday then all will be good.
Feb 10, 2009 3:05 am

Wow, a lot of anger towards me, is it Friday yet? Step up and voice to corporate or shut up

Feb 10, 2009 3:07 am

You’re right. You get a stay of execution until Friday.

Feb 10, 2009 3:09 am

Be patient has been the voice of reason on this entire post. You are the MVP of this post. problem is the game might not be over for awhile so keep playing.

Feb 10, 2009 3:11 am

Our Region has a Branch manager call at ten tomorrow, I will be sure to explain that once it gets to Wednesday it becomes a week, not days as JH said.

Feb 10, 2009 3:18 am

initiating a grass roots effort in month 5 as the thread approaches 200 pages???  BE PATIENT belongs in management! 

i will say this firm loves making announcements going into/coming out of a 3 day weekend.  i'm thinking the only announcement coming is dl's resignation.