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Feb 9, 2009 11:07 pm

Where are all the thoughts about retention now. 

Smart station sucks and they can't even post a conferance call on INFOMAX.  As far as being nice to our trainers they know less than I do.  Home office people are useless as well today.  Try and get information about a 403b from these people.  Why do they get 60% on transactions they don't even help with.   I am sick of all speculation.  Someone needs to explain to DL & JH the correlation between morale and production.
Feb 10, 2009 12:16 am

[quote=JamesF]Where are all the thoughts about retention now. 

Smart station sucks and they can't even post a conferance call on INFOMAX.  As far as being nice to our trainers they know less than I do.  Home office people are useless as well today.  Try and get information about a 403b from these people.  Why do they get 60% on transactions they don't even help with.   I am sick of all speculation.  Someone needs to explain to DL & JH the correlation between morale and production. [/quote]   Your first day with a new system, and you don't have all the answers?  Amazing!  Maybe you should spend some of your web-surfing time reading the training info. 
Feb 10, 2009 12:20 am

The real question is can this thread get to 200 pages by the end of the day?

Feb 10, 2009 12:25 am

BP…what do you think about retention?  I was told that they had an unplanned meeting about retention today in St Louis.  Cant be good.

Feb 10, 2009 12:47 am

Danny was not in the office today but is in the rest of the week. Why do you automatically assume “Cant be good”? Retention is coming but I believe the best thing that could happen right now is to have EVERY frickin broker call Hays office in the next two days asking about retention. Flood the system. Ask his assistant, ask to speak with Hays. Play stupid, say “Jim said the retention was coming in days, not weeks but havent seen any announcement about conference call”. Send a frickin message. I magine 6,000+ brokers calling over two days with “Just wondering” comments. Why not? I highly recommend calling. Then hopefully they will schedule the conference call.

Feb 10, 2009 12:50 am

Feb 10, 2009 12:50 am

I am just very suprised that no call was announced today. 

Feb 10, 2009 12:57 am

BP you hit a point I made in earlier.  Why is everyone being so passive and nice?  Get after management to live up to their side of the bargain.  Their paychecks come from our production.  They need to do the job we’re paying them to do. 

Feb 10, 2009 12:59 am

I’m not surprised. Look, I am serious. Call (314)955-3000. Ask to speak with Jim Hays office. Dont be confrontational, just ask. Tell the other brokers in your office to call. He probably wont take the calls but your telling me that after his assistant not getting one thing done and telling Jim “I am slammed with retention questions based on your days not weeks comment” wont force him to call Danny and say WTF, we need to get a call on the calendar. If we arent willing to even make a call to ask we shouldnt be on here bitching about no action.

Feb 10, 2009 1:04 am

I’m not surprised. Look, I am serious. Call (314)955-3000. Ask to speak with Jim Hays office. Dont be confrontational, just ask. Tell the other brokers in your office to call. He probably wont take the calls but your telling me that after his assistant not getting one thing done and telling Jim “I am slammed with retention questions based on your days not weeks comment” wont force him to call Danny and say WTF, we need to get a call on the calendar. If we arent willing to even make a call to ask we shouldnt be on here bitching about no action.

You said last week there would be retention and now there aint shit. Your credibility is zero.
Feb 10, 2009 1:06 am

This is starting to look like “The Titanic” when it was down to one lifeboat left. 

Feb 10, 2009 1:12 am

This is starting to look like “The Titanic” when it was down to one lifeboat left.


Feb 10, 2009 1:22 am

I said a few weeks ago that retention was going to be paid by the aquiring firm and that was going to be UBS until the deal fell though. Today’s meeting was to figure out what to do now since DL and the boys were expecting to make an announcement this week about UBS and retention. That has all changed and they have no back up plan.

Feb 10, 2009 1:28 am

why don’t we assume that there is no retention and make our decision from there. 

Feb 10, 2009 1:31 am

Relax, everything’s fine. I’m sure that Tad’s wife’s neighbor’s friend just had her
wires crossed and meant to say the NEXT Friday AFTER February 13th. 

Feb 10, 2009 1:34 am

I didnt say there was no retention Bernie, but thank you for your second post. Every one of you, if you arent willing to step up and call Hays and ask why call isnt on the calendar then you are either a 200K broker and afraid he will can your ass or just plain someone that would rather bitch than take action.

Listen, Hays and Ludeman arent stupid people. They understand 100% that theor income and the future of our company dpends on US, so if you bombard them enough they will act.

Feb 10, 2009 1:41 am

[quote=BE PATIENT] I didnt say there was no retention Bernie, but thank you for your second post. Every one of you, if you arent willing to step up and call Hays and ask why call isnt on the calendar then you are either a 200K broker and afraid he will can your ass or just plain someone that would rather bitch than take action.

Listen, Hays and Ludeman arent stupid people. They understand 100% that theor income and the future of our company dpends on US, so if you bombard them enough they will act.[/quote]

Hey AGE legacy - remember back in the day when management stood behind their fc’s and demanded answers??? I’m still trying to figure out who my wb manager is…hmmm, I know he has an office in my building…

Feb 10, 2009 1:43 am

Step up NCGNTO, this aint AGE anymore. Throw your weight around a bit.

Feb 10, 2009 1:44 am

Be Patient.  

  You have gone from asking your colleagues to patient and confident of a retention package to imploring everyone to get on the phone to Jim Hayes?           
Feb 10, 2009 1:52 am

Yes I have, are you willing. You have posted 135 times on the retention so are you now willing to ask “Hey Jim, whats the status of conference call”? See everyone is now saying “On a Monday” where is the call announcement? Well ask!! Dont ask the forum, ask the person that will announce retention.