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Mar 7, 2009 2:03 pm

RBC is one of the “few” solid banks in the world at the moment.

Mar 7, 2009 3:54 pm

why is it funny?
This is a legit question, that i am looking for an answer to, not an attempt to be a wise ass

Mar 7, 2009 4:27 pm

Dow had a recent article on the strength of the Canadian banks.  RBC's stock has done well compared to other financials.  You should start a new thread, maybe some Dain guys will chime in if you do.

Mar 7, 2009 5:21 pm
Ferris Bueller:

[quote=whalehunter] RBC is one of the “few” solid banks in the world at the moment.[/quote]

I laughed when I read this.

You laughed cause you thought I'm wrong or just the whole situation in general?
Mar 7, 2009 6:05 pm

Canucks look so smart.   

pretty amazing since they right next to USA.

No selling of mortgages.   old school.

you write loan. stays on your books.

conservative (based on our insane crap we had) regulation of banks.

now they have




solvent mf banks

AIG is the poster child of this meltdown.   

Their Jedi Witch Doctor department has/had CDS and other weopons of mass destruction that totaled the GDP of:

1. Germany


2.   France

That was bright.

Mar 7, 2009 6:31 pm
CDO Squared:

Canucks look so smart.   

pretty amazing since they right next to USA.

No selling of mortgages.   old school.
you write loan. stays on your books.

conservative (based on our insane crap we had) regulation of banks.

now they have

solvent mf banks

AIG is the poster child of this meltdown.   

Their Jedi Witch Doctor department has/had CDS and other weopons of mass destruction that totaled the GDP of:

1. Germany
2.   France

That was bright.

    Agreed, CDO Sqared...AIG sh$% is like throwing gas on the fire...the guys running that disaster  are the ones who should be in pink prison garb with Sheriff Joe...
Mar 7, 2009 7:16 pm

BEN EDWARDS Interview?

Someone mentioned something about a new Ben Edwards interview, where do I find it? Or is someone creating 10 different forms of smoke?
Mar 7, 2009 7:54 pm


BEN EDWARDS Interview?

Someone mentioned something about a new Ben Edwards interview, where do I find it? Or is someone creating 10 different forms of smoke?[/quote]    
Mar 8, 2009 8:29 pm

Man, with the markets down and therefore business down the drain, along with no retention, it sure is hard to stomach when a transferee with a big fat check walks in our office.

Keeps me profoundly depressed and sleepless.


Mar 9, 2009 1:43 am

[quote=mnbondguy][quote=stop_whining]never met Danny. not sure he’s the visionary that some hold him out as. I DO KNOW that I need to do my job. I don’t always enjoy what that means I need to do, BUT I DO IT. that’s life dude, the sooner u figure it out the more likely you can avoid that landscaping job that looms before u.

seriously, what benefit do you, or anyone else on this blog, derive?   give it up and get to work. or not, and blame a bunch of ppl for your future failures, the same way you blame them for your past failures.

got it? good. move on…[/quote] 

I am doing my Job....Are you?  If you don't derive any any benefit on this blog, why are you on it?  I am on here purely for the entertainment of it all.  I find it hilarious that somebody like you would come on here and put the WB spin on the retention issue.  You have to be a paid spin doctor, because no reasonable person would criticize brokers for wanting retention and then defend Carrolls bonus.    Who have I blamed for my failures??  I am not a current WS employee.  I have merely pointed out that the WS model (as well as the C/MER/LEH/BS etc) has been a failure, hopefully you can atleast admit that.  If you don't think so, ask one of WB stockholders.    Got it??  If not, I am sure I can paste a WB stock chart in my next post for you.[/quote]

well mr Ed jones or stifel piker, ever do more than 200 in a yr?  wanting a retention is one thing, whining when you don't get it in the form of free money is another. do a lil work = 50%. get on with it. and know that ML nor MSSB paid anythng to pikers like u who never sniffed the lowest end that gets paid their. 500k. you take 3 yrs to do that.

go indy before u go RBC, janney, stifel, etc. 
Mar 9, 2009 1:46 am

Yeah whatever you do don’t go to Stifel…LMAO…who would want to work for a firm doing all the right things, opening offices every week, and whose stock price hasn’t tanked…not to mention…great payouts, awesome back office support, no haircuts, and no WS/WFC BS…yeah whatever you do don’t do that…

Mar 9, 2009 1:56 am

[quote=stop_whining] [quote=mnbondguy][quote=stop_whining]never met Danny. not sure he’s the visionary that some hold him out as. I DO KNOW that I need to do my job. I don’t always enjoy what that means I need to do, BUT I DO IT. that’s life dude, the sooner u figure it out the more likely you can avoid that landscaping job that looms before u.

seriously, what benefit do you, or anyone else on this blog, derive?   give it up and get to work. or not, and blame a bunch of ppl for your future failures, the same way you blame them for your past failures.

got it? good. move on…[/quote] 

I am doing my Job....Are you?  If you don't derive any any benefit on this blog, why are you on it?  I am on here purely for the entertainment of it all.  I find it hilarious that somebody like you would come on here and put the WB spin on the retention issue.  You have to be a paid spin doctor, because no reasonable person would criticize brokers for wanting retention and then defend Carrolls bonus.    Who have I blamed for my failures??  I am not a current WS employee.  I have merely pointed out that the WS model (as well as the C/MER/LEH/BS etc) has been a failure, hopefully you can atleast admit that.  If you don't think so, ask one of WB stockholders.    Got it??  If not, I am sure I can paste a WB stock chart in my next post for you.[/quote]

well mr Ed jones or stifel piker, ever do more than 200 in a yr?  wanting a retention is one thing, whining when you don't get it in the form of free money is another. do a lil work = 50%. get on with it. and know that ML nor MSSB paid anythng to pikers like u who never sniffed the lowest end that gets paid their. 500k. you take 3 yrs to do that.

go indy before u go RBC, janney, stifel, etc. 
[/quote] If you can't attack the message, attack the messenger.  I guess you no longer want to debate the facts.  Let me guess, you didn't make it in sales, so now you are in managment.  Yep, I am a
Mar 9, 2009 2:01 am

[quote=mnbondguy][quote=stop_whining] [quote=mnbondguy][quote=stop_whining]never met Danny. not sure he’s the visionary that some hold him out as. I DO KNOW that I need to do my job. I don’t always enjoy what that means I need to do, BUT I DO IT. that’s life dude, the sooner u figure it out the more likely you can avoid that landscaping job that looms before u.

seriously, what benefit do you, or anyone else on this blog, derive?   give it up and get to work. or not, and blame a bunch of ppl for your future failures, the same way you blame them for your past failures.

got it? good. move on…[/quote] 

I am doing my Job....Are you?  If you don't derive any any benefit on this blog, why are you on it?  I am on here purely for the entertainment of it all.  I find it hilarious that somebody like you would come on here and put the WB spin on the retention issue.  You have to be a paid spin doctor, because no reasonable person would criticize brokers for wanting retention and then defend Carrolls bonus.    Who have I blamed for my failures??  I am not a current WS employee.  I have merely pointed out that the WS model (as well as the C/MER/LEH/BS etc) has been a failure, hopefully you can atleast admit that.  If you don't think so, ask one of WB stockholders.    Got it??  If not, I am sure I can paste a WB stock chart in my next post for you.[/quote]

well mr Ed jones or stifel piker, ever do more than 200 in a yr?  wanting a retention is one thing, whining when you don't get it in the form of free money is another. do a lil work = 50%. get on with it. and know that ML nor MSSB paid anythng to pikers like u who never sniffed the lowest end that gets paid their. 500k. you take 3 yrs to do that.

go indy before u go RBC, janney, stifel, etc. 
[/quote] If you can't attack the message, attack the messenger.  I guess you no longer want to debate the facts.  Let me guess, you didn't make it in sales, so now you are in managment.  Yep, I am a[/quote]

important big step to admit you do no biz, run <20mm in assets. 
Mar 9, 2009 2:40 am

Is Stifel getting under your skin?  Another week, another prominent AGE hire.   Hopefully you didn't have your entire networth in WB stock.

Mar 9, 2009 3:07 am


Is Stifel getting under your skin?  Another week, another prominent AGE hire.   Hopefully you didn’t have your entire networth in WB stock.

Maybe he is the last one left in his office...the rest opened a new Stifel office and they didn't invite him!
Mar 9, 2009 3:08 am

If every firm paid the same money to move, WFC paid you the same to stay, everyone had the same payout , the same products and services and the clients had no disruption to move,( fantasy) where would you go or stay ?

Mar 9, 2009 10:52 pm

Right now, I would leave.  I have no trust in those running WS and think it will take 12 months plus to get this supertanker turned around.  I can’t fathom continuing to work for someone that I don’t trust, that I have no respect for and that I am constantly wondering what they will do next to screw me.  Call me a piker, whatever, I don’t care.  Life is too short to be continue to be miserable.

Mar 11, 2009 4:08 am

here’s what happened today.

    I had $4,045.41 in my cash account in my wachovia account and wrote a check for that amount against it and I guess there was a penny that was journaled to my other account after the check was written which left $4,045.40.  So today I look at my  b of online checking account and the check i wrote was rejected by wachovia because insufficient fund by one freakin cent and wachovia charges me a $20 insufficient fee.  No notification, no action item, no call indicating that the check will bounce due to insufficent funds so I called our smartstation help desk to find out what was going on and request a refund and they give me a freakin email address the issue.  so I get email back 4 hours later saying they will not issue a refund because insufficent fund but if I want the $20 refund branch would have to cover it.  I would never thought that a company would jeopardize 600k in production for 20 bucks.  this is getting scary.
Mar 11, 2009 4:23 am

[quote=skbroker]here’s what happened today.

    I had $4,045.41 in my cash account in my wachovia account and wrote a check for that amount against it and I guess there was a penny that was journaled to my other account after the check was written which left $4,045.40.  So today I look at my  b of online checking account and the check i wrote was rejected by wachovia because insufficient fund by one freakin cent and wachovia charges me a $20 insufficient fee.  No notification, no action item, no call indicating that the check will bounce due to insufficent funds so I called our smartstation help desk to find out what was going on and request a refund and they give me a freakin email address the issue.  so I get email back 4 hours later saying they will not issue a refund because insufficent fund but if I want the $20 refund branch would have to cover it.  I would never thought that a company would jeopardize 600k in production for 20 bucks.  this is getting scary.[/quote]

Wow just wow!
Scale and scope!
Mar 11, 2009 5:02 am

[quote=skbroker]here’s what happened today.

    I had $4,045.41 in my cash account in my wachovia account and wrote a check for that amount against it and I guess there was a penny that was journaled to my other account after the check was written which left $4,045.40.  So today I look at my  b of online checking account and the check i wrote was rejected by wachovia because insufficient fund by one freakin cent and wachovia charges me a $20 insufficient fee.  No notification, no action item, no call indicating that the check will bounce due to insufficent funds so I called our smartstation help desk to find out what was going on and request a refund and they give me a freakin email address the issue.  so I get email back 4 hours later saying they will not issue a refund because insufficent fund but if I want the $20 refund branch would have to cover it.  I would never thought that a company would jeopardize 600k in production for 20 bucks.  this is getting scary.[/quote]     yepp--this is gonna be a problem. had a 1mm client write a 5m check last week to deposit in her local bank. Acct had 4,900 in it. her other checking acct had 50m in cash. No call, no wire, no action--check bounced. Client calls me raisin HELL...never happened before, AGE margin would always call. I call command acct dept, they tell me "thats the way wachovia does it"...BUT we'll be glad to refund $20 nsf and charge the branch, and send the client a letter letting her know we refunded...oh, she can run the check through agin and we'll pay this time!!!   Same thing happened to 2 other brokers in branch.   Tell them not to worry--client prolly gonna move acct anyway...statements late, sent to wrong address do to some conversion BS, 1/2% moneymarket rates etc etc....   just gets better n better.