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Mar 3, 2009 3:12 am


[quote=stop_whining]lilley and the yotch are spot on!  instead of wasting time moaning to ea other, or trolling/chumming for recruits and looking to create the “maybe I will go if all of these other ppl are going!” herd mentality - go to the corner and panhandle all you handout wanters!  waaaahhh, I didn’t get a retention (money fer nuthin). SO take a ck, lose half yer clients and you’ll be cuttin lawns, painting
houses, working the holidays for UPS, and so on very shortly. It may not be this yr, or next, but it’s cumin’.  u can smell it I bet if u close ur eyes and be honest w/yerself.

OR do one of those polar bear jumps in the bay to wake yer sorry a$$ up, get to work - REPEAT DAILY.  call clients and talk about a plan to get threw this and likely you’ll be up 40% in 3 yrs when all the posers who move and $H!t the bed hand there clients off to u.


MMMMMM Kool aid …yummmm

you sound more like one of rev jim’s guyanan disciples than i do.  devoid of logic, convinced “my path is the chosen one, that which will set you free - join me in paradise!!” …pinky ring too I bet!  been jacking the 5 pt annuities to crank yer gross up. the recruiters don’t care, but yer new mgr will when he’s sees that your a sham of the self u projected urself to be.  no free lunches (or nest eggs) bird boy.  U want to work and build sumthin, stick around - together we’ll seed our futures with the books of those who leave.  cause yer clients don’t luv u as much as u think.  that’s a guarantee.

Mar 3, 2009 3:19 am



[quote=stop_whining]lilley and the yotch are spot on!  instead of wasting time moaning to ea other, or trolling/chumming for recruits and looking to create the “maybe I will go if all of these other ppl are going!” herd mentality - go to the corner and panhandle all you handout wanters!  waaaahhh, I didn’t get a retention (money fer nuthin). SO take a ck, lose half yer clients and you’ll be cuttin lawns, painting
houses, working the holidays for UPS, and so on very shortly. It may not be this yr, or next, but it’s cumin’.  u can smell it I bet if u close ur eyes and be honest w/yerself.

OR do one of those polar bear jumps in the bay to wake yer sorry a$$ up, get to work - REPEAT DAILY.  call clients and talk about a plan to get threw this and likely you’ll be up 40% in 3 yrs when all the posers who move and $H!t the bed hand there clients off to u.


MMMMMM Kool aid …yummmm

you sound more like one of rev jim’s guyanan disciples than i do.  devoid of logic, convinced “my path is the chosen one, that which will set you free - join me in paradise!!” …pinky ring too I bet!  been jacking the 5 pt annuities to crank yer gross up. the recruiters don’t care, but yer new mgr will when he’s sees that your a sham of the self u projected urself to be.  no free lunches (or nest eggs) bird boy.  U want to work and build sumthin, stick around - together we’ll seed our futures with the books of those who leave.  cause yer clients don’t luv u as much as u think.  that’s a guarantee.

LOL you are so clueless…maybe YOUR clients don’t LOVE you…and you know it…don’t speak for the rest of us though…sorry you are stuck and can’t move…maybe you blew up too many clients, maybe you are hiding under your desk, maybe your production is too low, and you can’t move…either way I am sorry. I already moved silly boy…
closing in on 90% of assets moved in 2 months…sorry that you buy into the 50% nonsense that mgmt feeds you Good luck…get back to those envision plans…they are watching you!

Mar 3, 2009 3:20 am

lilley and the yotch are spot on!  instead of wasting time moaning to ea other, or trolling/chumming for recruits and looking to create the “maybe I will go if all of these other ppl are going!” herd mentality - go to the corner and panhandle all you handout wanters!  waaaahhh, I didn’t get a retention (money fer nuthin). SO take a ck, lose half yer clients and you’ll be cuttin lawns, painting houses, working the holidays for UPS, and so on very shortly. It may not be this yr, or next, but it’s cumin’.  u can smell it I bet if u close ur eyes and be honest w/yerself.

OR do one of those polar bear jumps in the bay to wake yer sorry a$$ up, get to work - REPEAT DAILY.  call clients and talk about a plan to get threw this and likely you’ll be up 40% in 3 yrs when all the posers who move and $H!t the bed hand there clients off to u.


I hope you would atleast acknowledge the hypocrisy of the Carroll bonus, won't you? Don't you think that Ludeman and Co might have a credibility problem?
Mar 3, 2009 3:34 am

Damn…how many Walkallovia managers on this board ? 

Mar 3, 2009 3:39 am

[quote=clang] Damn…how many Walkallovia managers on this board ?


All of 'em I think.

Mar 3, 2009 4:04 pm

As an AGE legacy guy, I have learned that W will NOT be paying us at the old P/O rate for the coming year as I was originally informed.  Can you confirm that we (AGE-legacy) will be paid at the Wachovia hurdle grid, ie; 24% to 10,000 and 50% after that.

Mar 3, 2009 4:07 pm

March 1 we went to the 24/50 plan and everything else wachovia

Mar 4, 2009 4:11 am

redpen…for what its worth u r correct on grid but for the legacy age guys theire is a gty payout no less than 35% for the remainder (10mos) of this yr. if a 200k producer falls under as he typically might each qtr the guys on the age side will get a pop to keep them at 35% payout…most dont know that. ends on 12-31-09…contractual obligation to the age side at merger time…smaller contractual obligation than the dave caroll show to be exact.

Mar 4, 2009 7:52 am

redpen…for what its worth u r correct on grid but for the legacy age guys theire is a gty payout no less than 35% for the remainder (10mos) of this yr. if a 200k producer falls under as he typically might each qtr the guys on the age side will get a pop to keep them at 35% payout…most dont know that. ends on 12-31-09…contractual obligation to the age side at merger time…smaller contractual obligation than the dave caroll show to be exact.

  Dude , i am thinking that was last year and now it is Wacky bank. This should be the debate going forward. I say your april 15 check will be 24/50
Mar 4, 2009 12:36 pm

[quote=stop_whining]lilley and the yotch are spot on!  instead of wasting time moaning to ea other, or trolling/chumming for recruits and looking to create the “maybe I will go if all of these other ppl are going!” herd mentality - go to the corner and panhandle all you handout wanters!  waaaahhh, I didn’t get a retention (money fer nuthin). SO take a ck, lose half yer clients and you’ll be cuttin lawns, painting houses, working the holidays for UPS, and so on very shortly. It may not be this yr, or next, but it’s cumin’.  u can smell it I bet if u close ur eyes and be honest w/yerself.

OR do one of those polar bear jumps in the bay to wake yer sorry a$$ up, get to work - REPEAT DAILY.  call clients and talk about a plan to get threw this and likely you’ll be up 40% in 3 yrs when all the posers who move and $H!t the bed hand there clients off to u.


I hope you would atleast acknowledge the hypocrisy of the Carroll bonus, won't you? Don't you think that Ludeman and Co might have a credibility problem? [/quote]   I eagerly await your response... Maybe Lilly will chime in or how about investor/client?
Mar 5, 2009 1:47 am

[quote=mnbondguy][quote=stop_whining]lilley and the yotch are spot on! instead of wasting time moaning to ea other, or trolling/chumming for recruits and looking to create the “maybe I will go if all of these other ppl are going!” herd mentality - go to the corner and panhandle all you handout wanters! waaaahhh, I didn’t get a retention (money fer nuthin). SO take a ck, lose half yer clients and you’ll be cuttin lawns, painting houses, working the holidays for UPS, and so on very shortly. It may not be this yr, or next, but it’s cumin’. u can smell it I bet if u close ur eyes and be honest w/yerself. OR do one of those polar bear jumps in the bay to wake yer sorry a$$ up, get to work - REPEAT DAILY. call clients and talk about a plan to get threw this and likely you’ll be up 40% in 3 yrs when all the posers who move and $H!t the bed hand there clients off to u.DO YOUR JOB!

I hope you would atleast acknowledge the hypocrisy of the Carroll bonus, won’t you? Don’t you think that Ludeman and Co might have a credibility problem? [/quote]

I eagerly await your response… Maybe Lilly will chime in or how about investor/client?[/quote]

Lilly??? We are waiting…
Mar 5, 2009 3:09 am

[quote=Investor/Client]I’m a multi-milion dollar client and I’m ashamed of all you whining FA’s.  All you Wachovia boys just got paid a few years ago and now your griping about not getting another check to be loyal to a firm while your clients are losing much of their net worth and millions of others have lost their jobs.   You should be ashamed of yourselves.  Actually if you had any cojones, you would just pick up and leave instead of whining about it, but as your client don’t ask me to come with you!

  Help me don't mind paying WS high fees, you just don't want your broker to get paid??  Let's say you pay $10k a year in fees (total fees, and markups), how would you suggest that be split between your broker, his manager, complex manager, Regional manager, Ludeman and Stumpf?  When is the last time Ludeman called you?   Same question I asked Lilly, he didn't answer. I know you are not a real client but lets play make believe...    [/quote]   They didn't answer this question from feb 21 either....go figure. 
Mar 6, 2009 1:06 am

WFC to Zombie land

Mar 6, 2009 1:23 am

[quote=mnbondguy][quote=stop_whining]lilley and the yotch are spot on! instead of wasting time moaning to ea other, or trolling/chumming for recruits and looking to create the “maybe I will go if all of these other ppl are going!” herd mentality - go to the corner and panhandle all you handout wanters! waaaahhh, I didn’t get a retention (money fer nuthin). SO take a ck, lose half yer clients and you’ll be cuttin lawns, painting houses, working the holidays for UPS, and so on very shortly. It may not be this yr, or next, but it’s cumin’. u can smell it I bet if u close ur eyes and be honest w/yerself. OR do one of those polar bear jumps in the bay to wake yer sorry a$$ up, get to work - REPEAT DAILY. call clients and talk about a plan to get threw this and likely you’ll be up 40% in 3 yrs when all the posers who move and $H!t the bed hand there clients off to u.DO YOUR JOB!

I hope you would atleast acknowledge the hypocrisy of the Carroll bonus, won’t you? Don’t you think that Ludeman and Co might have a credibility problem? [/quote]

I eagerly await your response… Maybe Lilly will chime in or how about investor/client?[/quote]

Stop obsessing over other ppl, good for him. he’s clearly smarter than you. Ready to DO YOUR JOB now? or still content complaining, conspiracizing, moaning, begging, pleading, head in the sand, you pu$$y!!!

who gives a crapadoodle about what Carroll got, what A-Rod gets paid, etc. worry about yerself. are you raising kids in your sniveling legacy? how about getting off yer arse and make something happen? just shadup already!!! please.

Mar 6, 2009 1:31 am

on an adjusted basis, WB stock would be less then $2, don’t compare Carroll or any WB exec to A-Rod.  What kind of message does this kind of bonus send to your clients?? Aren’t you concerned about that?  Did you see me complaining about anything?  Just pointing out your hypocrisy…admit it, you are Danny’s designated spindoctor on this site.

  I find it ironic that the management of a company that has destroyed the brand, destroyed back office support and destroyed employee moral, would tell the sales force to "DO YOUR JOB!".  Now that is funny.  Wachovias problem begin and end with the management of the company, not their employees.    Take the time to listen to the Ben Edwards interview just posted on this site and compare his words and tone to Thompson, Ludeman, Hays etc.  It should be pretty easy to figure out why WS is crumbling.  WS has become a recruiters dream, people there want out, and WS pays a lot up front to get new ones.     
Mar 6, 2009 12:29 pm

never met Danny. not sure he’s the visionary that some hold him out as. I DO KNOW that I need to do my job. I don’t always enjoy what that means I need to do, BUT I DO IT. that’s life dude, the sooner u figure it out the more likely you can avoid that landscaping job that looms before u.

seriously, what benefit do you, or anyone else on this blog, derive?   give it up and get to work. or not, and blame a bunch of ppl for your future failures, the same way you blame them for your past failures.

got it? good. move on…

Mar 6, 2009 11:03 pm

Does anyone have any thoughts or insights on RBC?

Mar 7, 2009 1:58 am

Second word in the name is Bank…that should say it all

Mar 7, 2009 2:13 am

[quote=stop_whining]never met Danny. not sure he’s the visionary that some hold him out as. I DO KNOW that I need to do my job. I don’t always enjoy what that means I need to do, BUT I DO IT. that’s life dude, the sooner u figure it out the more likely you can avoid that landscaping job that looms before u.

seriously, what benefit do you, or anyone else on this blog, derive?   give it up and get to work. or not, and blame a bunch of ppl for your future failures, the same way you blame them for your past failures.

got it? good. move on…[/quote] 

I am doing my Job....Are you?  If you don't derive any any benefit on this blog, why are you on it?  I am on here purely for the entertainment of it all.  I find it hilarious that somebody like you would come on here and put the WB spin on the retention issue.  You have to be a paid spin doctor, because no reasonable person would criticize brokers for wanting retention and then defend Carrolls bonus.    Who have I blamed for my failures??  I am not a current WS employee.  I have merely pointed out that the WS model (as well as the C/MER/LEH/BS etc) has been a failure, hopefully you can atleast admit that.  If you don't think so, ask one of WB stockholders.    Got it??  If not, I am sure I can paste a WB stock chart in my next post for you.
Mar 7, 2009 3:58 am

Don’t you think Coffee will do what John Lee did. 16 branches in Ca. already.Coffee got his admin asst. to go also leaving another hole in the home office. John took the best admin person of all in Shelly Cope. Big hole in Home Office now. Gene D. is next …I’ll bet my restricted stock options on it. Also, the dark horse here is Tad…Yes I know , I know. I did say " dark horse. " Either way WFC paid for something they never had and Danny will get the blame. SF is proving at least for now that Danny doesn’t know what he is talking about. Their 4th quarter looked pretty good.