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Mar 1, 2009 10:29 am

Hey Cling Clang, get your dog a bone.  Hey did you go downtown and get yo check yet!!  Momma needs a new pair of suspenders, and a brand new cigar!!  Get out there now and get yo check.  You needs to get paid.  Its that time of the month.  Go get yo check little boy!!!

Mar 1, 2009 1:12 pm

Joe namath went to the LA Ram’s at the end.

this thread IS the joe montana of this web site.

thank you, “whats up with wachovias retention”…thank you for the memories…

and Lilley, I will pray for you. I Hope you find some peace in this life.

dont hate

Mar 1, 2009 5:08 pm

Before this thread passes on into thread heaven, could some of you vets of this site tell us what the all time longest thread on RR is/was?  Most posts, most views, most pages, etc.  I’m trying to imagine what could top this but can’t. 

  Lilley, I too pray for you.  I hope you have the best year ever with your business.  I hope your investments do better than you thought possible and that your business continues to thrive, employ and succeed.  Relax, enjoy, and live a loving, peaceful life. 
Mar 1, 2009 5:56 pm

The highest-ranking Wachovia Corp. executive to remain with Wells Fargo & Co. following a union of the two banks could get as much as $17.9 million in salary, bonuses and stock options if he sticks it out in 2009.

David Carroll, now a senior executive vice president with San Francisco-based Wells, will receive a base salary for 2009 of at least $700,000, according to a regulatory filing. Mr. Carroll also is eligible for “retention” bonuses totaling $8 million if he works through Dec. 31, a performance-related bonus of as much as $4.2 million and a stock option award equal to $5 million.

A Wells spokesman declined to comment about Mr. Carroll’s agreement, and Mr. Carroll couldn’t be reached.

Mr. Carroll is a linchpin as the two firms combine operations. Because he joined Wells, he wasn’t eligible for any severance payments from Wachovia. Several colleagues walked away with multimillion-dollar packages.

Elsewhere in its executive ranks, Wells is tightening incentives. Wells said it won’t award 2008 bonuses to its six top corporate officers, including Chairman Richard Kovacevich and Chief Executive John Stumpf.

Separately, Wells also disclosed that “several government agencies” are investigating matters related to Wachovia’s purchase of California lender Golden West Financial Corp.

Mar 1, 2009 10:58 pm

So have you guys heard any news about the retention deal yet or what?

Mar 1, 2009 11:38 pm

LOL Hyman

Mar 2, 2009 1:01 am

Yeah its just like I said 3 weeks ago, a nice stagecoach to run over Danny and nothing for us because of politics economy etc.  Great time to be an FA!

Mar 2, 2009 1:12 am

I answered the Edward Jones recruiter, or, broker or whatever he is. Got a response today.

  It was underwhelming.   Don't waste your time.   Is it even ethical for him to be doning this? On this site? Doesn't feel right.
Mar 2, 2009 1:13 am

Good one, Hyman. I see that y’all have settled down now - nice! When I first looked at this thread…what, three weeks ago? were freaking me OUT. Now I’m talking to my FAs, and while some of them are unhappy and ready to leave, most of them are pretty happy, they’ve realized that the 4Front deal really isn’t all bad - they’ve thought beyond their own situation and realized that this probably is the right thing to do. No, it’s not retention, but if you’re willing to do a wee bit of work, you can make some money WITHOUT inconveniencing your clients, and uprooting your own lives. So…welcome to Financial Services v.2009. Now, can we just let this thread fade away?

Mar 2, 2009 1:22 am

[quote=theyotch]Good one, Hyman. I see that y’all have settled down now - nice! When I first looked at this thread…what, three weeks ago? were freaking me OUT. Now I’m talking to my FAs, and while some of them are unhappy and ready to leave, most of them are pretty happy, they’ve realized that the 4Front deal really isn’t all bad - they’ve thought beyond their own situation and realized that this probably is the right thing to do. No, it’s not retention, but if you’re willing to do a wee bit of work, you can make some money WITHOUT inconveniencing your clients, and uprooting your own lives. So…welcome to Financial Services v.2009. Now, can we just let this thread fade away?[/quote]

Sweet…you got all of em to drink the Kool Aid…congrats!

Mar 2, 2009 1:25 am

[quote=LegacyWellsFargo] I answered the Edward Jones recruiter, or, broker or whatever he is. Got a response today.

It was underwhelming.

Don’t waste your time.

Is it even ethical for him to be doning this? On this site? Doesn’t feel right.[/quote]

You’re not surprised are you?
Mar 2, 2009 1:28 am

It’s no koolaid, Nestegg, but I guess if that works for you, you can go with it. I have no sway with this group, whatever you may think. I’m just glad to see that some semblance of normalcy has emerged. As I’ve said in pretty much every one of my posts, I’m NOT a manager. I’m in the trenches. I know how hard it’s been for y’all, and I can appreciate that. If you’re in that group of FAs that want to leave, I hate to see you go, but I wish you only the best, because you have to do what’s right for you.

Mar 2, 2009 1:35 am

Heads up beyotch, your office is getting ready to bolt. As manager you’ll be last to know. Good luck to you though. And if you don’t think WFC is gonna cross sell your clients, read their latest WFC internal magazine. Average products per customer is 6.4 and they want to improve on that. Like I said, all that fish in that small a$$ barrel. 

Mar 2, 2009 1:37 am

Clang…do you read? I’m NOT A MANAGER.   But thanks for the heads up. Good luck to you, buddy.

Mar 2, 2009 3:46 am



your a homer

i think YOUR dead wrong

i feel sad for danny

i hate WFC

wfc hates WS

but, I have an ENORMOUS amount of respect for you

you are one loyal MF team playing


your a good man

WS is lucky to have you

Mar 2, 2009 3:49 am
CDO Squared:


your a homer
i think YOUR dead wrong
i feel sad for danny
i hate WFC
wfc hates WS

but, I have an ENORMOUS amount of respect for you
you are one loyal MF team playing

your a good man
WS is lucky to have you

Mar 2, 2009 11:00 pm

Hey Cling Clang, get your dog a bone.  Hey did you go downtown and get yo check yet!!  Momma needs a new pair of suspenders, and a brand new cigar!!  Get out there now and get yo check.  You needs to get paid.  Its that time of the month.  Go get yo check little boy!!!

  Looks like David Carroll went downtown and got his check, (money for nuthin), where is the outrage?? 
Mar 3, 2009 12:20 am

I got my retention today form of a check .34 cents.  paid by wells fargo for my 1 share of WFC.  was gonna buy me a single stamp but found out im 9 cents short. 

Mar 3, 2009 2:40 am

lilley and the yotch are spot on!  instead of wasting time moaning to ea other, or trolling/chumming for recruits and looking to create the “maybe I will go if all of these other ppl are going!” herd mentality - go to the corner and panhandle all you handout wanters!  waaaahhh, I didn’t get a retention (money fer nuthin). SO take a ck, lose half yer clients and you’ll be cuttin lawns, painting
houses, working the holidays for UPS, and so on very shortly. It may not be this yr, or next, but it’s cumin’.  u can smell it I bet if u close ur eyes and be honest w/yerself.

OR do one of those polar bear jumps in the bay to wake yer sorry a$$ up, get to work - REPEAT DAILY.  call clients and talk about a plan to get threw this and likely you’ll be up 40% in 3 yrs when all the posers who move and $H!t the bed hand there clients off to u.


Mar 3, 2009 3:00 am

[quote=stop_whining]lilley and the yotch are spot on!  instead of wasting time moaning to ea other, or trolling/chumming for recruits and looking to create the “maybe I will go if all of these other ppl are going!” herd mentality - go to the corner and panhandle all you handout wanters!  waaaahhh, I didn’t get a retention (money fer nuthin). SO take a ck, lose half yer clients and you’ll be cuttin lawns, painting
houses, working the holidays for UPS, and so on very shortly. It may not be this yr, or next, but it’s cumin’.  u can smell it I bet if u close ur eyes and be honest w/yerself.

OR do one of those polar bear jumps in the bay to wake yer sorry a$$ up, get to work - REPEAT DAILY.  call clients and talk about a plan to get threw this and likely you’ll be up 40% in 3 yrs when all the posers who move and $H!t the bed hand there clients off to u.


MMMMMM Kool aid …yummmm