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Feb 21, 2009 3:43 am

not me

Feb 21, 2009 3:43 am

Danny, Danny, what a buffooon--"It would make my life easier if we gave retention"---he really said that??

As soon as wiped his lips of wells fargo spooge....he calls us and says, as usual, "it is best for our clients"(kinda like the the annuity comp rape we get on a daily basis--when do the clients get those haircut rebate checks Dan?)....I digress....he slurps down WF ejaculate & then bends us over the forefront screaming "your lucky" "great oppurtunity" "we've gotten through this together" & "your welcome" can not give us forefront u foreskin--we already had it.   Danny, Danny, Danny.....get the WFC out of your mouth & get yours out of my backdoor.
Feb 21, 2009 3:44 am

CDO Squared, I just wish you’d included a little more vulgarity in your rant.  It falls just a little short of just how pissed we are, too.

  I don't have enough a$$holes on my body to be a$$fkd this much.   You remember how our Wachovia options that expired worthless several years ago? Or how our own Wachovia shares lost 96 percent of their value in 2008? Or how FundSource went to hell after the Edwards merger and our clients suffered?   How about when First Union Securities first introduced the grid in the midst of the 2001-2002 meltdown?   And now they are pouring us the Envision kool-aid, trying to get us to run OUR practices THEIR way.   I may take a little while to pick the right firm for my clients and my practice, but I have NO loyalty to Wachovia.    I'm a young producer within 10% of Premier Advisor status.  I plan to give the best 25 years of my career to a firm that appreciates my hard work.  
Feb 21, 2009 3:47 am

[quote=Broker Fee]Reading through the last 5 pages of this thread actually made me bust out laughing, as I understand it you Wells guys have a financial plan software named “envision”.

The firm will compensate you based on the number of plans that you guys write?!?! is that right?    There's another firm out there that operates on the same basis..the name of this firm is called...Ameriprise!   I specualate that Wells is simply ramping up all you guys to "train" you to do financial plans for your clients in order to "orient" you to the Ameriprise way of doing things. Don't be surprised if another shoe on this sad saga plays out & you all find yourselves as Ameriprise financial advisors one day!!![/quote]   You sir, are an idiot, and have no idea at all what you are talking about.  Go try to stir up trouble on the playground, we have enough of it here.
Feb 21, 2009 3:49 am

While I would have preferred retention, I understand what’s going on. Take care of your clients, we take care of you, the firm avoids bad headlines in the TARP environment. If the firm can get the stock price up, I can do my part.

Feb 21, 2009 3:51 am
the other guy:

While I would have preferred retention, I understand what’s going on. Take care of your clients, we take care of you, the firm avoids bad headlines in the TARP environment. If the firm can get the stock price up, I can do my part.

OK Bin Laden...or should I say in Ludeman?
Feb 21, 2009 3:51 am

asshloe number 1

john strumpf

d-bag number 2

dick kovacevich
Feb 21, 2009 3:55 am

Okay, I’m going to need a little explanation here. Let’s see if I’ve got the gist of it. You make a six figure salary. You work a few hours a day. Your chosen career is in the financial services industry, an industry that, by nature, is volatile. You are in this industry in 2009, when the economy is in a serious recession, the market is off 50% from it’s highs, your client’s accounts, as well as your own, reflect this loss. You most likely were paid a tidy sum in upfront money to join WS, AND you received a pretty healthy retention check one year ago to stay through the turmoil of yet another merger. Maybe you have to learn a new computer system, poor babies. Maybe you feel like you’ve been lied to. Well, don’t we all! The truth is that nobody is paying your clients a big check to stay with you - how are they going to feel when you tell them “Sorry Joe, they wouldn’t pay me a big retention check to stay, so I have to leave and go to the highest bidder. Hope you understand and will follow me there!” How about your clients start up a little chat room of their own, all about how you’re getting paid the big bucks and they’re getting the shaft. How about the press picks up on this chat room, includes all of your sorry a$$ names…welcome to 2009, which you now have a stake in. Great company you’re keeping - John Thain, Bernie Madoff, Stanford whatever. If you think Gorman has any “allegiance” to his brokers at Morgan, talk to anyone who’s WORKED at Morgan and left - I think they’ll tell a bit of a different story. As for the changes to 4Front, if you’re going to post details, you might want to post them right - a little clarification: 1) this 4Front enhancement has no Advisory component - that’s right, none - it’s HH, Envision, and SLC - no product push whatsoever, so you can do what is RIGHT for your client (WOW, what a concept!); 2) the survey - if your clients don’t return the survey (or I think the term was “sh1tcan it”), it’s NOT counted against you. It only counts against you if they return a survey that reflects YOU not fulfilling your stated commitment to them. So suck it up. Deal with it. And if you don’t like it, then don’t let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.

Feb 21, 2009 3:55 am
the other guy:

While I would have preferred retention, I understand what’s going on. Take care of your clients, we take care of you, the firm avoids bad headlines in the TARP environment. If the firm can get the stock price up, I can do my part.

I respect what your saying. long the focus etc.

not in this case.

WFC gonna work to get you on salary.
open your eyes

DL, hayes,kowach etc

zero chance they still there in 18 months


Feb 21, 2009 3:58 am

[quote=QB] [quote=Broker Fee]Reading through the last 5 pages of this thread actually made me bust out laughing, as I understand it you Wells guys have a financial plan software named “envision”.

The firm will compensate you based on the number of plans that you guys write?!?! is that right?

There’s another firm out there that operates on the same basis…the name of this firm is called…Ameriprise!

I specualate that Wells is simply ramping up all you guys to “train” you to do financial plans for your clients in order to “orient” you to the Ameriprise way of doing things. Don’t be surprised if another shoe on this sad saga plays out & you all find yourselves as Ameriprise financial advisors one day!!![/quote]

You sir, are an idiot, and have no idea at all what you are talking about. Go try to stir up trouble on the playground, we have enough of it here.[/quote]

envision is incredible. those stats that danny loserman gave today were probably right on the $. i definitely don’t want to respond w/ an essay about the power of envision, but i will say that using it, even on a nominal level, will attract more assets/ biz for you. it’s a really powerful program. moreso, it creates more and more of a bond between clients and fa’s. that’s how i see it, and that’s what i’ve experienced for the three years, i’ve used envision.

i will say this though, LEARN, READ, and take the envision training. it does have a lot of bullshit fluff, but i go right to the components that i find most effective. the envision kool-aid doesn’t taste that bad at all…it’s just that everything seems to smell a bit shitty
Feb 21, 2009 3:59 am

Okay, I’m going to need a little explanation here. Let’s see if I’ve got the gist of it. You make a six figure salary. You work a few hours a day. Your chosen career is in the financial services industry, an industry that, by nature, is volatile. You are in this industry in 2009, when the economy is in a serious recession, the market is off 50% from it’s highs, your client’s accounts, as well as your own, reflect this loss. You most likely were paid a tidy sum in upfront money to join WS, AND you received a pretty healthy retention check one year ago to stay through the turmoil of yet another merger. Maybe you have to learn a new computer system, poor babies. Maybe you feel like you’ve been lied to. Well, don’t we all! The truth is that nobody is paying your clients a big check to stay with you - how are they going to feel when you tell them “Sorry Joe, they wouldn’t pay me a big retention check to stay, so I have to leave and go to the highest bidder. Hope you understand and will follow me there!” How about your clients start up a little chat room of their own, all about how you’re getting paid the big bucks and they’re getting the shaft. How about the press picks up on this chat room, includes all of your sorry a$$ names…welcome to 2009, which you now have a stake in. Great company you’re keeping - John Thain, Bernie Madoff, Stanford whatever. If you think Gorman has any “allegiance” to his brokers at Morgan, talk to anyone who’s WORKED at Morgan and left - I think they’ll tell a bit of a different story. As for the changes to 4Front, if you’re going to post details, you might want to post them right - a little clarification: 1) this 4Front enhancement has no Advisory component - that’s right, none - it’s HH, Envision, and SLC - no product push whatsoever, so you can do what is RIGHT for your client (WOW, what a concept!); 2) the survey - if your clients don’t return the survey (or I think the term was “sh1tcan it”), it’s NOT counted against you. It only counts against you if they return a survey that reflects YOU not fulfilling your stated commitment to them. So suck it up. Deal with it. And if you don’t like it, then don’t let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.

my my my
we have some Wachovia securties management.....i mean wells fargo's bithc....i mean wells fargo advisors management among us


hey they    KMA
Feb 21, 2009 4:01 am
the other guy:

While I would have preferred retention, I understand what’s going on. Take care of your clients, we take care of you, the firm avoids bad headlines in the TARP environment. If the firm can get the stock price up, I can do my part.

  at the very least, Danny boy repriced all the piece of shit WB (AGE converts) options for you didn't he?  If not WFC only has to get to about $200 for you guy to make money...
Feb 21, 2009 4:03 am

theyotch misses the point. mgmt lied and the delayed the inevitable.  i didn't request retention, danny offered.  he'll burn in hell for this.

the firm has a history on reneging on bonuses. no reason the believe this four front is legitimate. 

Feb 21, 2009 4:05 am


work a few hours a day?    we pay your salary loser.

let me guess, typical loser middle management dead weight?

tried it make is as a broker?   and washed out. so now your in managemnt bingo

ill always have my book loser. i earned it.   wells fargo comming after ur dead weight ass

you’ll probably be gone in 12 months

Feb 21, 2009 4:09 am

yotch…  Danny Ludeman doing the right thing for clients???  Are you kidding me?  Do you want to debate this with me?? Bring it on, fire the first shot.

Feb 21, 2009 4:10 am

there IS a significant advisory component to 4Front. There’s a TON of product push. it’s 60% unless the client has 1 mil.

Feb 21, 2009 4:11 am

guys its really as simple as this. We are owned by a conservative bank and MS is gonna continue to be an old school brokerage that cares about the business. MS is going to pay their bonus next january using 2009 profits so they can dance around the tarp money issue. They found a way to work around the scrutiny cuz they care about their brokers. WFC caved in to the pressure and said screw you. This is the beginning of a major change. If BP did leave to go to MS he is looking like a pretty smart guy. That is the firm to be at. Mack cares about his guys. today is a major major change in culture at this firm.

Jimmymac is spot on.      
Feb 21, 2009 4:14 am

Like all of you, I was floored by the conference call’s content and, because I expected the outcome, the shabby delivery. Irate, I called my Regional who insisted this program was A). very acheivable because it doesn’t require new money and  all 4 requirements of the previous 4Front prgrams AND B) in July a LUMP SUM will be paid to FAs in proportion to what they have acheived in the program. Have I been duped AGAIN? Has anyone seen ALL THE DETAILS of the program? Shocked and disgusted in DesMoines…

Feb 21, 2009 4:15 am

theyotch…gotta be a complex manager. Dude, you don’t bug me, you don’t know how irrelevent you are.

Feb 21, 2009 4:16 am

I don’t miss the point, huskie. I totally GET the point, way better than you know. (and CDO, you’re wrong, wrong and wrong on my position, but that’s okay). I understand that you’re all disappointed (as am I), but come on…can you not take just one tiny step back and look at this decision objectively, without all the me me me bias? It’s not the time. CitiMorg will regret it (and their stock is what…$2 today? nice). Sure, FAs will leave. But the AGE guys will wait until they get their bonus in March, won’t they? Seems a little hypocritical to me. If they’re so unhappy with the decision, why not leave now?