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Feb 21, 2009 4:16 am

You are CORRECT!  The culture is of the WILD WILD WEST!

Feb 21, 2009 4:17 am

[quote=bondking] there IS a significant advisory component to 4Front. There’s a TON of product push. it’s 60% unless the client has 1 mil.


Original 4Front, yes. This version, no. Read the dets.

Feb 21, 2009 4:20 am

Who in here is old enough to remember when the banks originally tried to get into our business?     FTU,NCNB etc.   

Remember what happened?   

Those bank pussies could’nt deal with an FA’s making mid $6 figures and they tried to put advisors on salary.

It was a huge disaster.   What we do is NOT easy.

This is EXACTLY the same mind set that these WFC pussies have.

Im sure of it.

There is no way they think that we are worth the money that we make.

WS is toast.      

Their plan is to get the same amount of revenues and pay FA’s half as much.

They will fail but you better get off this train asap

Feb 21, 2009 4:22 am
Not enough boats and too many passengers....................
Feb 21, 2009 4:22 am

Word JayMc.

Feb 21, 2009 4:25 am

[quote=clang] theyotch…gotta be a complex manager. Dude, you don’t bug me, you don’t know how irrelevent you are.



he is not in management.   

He is a branch manager.

I wish I could show your FA’s your post you ahole.

Your probable a typical manager also

-washed out FA

As he said, we pay your dead weight salary too

fu theyotch

Feb 21, 2009 4:29 am

[quote=JayMc]Who in here is old enough to remember when the banks originally tried to get into our business?     FTU,NCNB etc.   

Remember what happened?   

Those bank pussies could’nt deal with an FA’s making mid $6 figures and they tried to put advisors on salary.

It was a huge disaster.   What we do is NOT easy.

This is EXACTLY the same mind set that these WFC pussies have.

Im sure of it.

There is no way they think that we are worth the money that we make.

WS is toast.      

Remember  DL convinced Crutchfield FTU then Thompson to leave the brokerage alone, setup multiple channels to deal with reality etc. You see how far he got with WFC. Does not appear WFC gets it and I doubt WFC will view the clients as yours. It took years for DL to convince WB who owned pcg clients, but WFC does not appear to care or listen.

my .02

Their plan is to get the same amount of revenues and pay FA’s half as much.

They will fail but you better get off this train asap


Feb 21, 2009 4:29 am

yotch… Danny Ludeman doing the right thing for clients??? Are you kidding me? Do you want to debate this with me?? Bring it on, fire the first shot.

I didn't say anything about Danny doing the right thing for clients. I said YOU could do the right thing for clients....there's a difference. In fact, I don't believe I even mentioned Danny in my original post. So no, I don't want to debate that with you - it has no bearing on my take on the situation.

Don't get me wrong, it BITES that there was such a long delay in this announcement - it should have come out long ago. I feel lied to, too, MN. But that's the thing. People SHOULD be mad about being lied to, but what this thread seems to be is people who are mad because they're not getting the big check. Again, a difference of perspective, I suppose.

Feb 21, 2009 4:34 am

The Integrity was gone a long , long time ago…Enuf said…

Feb 21, 2009 4:34 am

[quote=theyotch]I don’t miss the point, huskie. I totally GET the point, way better than you know. (and CDO, you’re wrong, wrong and wrong on my position, but that’s okay). I understand that you’re all disappointed (as am I), but come on…can you not take just one tiny step back and look at this decision objectively, without all the me me me bias? It’s not the time. CitiMorg will regret it (and their stock is what…$2 today? nice). Sure, FAs will leave. But the AGE guys will wait until they get their bonus in March, won’t they? Seems a little hypocritical to me. If they’re so unhappy with the decision, why not leave now?[/quote]

DumDum.  MS stock closed over $19.  WFC 40% lower.  Nice try but C stock is not MS.

Feb 21, 2009 4:35 am


give it up brother.   count 1/2 half of your production GONE.

ubs,ms,ssb etc paying 200%-270% of 2008 t12.

In this market?    

the only losers that will stay are just that losers.

WS (sadly) is gone

Ill ALWAYS respect and love DL

wachovia bank and wachovia securties

they are HISTORY.

You better take your kids out of private schools.

Feb 21, 2009 4:36 am

beyotch…read the posts, we are pissed at being lied to, from the time he flew in on one of Wachovia’s private jets to the merger roadshows to today. Its been a steady stream of shit straight out of his mouth. But then, thats my perspective, I suppose.

Feb 21, 2009 4:37 am

[quote=Ernie Olde]

[quote=theyotch]I don’t miss the point, huskie. I totally GET the point, way better than you know. (and CDO, you’re wrong, wrong and wrong on my position, but that’s okay). I understand that you’re all disappointed (as am I), but come on…can you not take just one tiny step back and look at this decision objectively, without all the me me me bias? It’s not the time. CitiMorg will regret it (and their stock is what…$2 today? nice). Sure, FAs will leave. But the AGE guys will wait until they get their bonus in March, won’t they? Seems a little hypocritical to me. If they’re so unhappy with the decision, why not leave now?[/quote]DumDum. MS stock closed over $19. WFC 40% lower. Nice try but C stock is not MS.[/quote]

Wow. OK. Yet.

Feb 21, 2009 4:43 am


your dissing ms/sb?    catch a clue

John mack should be getting so much more luv.

besides jamie d mack almost totally dodged bullet

MS going to be a monster.   

MS will be on par with Goldie when dust settles.

WFC is going to a hat size

that Golden West NUCLEAR toxic waste oakland california CRAP loans

Those crap comercial loans.

WFC been hiding their garbage.

that fat bithc Meradith whitney has called WFC from day one.

i think Ill short that piece of crap with my bonus

how cool would that be>?

all in short WFC with bonus

f john stump

Feb 21, 2009 4:45 am

[quote=Ernie Olde]

[quote=theyotch]I don’t miss the point, huskie. I totally GET the point, way better than you know. (and CDO, you’re wrong, wrong and wrong on my position, but that’s okay). I understand that you’re all disappointed (as am I), but come on…can you not take just one tiny step back and look at this decision objectively, without all the me me me bias? It’s not the time. CitiMorg will regret it (and their stock is what…$2 today? nice). Sure, FAs will leave. But the AGE guys will wait until they get their bonus in March, won’t they? Seems a little hypocritical to me. If they’re so unhappy with the decision, why not leave now?[/quote]

DumDum.  MS stock closed over $19.  WFC 40% lower.  Nice try but C stock is not MS.


And Stifel closed at 34…just sayin’

Feb 21, 2009 4:51 am

someone with an all-firm email should email this thread to all WS employees.

how cool would that be.    

and to john strump or whatever his mf name is.

someone in here do that

its not DL.    its wfc

Feb 21, 2009 5:03 am

Moonshine, where did you go?   I’m ISG and will be making a move. I’m waiting on one more offer to be finalized this coming week before deciding.    Were you able to move as many clients as you had hoped?

Feb 21, 2009 5:09 am

[quote=moonshine121] Did you ever get the feeling that you were on the TITANIC…

There are not enough life boats out there… I worked in ISG and waited and waited for this infamous RETENTION package…I decided to stop waiting about 2 months ago and got the HELL out…glad I did . What a load of bullshit…I was sick of the conference calls…There are going to be a lot of folks looking to bail out at this point…bottom line is that those who stayed behind have lost a lot of leverage…There are only so many life boats and FAR to many passengers. Maybe you can use one of those old rusty F__IN stagecoaches…

Seriously though there are still some deals to be made and bottom line is if you stay behind …does it really make sense to be STUCK where you are with a bunch of LIARS…It felt good to get out…you should try it! I felt that once the companys integrity was gone that was it for me…

The INTERGRITY is LONG GONE!!! Get off the stage coach while you can! [/quote]


Where did you go?? What kind of deal?? After today, I’m interested to hear what’s out there!!!
Feb 21, 2009 5:12 am

I think the reason some haven’t moved yet is because they might be setting up new offices, and those aren’t ready just yet.  The ones moving can’t get out soon enough, but their new offices just aren’t ready.  I know that is a fact in at least Florida.  But, as soon as it is set up - even temporarily, the team is moving - even before the ‘payout’ in March just so they don’t lose any more clients.  There are so many brokers, FA’s, etc. that are embarrassed by the WS name - and so many have lost clients, simply due to the name, and WS being a “bank” name that has already destroyed itself once. 

Feb 21, 2009 5:17 am

[quote=mnbondguy] yotch…  Danny Ludeman doing the right thing for clients???  Are you kidding me?  Do you want to debate this with me?? Bring it on, fire the first shot.[/quote]

I didn’t say anything about Danny doing the right thing for clients. I said YOU could do the right thing for clients…there’s a difference. In fact, I don’t believe I even mentioned Danny in my original post. So no, I don’t want to debate that with you - it has no bearing on my take on the situation.

Don’t get me wrong, it BITES that there was such a long delay in this announcement - it should have come out long ago. I feel lied to, too, MN. But that’s the thing. People SHOULD be mad about being lied to, but what this thread seems to be is people who are mad because they’re not getting the big check. Again, a difference of perspective, I suppose.

  I think this is the best post in the thread.  I can do what is right for my clients.  I can move to another B/D so they will not have to hear about the name on their statement receiving TARP money or in danger of going under.  Check out the price of WFC.  Market is screaming they are next.  I can move them to a B/D that will not fee them to death.  When Dummy was spewing about doing what was right for our clients during a difficult market, I wondered if they were going to waive fees this year.  Small gesture but would be tangible.  I guess the firm does not need to do anything, just us idiots in the trenches that actually generate the revenue.   I don't need a big check to stay, my clients are not down 40%, and I talk to my clients.  What I do need is to work for a company that appreciates me....  That does not lie to me... About retention....  About a merger of equals...  About best practices.  I need a firm that answers a question when I call, not asks if I have completed the training.  If I had an hour to kill, I would go through it again.  If I am going to give up 55% of my production, I need to see value in what I receive for that give back.   What has WS/WFC given me for my 55%?  Very little.  Certainly not 55% worth.  The check would have made up for some of it.