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Nov 2, 2009 1:16 am

I think it’s officially time to start talking about Brett winning the MVP.  Here’s where I’d say everyone is at right now:

Leader - Drew Brees
2.  Favre
3.  Manning (close 3rd)
4.  Roethlisberger
5.  Adrian Peterson

Nov 2, 2009 1:51 am

Volt -Sorry for what? Obviously myself and 50,000 Packer fans agree, the guy is a douche bag.

  Let me repeat my stance before more women attack.   Favre is one of the 3 best QB's of all time (I said this on this site before the season started) Favre is a significant upgrade over what they had (also said this preseason on this site) If I was drafting a team TODAY I would take Rodgers over Favre Rodgers career will NOT be anything like Favre's   Berkshire -Favre over Peyton Manning for MVP? Are you f***ing kidding me ? It is that kind of meathead sh*t that pisses me off. Jared Allen and Peterson are both ahead of Favre. Manning and Brees are tied at the top.   Anyone see Favre postgame newsconference ? He was 30 minutes late, just like he was when he announced he was signing with the Vikings=douchebag move. Also, some reporter was talking to the guy next to him as Favre was answering the first question, Favre stops and says, "Does someone want to answer it for me?"=douchebag move   With that being said the Vikings will be favored in every single game the rest of the year, they don't play anyone good. They will probably go 13-3 and get a first round bye and most likely home field advantage. And yes, Favre is still a stroke for the way he d***ed around the last 3 offseasons, not committing to anything until the last minute, thus leaving numerous careers and teams hanging in the balance.
Nov 2, 2009 2:29 am

I try not to agree with cheeseheads on anything…

  Peterson is having a terrible year... Jared Allen is a monster and the chiefs got robbed.   Yet he will be in the playoffs and deep... whereas the bears, and packers won't be... neither will the jets they way they keep playing... So who wins??
Nov 2, 2009 4:24 am

Peterson’s having a terrible year?  He’s on pace for just under 2,000 total yards and 18 TD’s!  And this is all with him not even being in the game on 3rd downs! 

  No, Favre will not be "deep" into the playoffs.  He will have 2-3 turnovers in the divisional game at home and lose a heartbreaker like he has 8 other times this decade.    Yes, he's in the top 3 in MVP voting as of right now.  16 TD's and 3 INT's???  He's not #1 though.  That would be a huge disrespect to Peyton Manning.
Nov 8, 2009 11:13 pm

Thank God we got rid of Brett.  Why would we want an NFL Legend who would have us at 7-1 when we can have a homo from UC Berkley under center and be 4-4?

Nov 9, 2009 3:46 am

Thank God we got rid of Brett.  Why would we want an NFL Legend who would have us at 7-1 when we can have a homo from UC Berkley under center and be 4-4?

  Yeah, Favre would have prevented that blocked punt, that 85 yd kickoff return, and a rookie QB from throwing 3 TD's.   Favre also would have avoided all of the sacks by stiff arming defensive lineman to the ground.   Packers OLine has given up 37 sacks in 8 games, on pace to break NFL record. Rodgers also leads NFL QB's in rushing yards. Just shows how bad that line is.    
Nov 10, 2009 3:28 am

Well Berk ?

Nov 10, 2009 8:13 am
Ron 14:

[quote=BerkshireBull]Thank God we got rid of Brett.  Why would we want an NFL Legend who would have us at 7-1 when we can have a homo from UC Berkley under center and be 4-4?

  Yeah, Favre would have prevented that blocked punt, that 85 yd kickoff return, and a rookie QB from throwing 3 TD's.   Favre also would have avoided all of the sacks by stiff arming defensive lineman to the ground.   Packers OLine has given up 37 sacks in 8 games, on pace to break NFL record. Rodgers also leads NFL QB's in rushing yards. Just shows how bad that line is.    [/quote] Rodgers makes O-line look bad... He should just throw it away on some downs when no one is open instead of holding it.
Nov 10, 2009 4:59 pm

Well you can’t throw the ball away when you are trailing in most games. You have limited chances to score because the D isn’t good either.

  Thats fine though. Keep licking favre's sack and complaining that Rodgers isn't as good when there is a good chance nobody will ever be. That makes about as much sense as Bulls fans complaining that Derrick Rose isn't a "leader" like Jordan was.
Nov 10, 2009 5:12 pm

Thank God we got rid of Brett.  Why would we want an NFL Legend who would have us at 7-1 when we can have a homo from UC Berkley under center and be 4-4?

    Couple things, I think this is more an issue with the Oline than Rodgers.  Favre would be on a stretcher by now if he had gotten hit as many times.  Rodgers could and should do a better job of getting rid of the ball, as some of these sacks are his fault, but first blame goes to the Oline.
Nov 10, 2009 8:15 pm

What Oline?  I think the Wisconsin Badgers Oline could outperform the Packer’s OLine. 

If I was the GM of the Packers, I would only draft O-Lineman from 3 conferences:   Big 10 SEC Big 12   That's where the mean nasty O-Linemen go to school.  None of this WAC/ACC/unknown college BS..........
Nov 17, 2009 5:40 am

Brett Fave 344 yards yesterday.  This kid is crushing it.  8-1 now, has his team playing the best football in the NFC.  Super Bowl bound.

Nov 22, 2009 10:20 pm

The express just keeps rolling along.

Nov 23, 2009 12:53 am

He has 21 td to only 3 ints… just sick… where is bank broker at…

Nov 23, 2009 3:15 am

Right here Team Boy. He is playing awesome. Still a stroke. Him playing well doesn’t mean his offseason BS isn’t a joke. MJ played well for the Wizards, Clemens pitched well for the Astros. It is two different conversations. You guys are using his current play to defend the games he plays in the offseason. Makes no sense. Squash, go get some coffee for your team you grunt.

Nov 23, 2009 3:16 am

Cutler is having a tough night.

Nov 23, 2009 3:22 am

Also, the Vikings have played 1 team that would make the playoffs if the season ended today, Pittsburgh, and they lost.

Nov 23, 2009 3:42 am
Ron 14:

Also, the Vikings have played 1 team that would make the playoffs if the season ended today, Pittsburgh, and they lost.

    Actually they would be 2-1 against teams that would be in the playoffs if they started today.
Nov 23, 2009 4:08 am
Ron 14:

Also, the Vikings have played 1 team that would make the playoffs if the season ended today, Pittsburgh, and they lost.

    Here are the records for teams that would be in the playoffs as of the late afternoon games vs. the other 11 playoff teams.   NO  1-0 Min  2-1 Dal  0-2 Az  2-1 GB  1-3 NYG  1-2   Ind  3-0 Cin  3-0 NE  0-1 SD  1-1 PGH  2-2 Jax  0-2   and for good measure...   Chi  1-3.
Nov 23, 2009 2:39 pm

I was assuming the Eagles would beat the Bears, which they did, therefore knocking out the Packers so those 2 wins don't count. Nice try though.