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Nov 23, 2009 11:46 pm

[quote=Ron 14]

I was assuming the Eagles would beat the Bears, which they did, therefore knocking out the Packers so those 2 wins don't count. Nice try though.

[/quote]     You made a statement that was false at the time you made it.  Deal with it.  Now you are qualifying your false statement?  Pack still the 2nd wildcard, Philly's win only put them in and the Giants out.  While this may change some of the records, 2 facts remain.   1.  The Vikings record against teams that would be in the playoff if the season yesterday afternoon or evening or right now is comparable to other teams.  The Vike don't get to pick the schedule, they just have to play it.  Your implication was simply wrong and based on your bias, nothing else.   2.  The Bears are now 1-4 against teams that would make the playoffs today.  Cutler missed many throws last night.  Two bombs to open receivers.   Intermediate throws over the middle high.  Stared down Olsen on the final pick.  These mistakes were not made because of pressure, the defense was not on the field, and had nothing to do with the running game.  Of course, the game was over as soon as Philly scored more than 20 points.  Cutler can throw the ball a long way, let me know when that translates into victories.   Nice try though.
Nov 24, 2009 12:34 am

[quote=Primo][quote=Ron 14]

I was assuming the Eagles would beat the Bears, which they did, therefore knocking out the Packers so those 2 wins don't count. Nice try though.

[/quote]     You made a statement that was false at the time you made it.  Deal with it.  Now you are qualifying your false statement?  Pack still the 2nd wildcard, Philly's win only put them in and the Giants out.  While this may change some of the records, 2 facts remain.   1.  The Vikings record against teams that would be in the playoff if the season yesterday afternoon or evening or right now is comparable to other teams.  The Vike don't get to pick the schedule, they just have to play it.  Your implication was simply wrong and based on your bias, nothing else.   2.  The Bears are now 1-4 against teams that would make the playoffs today.  Cutler missed many throws last night.  Two bombs to open receivers.   Intermediate throws over the middle high.  Stared down Olsen on the final pick.  These mistakes were not made because of pressure, the defense was not on the field, and had nothing to do with the running game.  Of course, the game was over as soon as Philly scored more than 20 points.  Cutler can throw the ball a long way, let me know when that translates into victories.   Nice try though.[/quote]   I don't have to qualify the statement. I made it at 9:22pm last night when the Eagles had the lead and anyone who has watched a Bear game this year knows they weren't going to win. Who the hell is talking about whether the Bears are good or not ? The Vikings will beat the crap out of the Bears this week. What is your point ?  My bad, the Giants are behind GB by a half game.
Nov 24, 2009 12:43 am

You obviously had a different screen name before, probably Jeb. How am I biased vs Cutler ? The entire city of meatheads wants Orton back ? Isn't that what I should want too because Cutler sucks now, evidently. Even legendary Bears QB Jim Miller says so!

It is easy to bash Cutler now. Just as it was easy to jump on the Broncos train when they were 5-0 and Mark Sanchez when he was 3-0. I said on this site that the Broncos wouldn't win the division when they were 5-0 and that Sanchez would throw more picks than TD's when they were 3-0, he had a 90 rating and people were calling him Sanchize. Instead of chasing me around trying to criticize everything I say, why don't you make a prediction of your own, you bitch.
Nov 24, 2009 2:14 am

[quote=Ron 14]

You obviously had a different screen name before, probably Jeb. How am I biased vs Cutler ? The entire city of meatheads wants Orton back ? Isn't that what I should want too because Cutler sucks now, evidently. Even legendary Bears QB Jim Miller says so!

It is easy to bash Cutler now. Just as it was easy to jump on the Broncos train when they were 5-0 and Mark Sanchez when he was 3-0. I said on this site that the Broncos wouldn't win the division when they were 5-0 and that Sanchez would throw more picks than TD's when they were 3-0, he had a 90 rating and people were calling him Sanchize. Instead of chasing me around trying to criticize everything I say, why don't you make a prediction of your own, you bitch. [/quote]   Little touchy?  I posted Favre looked good.  Later I posted Cutler was having a tough night. You posted a statement that was incorrect regardless of the outcome of Chi-Philly.  Due to the fact it was a terrible game, I wondered what playoff team vs. playoff teams records were, found it, posted it.  Got a PM that you were a Chicago fan, which may explain your implication that the Viking were not that good.  Posted Chicago's record to make a comparison.  You "qualified" your previous statement, made another false statement, then told me "nice try".   I posted 12 facts, 1 opinion, and 1 question.  Instead of refuting any of the facts, offering a differing opinion, or answering the question, you went off the rails on some tangent about Orton and Sanchez and called me a name.  I am sorry you do not know how to have a conversation and get so mad at words on a screen that you need to call a person you have never met a name.     
Nov 24, 2009 2:55 am

 You obviously have been reading this thread and you were piling on. You are piling on by commenting on the obvious which is Favre has been playing awesome and Cutler like crap. Someone PM’s you that I am a Bears fan so you rip them even though it was irrelevant. You are trying to stir sh*t up so I told you that if you want to state the obvious, after the fact, I am not impressed. If you want to throw out an opinion before hand it might carry more weight.  This thread has been going on for months and now all of the sudden you come out of the woodwork after Favre’s best game and Cutler’s 2 worst ? Give me a break.

  Big surprise Jeb. After that moderator conversation on the other thread you pull your skirt over your face and switch screen names. Unreal.
Nov 24, 2009 3:32 am
I will try this one more time as it is halftime, I'm bored, and unless CJ runs for 300 yds and score 4 times in the second half, my FF team is going to win.   [quote=Primo][quote=Ron 14] [/quote]   Little touchy?  I posted Favre looked good. (I'm a Vikings fan, judging by the title of the thread, I assumed this was an appropriate post) Later I posted Cutler was having a tough night. (Watching the game, offered an opinion football related opinion in a football related thread )You posted a statement that was incorrect regardless of the outcome of Chi-Philly. (You did, I didn't rip you, simply stated the correct information) Due to the fact it was a terrible game, I wondered what playoff team vs. playoff teams records were, found it, posted it. (I realize the Vikes have played some cupcakes, your post got me to thinking how does the Vikings record compare to other playoff teams, posted it)  Got a PM that you were a Chicago fan, which may explain your implication that the Viking were not that good. (Was told I was wasting my time, somewhat prophetic, again I simply corrected a misstatement)  Posted Chicago's record to make a comparison.  (The bias I was referring too was for the Bears, seemed to fit your previous statements, if my team was poor at something (winning vs good teams in this case), I wouldn't be out criticizing other teams who are good at it. You "qualified" clarified your previous statement, made another false statement, which you did, sorry that is not my opinion, just what happened then told me "nice try". Took this as the old "If I can't make a legitimate counter arguement, I'll just denigrate the counterparty in the conversation" method of debate followed shortly thereafter by the "If denigration does not work, start calling names" method of debate.   I posted 12 facts, 1 opinion, and 1 question.  Instead of refuting any of the facts, offering a differing opinion, or answering the question, you went off the rails on some tangent about Orton and Sanchez and called me a name.  I am unable to state this more clearly. I am sorry you do not know how to have a conversation and get so mad at words on a screen that you need to call a person you have never met a name.     [/quote]     *Edit*   I have skimmed through this thread and see your methods for debate have a pattern.  I am curious about another statement you made:   Big surprise Jeb. After that moderator conversation on the other thread you pull your skirt over your face and switch screen names. Unreal.   I am curious to know what you are referring too, could you post a link to this moderator conversation?
Nov 24, 2009 3:54 am


I will try this one more time as it is halftime, I'm bored, and unless CJ runs for 300 yds and score 4 times in the second half, my FF team is going to win.   [quote=Primo][quote=Ron 14] [/quote]   Little touchy?  I posted Favre looked good. (I'm a Vikings fan, judging by the title of the thread, I assumed this was an appropriate post) Later I posted Cutler was having a tough night. (Watching the game, offered an opinion football related opinion in a football related thread )You posted a statement that was incorrect regardless of the outcome of Chi-Philly. (You did, I didn't rip you, simply stated the correct information) Due to the fact it was a terrible game, I wondered what playoff team vs. playoff teams records were, found it, posted it. (I realize the Vikes have played some cupcakes, your post got me to thinking how does the Vikings record compare to other playoff teams, posted it)  Got a PM that you were a Chicago fan, which may explain your implication that the Viking were not that good. (Was told I was wasting my time, somewhat prophetic, again I simply corrected a misstatement)  Posted Chicago's record to make a comparison.  (The bias I was referring too was for the Bears, seemed to fit your previous statements, if my team was poor at something (winning vs good teams in this case), I wouldn't be out criticizing other teams who are good at it. You "qualified" clarified your previous statement, made another false statement, which you did, sorry that is not my opinion, just what happened then told me "nice try". Took this as the old "If I can't make a legitimate counter arguement, I'll just denigrate the counterparty in the conversation" method of debate followed shortly thereafter by the "If denigration does not work, start calling names" method of debate.   I posted 12 facts, 1 opinion, and 1 question.  Instead of refuting any of the facts, offering a differing opinion, or answering the question, you went off the rails on some tangent about Orton and Sanchez and called me a name.  I am unable to state this more clearly. I am sorry you do not know how to have a conversation and get so mad at words on a screen that you need to call a person you have never met a name.     [/quote]     *Edit*   I have skimmed through this thread and see your methods for debate have a pattern.  I am curious about another statement you made:   Big surprise Jeb. After that moderator conversation on the other thread you pull your skirt over your face and switch screen names. Unreal.   I am curious to know what you are referring too, could you post a link to this moderator conversation?[/quote]   -Yes, my team is the Bears and they suck. They have since the opening week. That doesn't prohibit me from commenting on other teams. The Vikings are much better than the Bears and they have been for 3 years. They will beat the Bears by 3 TD's this week. How the hell does me liking the Bears diminish my opinion that Favre is a stroke?I am a Bulls fan too and I ripped MJ for the same offseason crap!   -You did rip me when you commented on the entire Cutler/ his teams giving up 21pts debate. Dont give me the BS that this was a coincidence.   -The reason I brought up the Orton and Sanchez stuff is because unlike you I have opinions before something happens and the thread titled "NFL Week 5" proves it.   -You are Jeb and you know exactly the moderator link I am talking about because you wouldn't even ask about it if I was wrong
Nov 24, 2009 4:31 am

[quote=Ron 14][quote=Primo]

I will try this one more time as it is halftime, I'm bored, and unless CJ runs for 300 yds and score 4 times in the second half, my FF team is going to win.   [quote=Primo][quote=Ron 14] [/quote]   Little touchy?  I posted Favre looked good. (I'm a Vikings fan, judging by the title of the thread, I assumed this was an appropriate post) Later I posted Cutler was having a tough night. (Watching the game, offered an opinion football related opinion in a football related thread )You posted a statement that was incorrect regardless of the outcome of Chi-Philly. (You did, I didn't rip you, simply stated the correct information) Due to the fact it was a terrible game, I wondered what playoff team vs. playoff teams records were, found it, posted it. (I realize the Vikes have played some cupcakes, your post got me to thinking how does the Vikings record compare to other playoff teams, posted it)  Got a PM that you were a Chicago fan, which may explain your implication that the Viking were not that good. (Was told I was wasting my time, somewhat prophetic, again I simply corrected a misstatement)  Posted Chicago's record to make a comparison.  (The bias I was referring too was for the Bears, seemed to fit your previous statements, if my team was poor at something (winning vs good teams in this case), I wouldn't be out criticizing other teams who are good at it. You "qualified" clarified your previous statement, made another false statement, which you did, sorry that is not my opinion, just what happened then told me "nice try". Took this as the old "If I can't make a legitimate counter arguement, I'll just denigrate the counterparty in the conversation" method of debate followed shortly thereafter by the "If denigration does not work, start calling names" method of debate.   I posted 12 facts, 1 opinion, and 1 question.  Instead of refuting any of the facts, offering a differing opinion, or answering the question, you went off the rails on some tangent about Orton and Sanchez and called me a name.  I am unable to state this more clearly. I am sorry you do not know how to have a conversation and get so mad at words on a screen that you need to call a person you have never met a name.     [/quote]     *Edit*   I have skimmed through this thread and see your methods for debate have a pattern.  I am curious about another statement you made:   Big surprise Jeb. After that moderator conversation on the other thread you pull your skirt over your face and switch screen names. Unreal.   I am curious to know what you are referring too, could you post a link to this moderator conversation?[/quote]   -Yes, my team is the Bears and they suck. They have since the opening week. That doesn't prohibit me from commenting on other teams. The Vikings are much better than the Bears and they have been for 3 years. They will beat the Bears by 3 TD's this week. How the hell does me liking the Bears diminish my opinion that Favre is a stroke?I am a Bulls fan too and I ripped MJ for the same offseason crap!  I saw this earlier on the thread, didn't comment on it and not sure why you are talking about it.   -You did rip me when you commented on the entire Cutler/ his teams giving up 21pts debate. Dont give me the BS that this was a coincidence. In order to back up my position, I stated the correct Bears record vs... , stated Cutler missed many throws, gave 3 examples, eliminated the excuses (as they do not apply in my opinion to this game) that I hear from a Bears fan in my office, and yes, took a shot at you motivated from earlier in the thread in response to your condescending comment "nice try though".   -The reason I brought up the Orton and Sanchez stuff is because unlike you I have opinions before something happens and the thread titled "NFL Week 5" proves it. What opinions of mine are you interested in?  I am willing to have a back and forth with someone who disagrees with my position, however to this point you refuse to particiapte, you keep changing the subject.   -You are Jeb and you know exactly the moderator link I am talking about because you wouldn't even ask about it if I was wrong  I can't dispute or agree with your moderator comment without knowing what you are talking about.  I am not searching this entire board to find it, being that you know what you are talking about I asked for a link.  I'm beginnign to think that you won't refute my facts, counter my opinions, or answer my questions because you can't.  I'm used to it.  Name calling in 3...2....1..... [/quote]       Bottom line, the Bears should have won that game last night.  While the Bears have issues in many areas, QB is one of their strongest positions.  The game last night was winnable well before the final pick, but Cutler did not come through in situations he has too for the Bears to overcome their issues.  This is not an insult to you Ron14 or any other fans of the Bears, just simply my opinion.  You can counter it, agree with it, change the subject, or call me names all you want, I'm gonna catch the end of the game.
Nov 24, 2009 4:57 am

I completely agree with your Bears assessment. I also agree with your facts. I admitted I was wrong on the GB/Giants thing.

 I thought you were going in the direction that has happened on this thread after every game about how awesome Favre is when my inital comments about him were about his offseason wavering, not that he couldn't help the Vikings. (also why I keep mentioning MJ, retire/unretire) I assumed you were someone following the Favre/Cutler/NFL threads the entire time and you had changed your screen name to attack. If I am wrong I apologize.
Dec 7, 2009 3:26 am

And the late season swoon begins…

Dec 7, 2009 3:13 pm

Favre has proven to me that his skill level is still there.(Still think his offseason games are ridiculous) The only thing that is going to throw him and the Vikings off track from here is Brad Childress. He is starting to throw the ball WAY too much. Favre has been on fire because they were running the hell out of the ball and he was able to use play action to pick people apart. If Childress is going to try and turn the Vikings O into the Saints (50 throws a game) they will crash and burn. I dont care how many times Peterson is stuffed you keep getting him the ball via screens and/or handoffs.

Dec 7, 2009 8:14 pm


[quote=Primo]And the late season swoon begins…[/quote]

10 - 2 this week; 10 - 3 next week.  Look at it this way…losing to the Cards will really ease you into the dismantling your boys are going to get next week. 

Who cares…
10-3 next week
10-4 the following week
10-5 the week after that
10-6 the final week
Still play in the playoffs!

Gotta respect Favre’s year…

Dec 18, 2009 4:19 pm

Great article on Favre. It brings me much closer to how I used to think about him before the last couple offseasons. It goes into detail about why some of this stuff has happened.
Dec 18, 2009 4:35 pm

[quote=Ron 14]Great article on Favre. It brings me much closer to how I used to think about him before the last couple offseasons. It goes into detail about why some of this stuff has happened.[/quote]   Traitor...   Who am I going to spar with now that you are a Favre fan... Didn't know his middle name was LORENZO..
Dec 18, 2009 4:42 pm

LOL! As I look closer into my Favre dislike it may be media hatred that was misdirected. I haven’t totally flopped, but I guess I have softened. The way he has played has proven me wrong anyways so I don’t have much of a leg to stand on now. You can rip me because I still think Jay Cutler is a stud, if you are looking for something to debate !

Dec 18, 2009 5:28 pm

I also think Jay Cutler is awesome… so we can’t debate that… By any chance do you like ron turner?

Dec 18, 2009 5:44 pm

The entire city hates Ron Turner. I don’t think he is the problem. He is no Bill Walsh, but he is a middle of the road coordinator at a good price.  The Bears are basically admitting that it was easier to put Cutler into their current system than have the other 10 guys change for him. They made 3 changes on the O Line and all 3 have played bad, real bad. Kruetz, the only guy who was good in the past, has fallen off. (which is expected after 10 yrs with team) Hester is a low end number 2 / high end number 3 WR and Bennett is garbage. I am not sold on Knox. He can run a fly route, but I doubt he will materialize into anything else. Greg Olson is solid, but he couldn’t block my wife, so when he is in the game they know he is going out for a pass and he is double covered. Fans are killing Forte also, but I blame that on the line also. Forte doesn’t have the speed to be a top 5 back, but he can be a solid NFL starter. Turner will take the fall, but he isn’t the problem.

Dec 18, 2009 5:53 pm

Ron turner sucks…He sucked before, sucked at u of i, sucks now…

  THe line is terrible, so is the running back, the wrs, the dbs, the dline, the head coach, the defensive coordinator.   Other than that they are good... wait you are right te's are terrible too...
Dec 18, 2009 6:22 pm

LOL ! U of I and the Bears have had two record breaking era’s on the offensive side in the last 20 years. Ron Turner was calling the plays for both. Kramer/Conway/Graham for Bears mid 90’s, Kittner/Lloyd/Young for Illini 8 years ago. He is no legend, but as I said, the line is the problem. A RB doesn’t go from 1200 yrds and 60 catches to a terd overnight. It doesn’t work that way. The Oline and Dlines make or break a team and the Bears have old bad players on both sides. That is why they suck. Angelo can’t find a good free agent to save his life and he needs to go. We don’t have any picks, only cap room and if he is filling the spots Cutler should just request another trade today. If they had a 2nd Rd pick to draft a left guard or center instead of Gaines Adams and room to sign Plaxico or Boldin things could change pretty quickly. With the current administration it won’t happen. I want Gruden or Shannahan to come in and blow the entire thing up, but thats a pipe dream.

Dec 21, 2009 5:31 pm

Where are the Favre supporters now ? You guys ripped me for 13 weeks every single Monday following a great game by him, even though his play was never my intial gripe, now after two crap games I hear nothing but crickets ? Unbelievable.