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Oct 25, 2009 9:13 pm

[quote=Ron 14]

He doesn't have a turnover and the Bears are down 21 pts. This proves my point that both offensive and defensive lines on the Bears are horrible. With Orton they would be 1-5.

Yeah. How many QB's consistently win games when their D gives up 21 pts in the 1st qtr ? NONE. I am sure you will blame Cutler when he throws 2 Int's even though now he has no choice but to force passes in there. [/quote]  
Oct 25, 2009 9:33 pm

[quote=Ron 14]

He doesn't have a turnover and the Bears are down 21 pts. This proves my point that both offensive and defensive lines on the Bears are horrible. With Orton they would be 1-5.

Yeah. How many QB's consistently win games when their D gives up 21 pts in the 1st qtr ? NONE. I am sure you will blame Cutler when he throws 2 Int's even though now he has no choice but to force passes in there. [/quote]   You posted that Cutler was 20-2 when the other team scores less than 21 pts.  His career record is 20-22, so that would make him 0-20 when the other teams scores more than 21.  How many great QB's are 0 for their career when their defense gives up more than 21 pts?  Cutler is physically talented, but not a winner by any measure.  It also amuses me that any turnovers Cutler commits are not his fault because his team is behind, yet Favre's turnovers are all on him even though his team was behind.  Funny.
Oct 25, 2009 9:44 pm

[quote=Jebediah][quote=Ron 14]

He doesn't have a turnover and the Bears are down 21 pts. This proves my point that both offensive and defensive lines on the Bears are horrible. With Orton they would be 1-5.

Yeah. How many QB's consistently win games when their D gives up 21 pts in the 1st qtr ? NONE. I am sure you will blame Cutler when he throws 2 Int's even though now he has no choice but to force passes in there. [/quote]   You posted that Cutler was 20-2 when the other team scores less than 21 pts.  His career record is 20-22, so that would make him 0-20 when the other teams scores more than 21.  How many great QB's are 0 for their career when their defense gives up more than 21 pts?  Cutler is physically talented, but not a winner by any measure.  It also amuses me that any turnovers Cutler commits are not his fault because his team is behind, yet Favre's turnovers are all on him even though his team was behind.  Funny. [/quote]   Ahh come on you can't be serious here...He referenced if Cutler throws picks trying to come from a 28 point deficit.  Favre was in FG range down only by a FG on both of his devastating TO's.  Also, see the posts about Favre's TO record in playoff games in the 00's.  THAT's where the hate on him comes from.  Dude turns the ball over at the ABSOLUTE worst times.
Oct 25, 2009 9:46 pm

Favre’s team was behind by a FG. Cutler is down multiple TD’s, there is a huge difference.

  Cutler is 25 years old. You were probably ripping Peyton Manning 8 years ago using the same claims.   Jeb I would love to line up against you with or without equipment. We could then post the footage on this site.
Oct 25, 2009 9:56 pm

[quote=3rdyrp2][quote=Jebediah][quote=Ron 14]

He doesn't have a turnover and the Bears are down 21 pts. This proves my point that both offensive and defensive lines on the Bears are horrible. With Orton they would be 1-5.

Yeah. How many QB's consistently win games when their D gives up 21 pts in the 1st qtr ? NONE. I am sure you will blame Cutler when he throws 2 Int's even though now he has no choice but to force passes in there. [/quote]   You posted that Cutler was 20-2 when the other team scores less than 21 pts.  His career record is 20-22, so that would make him 0-20 when the other teams scores more than 21.  How many great QB's are 0 for their career when their defense gives up more than 21 pts?  Cutler is physically talented, but not a winner by any measure.  It also amuses me that any turnovers Cutler commits are not his fault because his team is behind, yet Favre's turnovers are all on him even though his team was behind.  Funny. [/quote]   Ahh come on you can't be serious here...He referenced if Cutler throws picks trying to come from a 28 point deficit.  Favre was in FG range down only by a FG on both of his devastating TO's.  Also, see the posts about Favre's TO record in playoff games in the 00's.  THAT's where the hate on him comes from.  Dude turns the ball over at the ABSOLUTE worst times.[/quote]     Ron Ron is trying to make excuses ahead of time.  That is what is funny.  Ron has talked about Cutler as a legit QB, even though he had a losing career record, can't win games unless the D holds the opponent to under 21 points, and turns the ball over too much.  If you feel the Bengals game is a bad example, let's look at the Packers game.
Oct 25, 2009 9:58 pm

[quote=Ron 14]Favre’s team was behind by a FG. Cutler is down multiple TD’s, there is a huge difference.

  Cutler is 25 years old. You were probably ripping Peyton Manning 8 years ago using the same claims.   Jeb I would love to line up against you with or without equipment. We could then post the footage on this site. [/quote]     So your legit QB can use age as an excuse, but the oldest position player in the league doesn't get cut any slack?  Face it, Favre is outplaying Cutler to this point this season.
Oct 25, 2009 10:09 pm

Your command of the english language is unbelievable. What country are you from ? Seriously. You are saying “career” record. I am saying he is 25 so he has plenty of career left. I am not saying his age is why he hasn’t played perfectly. For what he has to work with he has performed well. You can’t judge a guy on career numbers when he is in his 3rd year as a starter, that just doesn’t make sense.

Oct 25, 2009 10:11 pm

You just said Cutler isn't a legit QB. That proves you don't know anything about the game. Im done with your dumb ass.

Oct 25, 2009 10:42 pm

[quote=Ron 14]

You just said Cutler isn't a legit QB. That proves you don't know anything about the game. Im done with your dumb ass.

[/quote]     I think you are the one with a lack of understanding of the English language.  Name calling and saying you are done is the easy way out of an argument you know you can't win.  About what I expected.
Oct 25, 2009 10:45 pm
Ron 14:

Your command of the english language is unbelievable. What country are you from ? Seriously. You are saying “career” record. I am saying he is 25 so he has plenty of career left. I am not saying his age is why he hasn’t played perfectly. For what he has to work with he has performed well. You can’t judge a guy on career numbers when he is in his 3rd year as a starter, that just doesn’t make sense.

    You are the one who brought up Cutlers career record in games where the opposing team scored less than 21 points to illustrate how good he is, now you object when I point out the other side of the statistic, that he can't win unless the defense gives up less than 21 points.  You are an amazing little man.  Funny.
Oct 26, 2009 2:44 am

[quote=Ron 14]2 turnovers for TD’s, was completely out of breath the entire 2nd half, finally played a decent team. Favre!!! MVP!!!

    Out of breath?  You are stretching your reasoning for your Favre hatred.  Was either turnover due to a Favre mistake?   Stripped from behind while attempting a pass is a good defensive play.  The int hit Taylor in the hands.  It wasn't thrown too hard or poorly, Taylor misplayed it.  Just think if Farve had 4 more turnovers in this game (6 total), he would equal Cutler's total for the season... even though Cutler has played two fewer games (as of right now).[/quote]   That play should have never happened. That was a crap call that negateted that touchdown to sidney rice...
Oct 26, 2009 2:50 am

[quote=Jebediah][quote=Ron 14]2 turnovers for TD’s, was completely out of breath the entire 2nd half, finally played a decent team. Favre!!! MVP!!!

    Out of breath?  You are stretching your reasoning for your Favre hatred.  Was either turnover due to a Favre mistake?   Stripped from behind while attempting a pass is a good defensive play.  The int hit Taylor in the hands.  It wasn't thrown too hard or poorly, Taylor misplayed it.  Just think if Farve had 4 more turnovers in this game (6 total), he would equal Cutler's total for the season... even though Cutler has played two fewer games (as of right now).[/quote]   That play should have never happened. That was a crap call that negateted that touchdown to sidney rice...[/quote]   That would only matter to Ron Ron if the QB in question was Cutler.
Oct 26, 2009 3:36 pm

Three NFL Quarterbacks die and go to heaven. They go before God and he
asks all three of them what they believe.

God asks Peyton Manning first: "What do you believe?"

Peyton thinks long and hard, looks God in the eye, and says, "I believe in
hard work, and in staying true to family and friends. I believe in giving.
I was lucky, but I always tried to do right by my fans."

God can't help but see the essential goodness of Manning, and offers him a
seat to his left.

Then God turns to Tom Brady and says, "What do you believe?" 

Tom says, "I believe passion, discipline, courage and honor are the
fundamentals of life. I, too, have been lucky, but win or lose; I've
always tried to be a true sportsman, both on and off the playing fields."

God is greatly moved by Tom's sincere eloquence and he offers him a seat
to his right.

Finally, God turns to Brett Favre: "And you, Brett, what do you believe?"

Brett replies, "I believe you're in my seat"

Oct 26, 2009 7:18 pm

[quote=Ron 14]

Three NFL Quarterbacks die and go to heaven. They go before God and he
asks all three of them what they believe.

God asks Peyton Manning first: "What do you believe?"

Peyton thinks long and hard, looks God in the eye, and says, "I believe in
hard work, and in staying true to family and friends. I believe in giving.
I was lucky, but I always tried to do right by my fans."

God can't help but see the essential goodness of Manning, and offers him a
seat to his left.

Then God turns to Tom Brady and says, "What do you believe?" 

Tom says, "I believe passion, discipline, courage and honor are the
fundamentals of life. I, too, have been lucky, but win or lose; I've
always tried to be a true sportsman, both on and off the playing fields."

God is greatly moved by Tom's sincere eloquence and he offers him a seat
to his right.

Finally, God turns to Brett Favre: "And you, Brett, what do you believe?"

Brett replies, "I believe you're in my seat"

[/quote]   Seriously Brady fathered a kid and then took off to be with some supermodel... great role model..   But the part about Favre is funny
Oct 26, 2009 7:38 pm

I agree with you on the Brady part, he is a piece of trash. Maybe replace Brady with Warner.

Oct 26, 2009 7:44 pm

Jesus Freaks annoy me…

  How about Drew Brees..
Oct 26, 2009 7:53 pm

Dudes with large moles on their face scare me… how about Carson Palmer ?, lol

Oct 26, 2009 9:17 pm

[quote=Squash1][quote=Ron 14]

Three NFL Quarterbacks die and go to heaven. They go before God and he
asks all three of them what they believe.

God asks Peyton Manning first: "What do you believe?"

Peyton thinks long and hard, looks God in the eye, and says, "I believe in
hard work, and in staying true to family and friends. I believe in giving.
I was lucky, but I always tried to do right by my fans."

God can't help but see the essential goodness of Manning, and offers him a
seat to his left.

Then God turns to Tom Brady and says, "What do you believe?" 

Tom says, "I believe passion, discipline, courage and honor are the
fundamentals of life. I, too, have been lucky, but win or lose; I've
always tried to be a true sportsman, both on and off the playing fields."

God is greatly moved by Tom's sincere eloquence and he offers him a seat
to his right.

Finally, God turns to Brett Favre: "And you, Brett, what do you believe?"

Brett replies, "I believe you're in my seat"

[/quote]   Seriously Brady fathered a kid and then took off to be with some supermodel... great role model..   But the part about Favre is funny[/quote]   Come on.  He didn't father the kid then run off.  They didn't know she was even pregnant until after they'd broken up.  And he's not a deadbeat dad.  He was there at the hospital when the kid was born. 
Oct 27, 2009 2:19 am

Let me get this straight. Brady bangs one hot chick, knocks her up. Moves on to even hotter chick. Still is involved in his child’s life. And you guys don’t think he’s a role model?

Your definition of role model is different than mine.

Nov 1, 2009 11:07 pm

Ron, say you are sorry.