Insanity Test
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Joe, as for Muslim leaders in this country preaching violence, where? Assuming this is true where is it different than any other group speaking out against the govt?
Is urging that my parents be killed speaking out against the government?
In your frenzy to apologize for the gutter "religion" you paint yourself as a fool.
If you're looking for the fool who needs to issue an apology I'd suggest you look in the mirror.
Still, as a racist, at least you are honest about it. A honest racist fool. You were born 100 years too late.
" My reading comprehension is just fine, thanks. I understand what you're trying to say, and that you are essentially talking out of both sides of your mouth. "After all, I don't hate them individually, I just hate that the whole bunch of 'em exist collectively....." Typical liberal nonsense."
See? You don't understand (you're so predictable)!
"Hmmmm...but when they got back from Viet Nam and people of your ilk called them "baby killers" and spat in their faces, instead of thanking them for serving their country, do you think maybe a few of our soldiers found that discouraging?"
My "Ilk"? See? You have no clue in terms of understanding what I said. There is a Gulf of Tolking between disagreeing and disrespecting. What some of our soldiers did in Viet Nam was immoral, illegal and unAmerican. But nobody of my "ilk" spat on any of them. I'm sorry, does that makes me some sort of "coward" in your book?
You bring up a good distinction in re: civilian Patriot. The line I would say is drawn by the commentor's own insistence of the relavence of his military experience. My best friend, since we were four years old (at most) spent 20+ in the military. How much action did he see? ZIP, ZERO. He worked in the garage fixing crap that other guys would break. He went around the world. He's a great guy and a wonderful friend (much better friend than I am) but his politics are poluted by his service.
I don't deny that he served and that his efforts helped keep America's enemies at bay. And he's a smart guy (well, sort of, he's smart in his own ways, but he's always been unsmart in many of the normal ways) and I love him... But when we talk politics, I need to find ways around his military training.
Meanwhile, as relates to this thread.
I pass!
It is clear that I have "Insanity" after all, I'm doing the same danmed thing again and again expecting a different result.
Talking to the right and expecting them to consider anything out of their "box" is a waste of time.
Are either of these whiners Caucasian or heterosexual males?
If you are looking for a date, call Mark Foley. You ought to have a lot in common to talk about.
[quote=Dust Bunny]Whommit and Bond Guy are freaking blind idiots. I'm done discussing this with them. Might as well try to reason with my cat.[/quote]
Because I disagree with you I'm a blind freaking idiot?
If you read thru my posts you will see that i am consistant. I recognise the terror threat. I see the religious connections. Yet, in the rush to crucify me you and the rest of the mob have jumped right past that. Why? Because I chose not to judge a person soley based upon their religion. And because I chose not to judge a person soley based upon their religion I've been called a lot of names today. From dufus to blind freaking idiot.
I assure you I'm not blind. And while I have my share of dufus moments what I really am is what you and many others here are not, a person who doesn't discriminate against people based upon their religion.
This has been a disappointing and ugly thread.
I am absolutely stunned by some of the things I read on this board today.
This has been a disappointing and ugly thread.
I am absolutely stunned by some of the things I read on this board today.
Hang in there Bond Guy, and all the get respect from the sidelines for laying it all out here, a worthwhile effort.
Look at the passion and depth of perspective here. After all, this issue underlies the safety and success of our economy, and our livelihood every day.
And if DA does not speak for the subconscious fears and anger for many, at least for some, and Whomit's articulation of alternative viewpoints, Bond Guy's passion for respect and fairness, and Joe's moderate balanced viewpoint, and Dust b's passion for accountability, thanks everyone for your investment in this thread, it demonstrates some real character, and reinforces my own favorite theme, which is that we should all stick together on certain professional issues while maintaining our unique perspectives.
[quote=joedabrkr] [quote=BondGuy]
[quote=Dust Bunny]Whommit and Bond Guy are freaking blind idiots. I'm done discussing this with them. Might as well try to reason with my cat.[/quote]
Because I disagree with you I'm a blind freaking idiot?
If you read thru my posts you will see that i am consistant. I recognise the terror threat. I see the religious connections. Yet, in the rush to crucify me you and the rest of the mob have jumped right past that. Why? Because I chose not to judge a person soley based upon their religion. And because I chose not to judge a person soley based upon their religion I've been called a lot of names today. From dufus to blind freaking idiot.
I assure you I'm not blind. And while I have my share of dufus moments what I really am is what you and many others here are not, a person who doesn't discriminate against people based upon their religion.
This has been a disappointing and ugly thread.
I am absolutely stunned by some of the things I read on this board today.
I do hope you do not consider me part of that 'mob'.
Joe, you and I sit on different sides of the political table. And on the issue at hand we see things differently. Yet, you voiced your views on the subject without the discriminatory retoric and without attacking the messenger. I can respect that. Of course I don't consider you part of the mob.
And yes i know who DA is.
[quote=joedabrkr] [quote=Devil'sAdvocate]Why do you hope that? Are you not comfortable in your beliefs?[/quote]
I am perfectly comfortable in my beliefs. I just don't want people to confuse them with your backwards views on the world.
What is something you conclude that I believe that you disagree with?
[quote=joedabrkr] [quote=Devil'sAdvocate]Why do you hope that? Are you not comfortable in your beliefs?[/quote]
I am perfectly comfortable in my beliefs. I just don't want people to confuse them with your backwards views on the world.
What is something you conclude that I believe that you disagree with?
I'm with Joe on this one. "Gutter religion" is a good place to start as to where we disagree.
A religion that preaches that anyone who disagrees should be killed is a gutter religion.
A religion that teaches that a daughter who has sex before marriage should be murdered by her father and brothers is a gutter religion.
A religion that calls for murdering–Salman Rushdie comes to mind–is a gutter religion.
So how about if you show us where the Qu'uran or a mainstream Muslim organization supports some of these things
Show us where they don't.
I know that the entire Muslim population doesn't support these things, but they need to become vocal about it. So far, the vocal part has been the extremists, CAIR, the Flying Imams and others.
if there is one way that I think they have truly erred is to take advantage of this opportunity to help draw a discerning line between moderate mainline Muslims here and abroad, and encourage those more reasonable parties to voice their opposition to the misuse of the religion to justify terrorist actions.
I agree and the ball is now in the court of the moderate Muslims to stand up and show their true colors. I'm waiting........
Religious scholars tell us that it is impossible to be a Muslim without believing in violence. The core of the Muslim religion is based on revenge and violence.
They, the scholars, also tell us that there is no such thing as a "Moderate Muslim." Those who do not accept the Quran literally are considered infidels, and therefore not members of the religion.
The fools who thinkk there are moderate Muslims are simpletons who don't want to think ill of others lest they think ill of them.