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Wealth Management Wire
Donald Trump

What Investors Should Expect Under President Trump

No one knows for sure what Donald Trump will do as president.

By Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist, The Oxford Club

Many investors were bewildered by last week’s stock market action. First, the Dow rallied 400 points on news that the FBI would not be prosecuting Hillary Clinton about her private server, increasing the chance of a Clinton victory. Then it stumbled on news of her loss - only to quickly rally several hundred points to a new all-time record high in the first two sessions after Donald Trump’s win.

Much the same happened overseas. In Asia, for instance, stocks dropped 5% before seeing the American market’s reaction. Then they rallied 7% the following evening. What is going on here? In short, a lot of uncertainty.

No one knows for sure what Donald Trump will do as president. He made a lot of different (sometimes contradictory) promises during the oh-so-long campaign. Let’s take a closer look at both the good and…

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