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Wealth Management Wire
Stocks Just Got A Whole Lot Cheaper

Stocks Just Got A Whole Lot Cheaper

The consensus outlook for 2018 is fabulous!

Just like that, the U.S. stock market suddenly became a whole lot cheaper. The flipping of the calendar to 2017 brought with it the first estimates for 2018 from S&P Global. And as would be completely expected, the consensus outlook for 2018 is absolutely fabulous! Grab your television remotes and your salt shakers, as analysts now have a fresh new point to reference in discussing how attractively valued stocks actually are today despite effectively trading at all-time highs. Of course, our wildest dreams for the future often prove elusive once time moves closer to reality. And this includes the outlook for U.S. stocks.

What A Bargain!

It makes for a great narrative for those on the box or in the papers that have a vested interest in the stock market (DIA) soaring to new heights.

"Stocks are actually not expensive today but are instead attractively valued with

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