Wait. Obama wants to give the Fed, whose monetary policies fed the largest speculative bubble in the U.S., more power? http://bit.ly/wz6eq # RT @CatoInstitute: Obama's "financial fix": Any reform plan that leaves out Fannie and Freddie can't be...
"The Obama administration yesterday presented a misguided, ill-informed remake of our financial regulatory system that will make crises more likely and more costly." The Cato Institute's Mark Calabria on how President Jesus's plan misses the real...
I can't get the "nut graph" from a story on the Federal gub'ment's (say in a Michigan militia accent) involvement in the private economy from yesterday's Wall Street Journal out of my head. The story, on the front page below the fold (for those of...
The Associate Press reports the Obama Administratoin is eyeballing a major overhaul of financial institutions. Many have been arguing for a long time (including our own magazine) that the Depression-era framework was inefficient, too costly and...