Despite current upheavals in the markets, author and demographer Harry Dent is standing by his contention that the Dow could hit 36,000 by 2007 or 2008. “This is short-term market turmoil,” Dent said Wednesday at the Raymond James 2001...
The Sound of Silence Stan Kaplan enjoys tranquility and peace of mind since going independent in 1996. By Michael Hayes Stan Kaplan answers his own phone. He also opens his own mail, pays his own bills, fiddles with his computer when it crashes...
For over 20 years, it has been my privilege to teach law students at Northwestern University Law School and very early in my career at four other law schools. At The American Bankers Association National Trust School and National Graduate Trust...
Merrill Lynch’s pretax earnings from its retail operation jumped 17% to $1.6 billion for the year 2000. According to a 10-K report filed with the SEC on March 16, staff reductions combined with a strong performance in Merrill’s...
Mr. Jones (not his real name), in the course of our typical estate planning process (the same as yours, namely, gathering data on assets, family, and objectives first), had just completed our estate planning questionnaire lets call it the "Naked...
Raymond James Financial Services, which grew to a record 3,909 brokers in 2000, projects to increase at an average rate of 500 brokers per year over the next three years, according to Tony Greene, chairman and CEO of RJFS. “We’re being...
President Clinton signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB) into law on November 12, 1999. Beginning shortly thereafter and continuing until the present day, federal banking, and other agencies have been issuing proposed and final rules as required...
Wealth management professionals are increasingly recognizing and utilizing the power of the Internet to improve their practices, so says the recently-released North American Private Banking/Wealth Management Survey, conducted by...