Eric Hernandez, a financial advisor at UBS Securities, one day realized that he just couldn't make another cold call. For Hernandez, who had been with UBS for five years, and with Prudential Securities four years before that, the life of a...
It sounds somewhat crass to say, but besides being a great destroyer of health, dementia can also destroy many a grand retirement plan. The fact of the matter is, after the age of 60, the risk of suffering from dementia increases. While only about...
In this month's column, we explore succession planning, a key service that wealth advisors can and should provide for clients whose fortunes are tied up in closely held businesses. We give you the hypothetical case of Charlie and Sally, a couple...
Robert Haugen, finance professor emeritus at the University of California, Irvine, and managing partner of Haugen Custom Financial Systems, enjoys tilting at conventional wisdom. The maverick economist has blasted away at such sacred cows as the...
When Ross Perot ran for president in 1992, the Texas billionaire revealed his simple investing strategy: He had put nearly everything into municipal bonds. The approach violated textbook advice that urges investors to hold diversified portfolios...
It's one of those stories that makes an advisor realize: That could have been me. In September 1999, Customer X and her husband transferred their son's custodial account, a joint account and two retirement accounts to Advest. In August 2002, after...
It sounds nice: Making money by investing in companies guided by enlightened executives. But do companies that play nicely really outperform those companies who are controlled by selfish and greedy executives? The Corporate Library chief analyst...
According to studies by McKinsey & Co., institutional investors are willing to pay a 12 percent to 14 percent premium for well-governed companies in North America and Western Europe. At Registered Rep.'s request The Corporate Library (TCL) has...
We are all familiar with Murphy's Law: A satirical proposition stating that if there is a possibility for something to go wrong, it will go wrong. But this does not always have to be a bad thing. If you are prepared to fix what goes wrong quickly...
Investors looking to beat the average returns of the market will be heading to hedge funds and funds of hedge funds even more in the future, says new research. According to TowerGroup, a Needham, Mass.-based consulting firm, assets in hedge funds...