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Jun 2, 2011 5:39 pm

I'm thinking about getting out of the brokerage business and start an RIA instead.  I'm currenlty an independent.

What are some the main differences compliance wise between RIA and Brokerage?

Jul 7, 2011 7:26 pm

Hunstmanforprez - I ran a broker-dealer and investment adviser prior to starting my compliance consulting company.  I would be happy to discuss the differences with you.  800-785-5860

Mar 19, 2012 12:27 am

Hi hunstmanforprez,

There are quite a few differences between broker dealer and RIA compliance, but to sum it all up, the main difference is that B/Ds are way more heavily regulated than RIAs.  There are MANY more rules associated with B/Ds, and RIA compliance is much more simplified, in my opinion.  Of course, the industry is constantly evolving, and with Dodd Frank as well as additional proposed rules in the pipeline, RIA compliance is increasing, but still no where near B/D compliance.  

If you have any questions regarding specific firm activities, I would be more than happy to answer your questions. I am currently a compliance consultant, but my years of experience in the industry include working at some of the most well-known firms, and I am also a former regulator, so I am well-versed in the rules and regulations.


Tiffany Chamberlain

Mananging Director, Polaris Compliance Consulting

[email protected]