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Oct 30, 2010 4:23 pm

I have a question.  When Osama talks about the deficit he inherited, is he talking about the budget the Dem controlled Congress passed?  The spending he voted for?  Is this the deficit he is talking about?

Nov 1, 2010 3:24 pm

Prime, it's Obama, not Osama. Your racist slip is showing.

Nov 1, 2010 3:34 pm

[quote=Prime Time]

I have a question.  When Osama talks about the deficit he inherited, is he talking about the budget the Dem controlled Congress passed?  The spending he voted for?  Is this the deficit he is talking about?


Osama?  Wow you are an ass.  What's the matter, you can't post this on your litte AH site?

Nov 1, 2010 4:52 pm

Too funny, Osama is "racist" huh?

Gee, what about the nasty name calling of Bush all those years huh?

Liberals have such a double standard.

Nov 1, 2010 7:07 pm

Obama showing his true colors more and more (no racism intended).

Nov 1, 2010 7:10 pm

I never could figure out how the libs could be so flippant about " Osamas". They just want to hide their heads in the sand while women are increasingly exploited (as the Muslim population explodes). (No pun intended).

Nov 1, 2010 7:16 pm

These " stupid" people are going to be celebrating soon!

Nov 1, 2010 7:22 pm

Bond - aren't you the guy who started this thread with this comment:


The tea baggers remain as confused as always.


Perhaps you should pull the plank out of your own eye before you start pointing out the specks in others. 

Nov 1, 2010 8:50 pm

The term tea baggers, while derisive, isn't racist. Calling the prez Osama is racist as it's trying to play on Islamic fear. Look it up. I guess i expect too much from you? Space, are you a racist?

Speaking of racist tea baggers, all of you Ok with Sharron Angle getting the nod in Nevada? This woman claimed, outrageously, that Islamic Sharia law is being instituted in Dearborn Michigan and Frankford Texas. She demanded to know how that happened in the United States? That's a really good question since it didn't happen.   Good old fashioned American law rules in Dearborn. As for Frankfort Texas, would one of you tea bagger lovers please call Sharron and let her know that Frankfort Texas was annexed by Dallas almost 40 years ago, so, technically, no such place. Par for the course for the morons. Oh, and dallas? American law!

You guys really want people like that running the country?

Nov 1, 2010 8:59 pm

I wonder if Bill Maher is the pinhead or if it's BG. Check the video.

Nov 1, 2010 10:27 pm


Prime, it's Obama, not Osama. Your racist slip is showing.


I'm just a low information voter who clings to his guns and religion that is so scared I cannot think straight much less spell correctly.  I apologize.  Care to answer the question?

Nov 1, 2010 11:32 pm

How is calling President Obama Osama racist? 

It's more cultural.  Just like calling someone a teabagger, is not racist, but could in fact be construed as sexually deviant in nature and implying that if you believe a certain way, you are sexually deviant.  Some may consider it offensive.

The question is:

Why does something that offends one group have more merit that something that offends another group?


It doesn't.

Nov 2, 2010 2:43 am


Prime, it's Obama, not Osama. Your racist slip is showing.


Funny how you picked that part out of his entire post and completely ignored the questions he asked you.

Anyway, how is that "racist"? In what way did you think Prime was comparing the two names? Osama is Middle Eastern and Obama is Multiracial (like most of us in America, but Obama considers himself to be African American). Osama is a radical muslim and Obama is Christian.

The connection I see, besides the obvious similarity in the spelling and pronouncing of their names, is that Prime stated he feels these two people are a threat to free market capitalism.

BG, are you a Black Panther?

Nov 2, 2010 2:54 pm

OK, I hadn't heard that one about Sharon Angle.  So, I went to the most trusted new source out there to get information on it:  The Huffington Post.  Here's the link:

Did you actually read how she answered the question?  Or did you just get your info from Jon Stewart and figure he wouldn't lie/hype it up at all?  Wait, maybe it was the Daily Kos.  Your comments come almost verbatim from their write up on the issue:,-Michigan-came-to-be-under-Sharia-Law!-And-how-Sharon-Angle-lurned-it-was-so. 

C'mon BG, you aren't really just taking the left's talking points and regurgitating them, are you?  That seems a little too Sarah Palin-esque for you.  I thought your area didn't have any non-thinkers like we do here in the simple old conservative mid-west. 

Just to make sure we all know what 's actually being talked about here's another link:  This is the blog that started the whole thing.  So, BG, are you saying that it's OK for something like this to happen?  What kind of public outcry do you think there would have been had the religions been reversed?  What if a Muslim would have been even just verbally abused by a Christian?  How quickly do you think NBC, CBS, ABC, et al would have put that right in our faces?   

FWIW, I agree with Sharon that if it appears that Sharia law is being enforced over a constitutional right (the right to free speech in this particular case) then it needs to be stopped. 

So, to answer your question about being OK with Sharon Angle getting the nod in Nevada?  Based on this alone?  Yep, perfectly comfortable. 

Nov 2, 2010 4:11 pm

[quote=Spaceman Spiff]

OK, I hadn't heard that one about Sharon Angle.  So, I went to the most trusted new source out there to get information on it:  The Huffington Post.  Here's the link:

Did you actually read how she answered the question?  Or did you just get your info from Jon Stewart and figure he wouldn't lie/hype it up at all?  Wait, maybe it was the Daily Kos.  Your comments come almost verbatim from their write up on the issue:,-Michigan-came-to-be-under-Sharia-Law!-And-how-Sharon-Angle-lurned-it-was-so. 

C'mon BG, you aren't really just taking the left's talking points and regurgitating them, are you?  That seems a little too Sarah Palin-esque for you.  I thought your area didn't have any non-thinkers like we do here in the simple old conservative mid-west. 

Just to make sure we all know what 's actually being talked about here's another link:  This is the blog that started the whole thing.  So, BG, are you saying that it's OK for something like this to happen?  What kind of public outcry do you think there would have been had the religions been reversed?  What if a Muslim would have been even just verbally abused by a Christian?  How quickly do you think NBC, CBS, ABC, et al would have put that right in our faces?   

FWIW, I agree with Sharon that if it appears that Sharia law is being enforced over a constitutional right (the right to free speech in this particular case) then it needs to be stopped. 

So, to answer your question about being OK with Sharon Angle getting the nod in Nevada?  Based on this alone?  Yep, perfectly comfortable. 


Space, are you kidding with this? Dude, try practicing your right to assembly and free speech while confronting union members on the sidewalk in front of their inflatable rat. After you get out of the ER see how interested the police or the courts are in helping your cause. Let me tell you how that will work. By approaching the lawfully assembled union members you are doing so for the unlawfull purpose of seeking to incite. Outside of the right to seek the immediate medical assistance you will need you have no rights at that point. Any rookie cop will tell you that.

I'll  watch the vid later. But, from the description, did the Christians provoke the Muslims or not? It reads as if they did. They entered the Arab festival with an anti arab agenda. It would be argued that they, the Christians, had given up their rights to assembly and free speech as their intention was to incite. There is that little word in the first amendment "lawfully" that covers that base. And, though i dispise any anti American rhetoric, the Arabs have first amendments rights to free speech as well. Later today, when time allows i'll watch the vid. If my opinion changes I'll let you know.

 And, as for the Arabs lying to the police, I thought you were Ok with lying?

Still, the issue isn't the event that caused Angle to respond. It's her racist and totally misinformed response that is at issue. That she's Ok with you and others is kinda scary. OK with me if guys like you want her for town council or state rep, but if you elect her to the senate then we all have to live with the consequences of a dumbed down upper house.

Nov 2, 2010 4:31 pm

BG, you're as negative a O. What happened, Bond? You're the negative sales guy that needs to be put down.

I seriously doubt if anyone here is racist, stupid or mean.

Space, enjoy the moment. Best day of 2010.

Things are going to get a lot better, America is ready to get back to work and that is good for financial advisors.

If you are new to the business, better times are coming. Not easier times, better times when people will take your advice.

Don't pay any attention to negativity! You have my blessings to start drinking now.

Nov 2, 2010 4:39 pm

I'm curious... When did becoming an Islamic apologist become part of the Democrats platform? Man, as if I needed any more reasons to fear the liberal ideolagy of Democrats!?

Nov 2, 2010 4:44 pm


I'm curious... When did becoming an Islamic apologist become part of the Democrats platform? Man, as if I needed any more reasons to fear the liberal ideolagy of Democrats!?


I'm now starting to understand who will vote for the Angles, O'Donnells, and Paladinos.

What was that line from Forest Gump?

Stupid is as stupid does.

Nov 2, 2010 4:53 pm


Bondguy STFU you arrogant prick


A reason not to join the other advisor forum. As if Times7 and the other knucklehead alter egos haven't already given me enough reason to stay way from that group.

ML, about your screen name, how old are you, 13?

Nov 2, 2010 4:53 pm

BG, you realize that the biggest election issues of Western Europe have been about immigration, and the radical elements of muslims affecting their nations? So, are those folks all stupid too? France, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany...etc...

Avoid the word "stupid" BG, it isn't much of a discussion tactic that leads to anything other than an argument and hard feelings. I don't know, but maybe tomorrow you'll come to realize that liberal arrogance is what created serious election losses?