In 1993, Tucker Anthony rep Harvey Luft spoke to a roomful of bright, eager junior high students at Weston (Conn.) Middle School's Career Day. He explained what brokers do, how the stock market works and what a bull market is to the group of 13...
For years, financial advisers who recommend individually managed accounts (IMAs) to their clients have used a consulting process that includes three basic steps: setting investment objectives, searching out and selecting money managers, and...
For those interested in leading a team or simply making it through this difficult market I would recommend studying the exploits of a man who has been called the greatest leader on earth, bar none. I am referring to Sir Ernest Shackleton, one of...
What is a book of business worth in the free market? The quick and dirty answer is somewhere between one to two times gross revenue. That's for an independent practice. Wirehouse reps and others who work for a firm don't own their books, so they...
Managing Family Trusts is a 355-page, nuts-and-bolt guide by Robert Rikoon. Packed with real-world examples, the book steers financial advisers through the confusing, changing trust industry. Rikoon says there is an opportunity for financial...
UBS PaineWebber is now charging brokers two times gross commissions when clients sell a new issue within 40 trading days, providing the stock hasn’t moved up or down by 10%. The firm announced the policy last Friday. A firm spokesperson says...
Bloomberg interviewed former SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt on Wednesday about broker conflicts like commissions and sales contests. Levitt now sits on the Bloomberg LP board. See the transcript at:
A.G. Edwards says its business is down by about one third. In a quarterly filing with the SEC on July 17, the firm reported that total commissions fell 36% during the quarter that ended May 31, 2001, compared to the same period in 2000. “...