Unscrupulous corporate executives are responsible for the length and severity of the stock market decline since 2000, according to people who should know the rich. An October American Affluence Research Center study revealed that 53 percent of the...
With the market about to end its third straight year in negative territory and Wall Street riven by scandals large and small, the life of the retail stockbroker has not been easy in 2002. Until this stuff gets mopped up and the economy proves to...
No individual, regardless of how smart or experienced, can effectively serve the multidimensional financial needs of the affluent himself. It takes a team.
I generally feel sorry for the person who has rejected me, rather than feeling sorry for myself. Consider that I took the time to call him for the specific intention of bringing him happiness, and he failed to accept it. What a shame for him. A...
Call it Levitt's smackdown. In his new book, the former SEC chairman writes, Brokers may seem like clever financial experts, but they are first and foremost salespeople. This book, a timely release by the longest-serving SEC head ever, is a kick...
Easy Rider I'm sure your intent was not to insult anyone by the title of your article (When that Bundle of Joy Grows Up to Be a Biker Chick, November), but being a biker chick myself, I was a little put off. Not all bikers or biker chicks are...
In the Chinese calendar, 2002 was the Year of the Black Horse. For stockbrokers, 2002 is the Year to Forget. On the business side, the problems have been plentiful. The relentless stock market slide has caused broker incomes to plummet, client...
There is a memorable passage in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, where Alice is confronted with a fork in the road. She asks the Cheshire Cat, Cheshire Puss, would you please tell me which way I ought to go from here? The cat...
For years, I've listened to people in the financial services profession expound on the virtues of planning. To achieve financial success, they intone, their clients must have a plan. Some advisors charge thousands of dollars to prepare this road...
If you're lucky, you may have clients like Greg Glosser's, a financial consultant with RBC Dain Rauscher in Dallas with almost $400 million in assets under management. When the headlines about tainted research involving Enron, Tyco, WorldCom, etc...