These days, baby boomer investors want both security and low fees. To get both, product makers are blurring the distinctions between mutual funds and annuities
What is the view from your office window today? Opportunity, and oh yeah, the most spectacular view of New York you have ever seen. How did you get your first job in the securities industry? I wanted to work for Shearson Lehman Brothers from day...
Are millions of Americans including your clients about to become retirement casualties? With the oldest of the massive baby boomer generation turning 60, we'll soon find out. But the indicators are grim: Only a tiny minority can rely on...
You can breathe easy: Boomers are not going to sink the stock market. At least that's what a July report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) says. There had been some speculation, or perhaps you could call it fear mongering, that as...
In 2001, when Thom Hall, a CFP near Salt Lake City, met Randy and Terri Kelly, a couple living in nearby Ogden, Utah, they had a goal: They wanted to retire when Randy reached 55.
If you've got legal trouble, October may be your lucky month: It's mediation month. The program of events, sponsored by the NASD, kicks off on Oct. 3 at the New York City Bar Association in New York City. Perks include half price on all mediation...
Changing firms is never an easy undertaking. It requires serious research and due diligence. So much so, that you'd think every person who makes a change would know exactly what he was getting in to but that isn't always the case.