When the search for alpha takes conservative portfolios such as the Harvard and Yale endowments into the land of bellies, beans and bullion, investors and their advisors take notice. Consider that David Swensen, in charge of Yale's portfolio (and...
The word was the fourth most Googled word in China last year, beating out which was the most popular keyword on the search engine in other countries. Also beating were the names of three Chinese banks. And instead of wanting to know What is love...
Many would-be philanthropists struggle with choosing which charity will be on the receiving end of their giving. Complicating this choice is the fact that an organization that makes sense for your client right now might not be the optimal choice...
Business - purposeful activity. Plan - a method for achieving an end. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary In the early months of a new year, I have always found it helpful to take a quick reassessment of one's current business plan to use NASCAR...
Registered Rep.: LPL Financial bought three firms from Pac Life in the spring: Mutual Service Corp., Waterstone Financial Group and Associated Securities. How many of the approximate 2,200 reps from those firms have been retained? And what's the...
You might think that in the current economic climate it would be wise to advise a client against installing that new golf pavilion or building a new 15-acre driving range. Some of your wealthiest clients seem inclinded to agree: The average amount...
Using a wide-ranging investing style, Peter Lynch dominated the fund world during the 1980s. The manager of Fidelity Magellan was known to pick stocks from all over the market: He would buy small bank stocks one year and large industrials the next...
Here's a fun fact to know and tell: The average fortune that men and women demand when it comes to marrying for money is $1.5 million, according to a recent survey by Prince & Associates, a Connecticut-based wealth research firm. Of the 1,134...
The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. hired Peter Smythas its senior vice president and director of strategy, development and operations for International Wealth Management. Smyth previously worked for ING Asia Pacific in Hong Kong, where he...
THE QUALIFICATIONS: Anyone can nominate a friend or colleague who meets the following criteria: A minimum of three years in the industry as a producing retail registered rep or investment advisor rep. A minimum of one year with his or her present...