Is New York AG Cuomo Eliot Spitzer incarnate? How much in client assets did UBS's U.S. retail brokerage lose in 2008? Why is Steve Leuthold still bullish?
The current financial regulatory apparatus, all agree (at last), is outdated, having been cobbled together over the decades, beginning after the Great Crash of 1929. Setting aside whether a Glass-Steagall-type law might be resurrected in the wake...
When you weigh the Securities and Exchange Commission’s manpower, technology and budget against the securities industry’s size and complexity, it’s easy to imagine gaps in the regulatory system. With or without an increased...
Looking for a job in troubled markets can be a daunting task. But financial advisors have reason to be hopeful: Despite the turmoil, more firms than ever are hungry for top talent.
Are Wall Street financial advisors ready to be held to a fiduciary standard in all of their dealings with clients? Maybe they should be. In a Tuesday testimony about regulatory reform before the Senate Committee on banking, Housing and Urban...
So, Bernie Madoff might finally plead guilty—but the fallout from his alleged fraud on the financial advisory business might not disappear for a long while. In our February cover story, we detailed how once-highly-regarded retail financial...
House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, D-Mass., gave insurance lobbying groups something to argue about yesterday. In a press conference about financial regulatory reform, Frank said he wants lawmakers to create an optional...
We really don’t want to take sides, but we can’t help but notice that our long-time legal columnist Bill Singer is throwing down the gauntlet again. He’s challenging FINRA—for a meeting. You see, Bill Singer has a history...