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One Thing Advisors Should Avoid Doing in Retirement Planning

One Thing Advisors Should Avoid Doing in Retirement Planning

Avoid a nursing home at all costs.

I recently saw an article about retirement planning, describing that one should consider where nursing home care is the most affordable and think about moving there. As if it were in the category of nicest cities to retire in or best recreational opportunities. I am appalled when I see these comments. For openers, no one I’ve ever met would choose a nursing home for long term care if any other possible option were available. If a client can afford any other arrangement, try planning for that. Consider home care, adult day services, home health agencies and whatever long term care insurance can cover. Never tell them to plan for a nursing home.

There are of course good, well-run nursing homes where long term care is delivered competently and with skill. Unfortunately there are a lot of other nursing homes where the opposite is true. In my opinion as one who has worked in them...


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