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Contrary to human nature, a new study from the Columbia Business School concludes that it may, in fact, be better for investors to leave their portfolios alone, rather than make changes with even moderate f...
Everyone knows that referrals/introductions are the number one driver of new business (our 2015 research confirms this once again). What’s evident, however, is that very few advisors quantify this properly. One of our favorite metrics to review ...
Corralling clients to do what you want - and what's in their best interest - is easier said than done. That's why financial advisors need to act as behavioral coaches with investors to get them through some of those tough times. Vanguard Investme...
Here are a few lessons to think about while you watch all of the classic Christmas movies. Perhaps the most important of all: Family is everyone's top consideration
An advisor who can demonstrate that they understand these women’s needs and can make their lives easier, will likely succeed in acquiring and engaging these types of clients.
Just as an advisor should do due diligence on the investment managers he or she uses, prospective client's are being encouraged to screen their financial advisor before they hand over their money. Steven Abern...
A client who feels appreciated is far more likely to stick with you through a down market, continue to consolidate accounts with you and is more likely to give you referrals