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Part 4: Communicating “personally”

Advisors prefer direct contact with clients over less-targeted communication methods.

Advisors see referrals as the most effective method of attracting new clients, whether passive (69%) or actively solicited (60%). Networking via community business organizations, employer-sponsored workshops or participation in charitable affairs also ranks highly among effective prospecting methods. 

The degree to which these methods depend upon high client satisfaction and personal relationships carries over into advisors’ marketing and communication preferences. Respondents indicate client appreciation events (33%) are the most important marketing tool at their disposal, followed by custodial referral programs (15%) and seminars or invitation-only events (14%).


Perhaps not surprisingly, advisors clearly see in-person meetings and personal phone calls as far more valuable communication channels than impersonal methods such as mass conference calls, podcasts or webinars. The quality of client contacts also appears to outrank quantity for many advisors. Respondents place greater importance on annual meetings and reviews than quarterly or monthly meetings.