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Part 1: Advisors are already familiar with annuity products

Most advisors are familiar with fixed index annuities and have used them in their client portfolios

Annuity contracts have become an increasingly consistent part of financial advisors’ client portfolios. More than three in four advisors report that they sell some form of annuity product. In fact, most advisors (69%) sell between one and 10 annuity contracts per year, a pattern that has held steady for the past two years.

More than 95% of advisors indicate they have at least some familiarity with fixed index annuities. What’s more, nearly two-thirds of advisors indicate they are very familiar with these products and have incorporated them in client portfolios.

However, survey findings indicate advisors tend to use these products sparingly. Most of the advisors who do use fixed index annuities indicate they only use them sometimes, suggesting there may be room for growth in the product category. Currently, large advisors, including those from wirehouses and regional firms, report they are slightly more likely to use fixed index annuities than advisor from smaller firms.

Fixed Annuities Chart