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3 Steps to Encourage a Culture of Innovation With Your Team

Step outside the box.

We live in an era of constant change.

Business cycles are fast. The speed with which new ideas, innovation and new competition come to market is staggering. You either innovate or get beat by those who do.

Many established organizations struggle to innovate – and in some cases so do relatively young organizations. 

Stepping back, it’s easy to see why companies need to have systems and processes to achieve their goals – so boxes are created.

Boxes on an org chart that outline who is responsible for what. All leading to the achievement of the goal. And the machine of “getting things done efficiently to achieve the goal” is created - but innovation is lost, a casualty of efficiency.

Therein lies the danger.

The efficient organization is predictable but often mediocre. Lacking the spark of innovation that once guided it forward...


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